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Contests & Activities: August 28, 2019 Issue [#9729]

 This week: Judging Process
  Edited by: spidey
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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Welcome to the Contests & Activities Newsletter. I'm spidey , and I'm your Editor this week!

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Letter from the editor

{/u}Judging Process{/u}

I'm really interested in others' processes when they judge a contest. I try to take it very seriously, and I have a process that I tend to follow.

*Star* Scoring system. I often create a spreadsheet with a row for each entry. I rate it in several categories, such as grammar, characterization, imagery, theme, etc. Those will definitely change for different types of contests, such as poetry vs short stories, fiction vs. non-fiction, or short story vs novel. It can be a good way to distinguish between entries.

*Star* I try to review in the mornings when my mind is the most focused. I know not everyone is a morning person! It's good to know when your mind will be clearest and to set aside some quiet time to focus entirely on the task at hand.

*Star* Review! I can't suggest this often enough. Review all entries to your contest! You can try to judge based on your "feeling" or gut-reaction to a story, but you should at least attempt to write out what you liked and didn't like about each entry, so that you know you're devoting time and effort into each entry.

*Star* Rank your entries (whether you're using a rating/scoring system or not) and then go back and compare them before you make your final decision.

For me, it's mostly important that I put in a good amount of effort and thought into my judging responsibilities. I'm not saying everyone should do it the way I do, but I think it's a good idea to analyze your own process. *Smile*

So please let me know below what your process is like!

As always, keep on writing!

purple flower sig

Editor's Picks

Official Writing.Com Contests & Activities:

Good Deeds Get CASH!  [E]
Write reviews to win cash prizes!
by Writing.Com Support

Short Shots: Official WDC Contest  [ASR]
Use the photo to inspire your creativity. Write a short story and win big prizes!
by Writing.Com Support


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by A Guest Visitor

Defeating a God/Goddess Contest  [E]
One-time contest for poetry and prose 250-500 words
by K5Rakitan

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by A Guest Visitor

The Pay it Forward Giveaway - Closed  [E]
Because kindness should be shared
by Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃

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by A Guest Visitor

CLOSED!The Monthly Reading Challenge  [13+]
Read and review a certain number of books within two months period and receive the prizes.
by ~Minja~

The LGBT Writing Contest  [18+]
Short story contest (with great prizes) for LGBT characters.
by Osirantinous

Gang's Monthly Review Board  [13+]
Alumni & Newbies, post all reviews here. Earn badges, ribbons & Gps.
by Osirantinous

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by A Guest Visitor

The Snail Mail Group  [E]
WDC's first letter writing club
by Annette

Some How/To Items that might help you:

 Step By Step Signature Set Up  [E]
Step by step instructions on how to set up your signature.
by Rhoswen - Relentless Victory

On Giving Reviews  [E]
Are you speechless when you stare at that little reviewing box? Here are some tips.
by Roseille ♥

Helping Links  [ASR]
'Help Links' for Newbies and all other members who are still learning
by Maryann

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by A Guest Visitor

Some contest resources:
How to Create a Contest  [ASR]
Things you need to know before you open a contest. Includes a contest template.
by Angels in my Ear

"Create/Edit a Message Forum
Newbie Hyperlinking 101 - Bitem Format  [E]
Learn the ins and outs of creating a link using the bitem format.
by NickiD89

Know of some gems that deserve exposure? Submit them in the feedback form or submission form at the end of this Newsletter, and I'll put them in my next one!

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Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

My last newsletter, ("Contests & Activities Newsletter (July 31, 2019)), and it discussed judging contests. Here is some feedback from last week's Newsletter readers:

Awe... Thank you so very much for adding my " Chatterbox Group to your newsletters! It really does mean a lot [e:heart} ~ Boo

You're quite welcome! *Smile*

Thank you for including my activity! ~ queenkissy

You're very welcome! *Smile*

Hi Spidey, This newsletter couldn't have come at a more appropriate time for me. I am a first-time judge at
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and I am about to make my final selection for the awards. I know the forms, I have researched, studied, and documented {xlink:http://www.poetrymagnumopus.com/forums/forum/23-explore-the-craft-of-writing-poetry/} my findings extensively over several years. That is the easy part.

I am about to judge 14 poems prompted by an obscure Thai form. I read all of them several times and have sent reviews on each. So many times I have read, "it was so hard to judge" when a judge is announcing the winners, and now that I'm in their shoes, I see how hard it is. Thankfully, I do have help from the retiring judge of the forum, but she is leaving it up to me to make the final decision. I have read all of the poems out loud several times. Technically most of the entries are spot on with the elements of the frame as described.

One has one too many syllables in one line but probably transmits the most powerful emotion. Another, one of the more skillfully written poems, misses a connection to the history of the form. I've always gone by the ideal that the content comes first, the form or manner of delivery of the content second. Don't sacrifice meaning or clarity for a rhyme. But this is a forms challenge, I know I'm being picky but ranking these poems above poems that technically hit all of the marks is my quandary and I have until midnight, WDC time to decide.

So kudos to all of the judges out there.

~ Tinker

Awesome! Your feedback inspired my newsletter this month, too! I hope you enjoyed your first time judging, and I hope you continue! *Smile*

What is your judging process like?

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