Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1002719-The-Crazy-Adventures-of--IQ-Smith
by nada
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #1002719
family, fun, play a view of life through the eyes of a inquistive minor.
Black smoke buffeted throughout the kitchen ruining the once blue-green flowery cabinets. I.Q. Smith, blue-eyed apple of his mom's eye was smack-dab in the midst of it frantically splashing water on the dimming fire. 'Aaaahhh, I.Q, what have you done to my kitchen, screamed Mildred rushing into the kitchen waving her hands in the air. Mildred looked real funny trying to shoo the black smoke from her kitchen. "Get, get out, she ordered the smoke flapping her hands wildly. I.Q. poured the last drop of his water unto the smouldering mish-mashed cabinets. "Mommy, what are you doing, you look so funny, giggled I.Q. copying his mom odd movements.Wiping away the falling soot that settled in her hair and on her clothes Mildred sighed as she realized this wasn't an accident but the doing of her little man, I.Q. "O.K., young man I want to know how this happened, demanded Mildred giving I.Q a very stern look. Still dancing around the kitchen I.Q. paused, shrugging his shoulders, replying offhandley, "It was an accident, I was just wanted to see what would happen if I mixed baking soda, bleach, and amonia , it was awesome , everything went kaboom he finished crowing with delight!" "Oh good gravy, your father is gonna have fit when he sees this she muttered slapping her forehead!" I.Q. patted his mom's arm consoley saying with naive youthful innocence "But, mom, dad wont get mad cause he always says its ok to make mistakes and learn from them. Mildred misberably eyed the nearly destroyed kitchen, glanced up to the ceiling and immediately screamed. "Aaahh, Issac Quinton Jacobs, what is that on the ceiling, she screeched pointing at the red-winged bird calmly perched on her chandelier. "Uh oh,gulped a guilty-faced I.Q. Those chandeliers meant alotto his mom and he messed up royally by inviting the bird inside to perch on them. Maybe, now wouldn't be the best time to tell her about the curtains as he slunk past his Mom and near the door. "Oh my chandeliers are ruined, scat you little bird, fumed Mildred stamping her feet. "Yaw, yaw squawked the bird strutting across the chandelier fluttering out its feathers. If I.Q, hadn't looked back on that scene and laughed he may have been home free.Mildred's head swiveled around as I.Q. clamped his hand over his mouth a little to late. Folding her arms across her chest Mildred demanded in a soft voice, "Come here Issac, you young man are in deep trouble!" Big-eyed and scared I.Q. dragged his feet back over to his mom.Sighing, she placed her hand on Issac's shoulder. "Well, my mom did say that one day I would try pulling out all of my hair because that's what she did when I was your age and getting into everything, reminisced Mildred lightly as she eyed her sweet boy who stood in front of her with a hung head and tear-filled eyes. Raising his head I.Q asked snuffedly,"Really, you were like me when you were my age, I mean did you let birds in the house and burn stuff up?
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