Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/9554-What-A-Novel-Idea.html
Comedy: May 22, 2019 Issue [#9554]

 This week: What A "Novel" Idea
  Edited by: Lornda
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
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About This Newsletter

This week's Comedy Editor:

"I heard that Amazon has started a program to try to get people to trade in their old bound books to get an electronic reader. They call it “Kindling.”
~Kate Deimling

"I just got out of the hospital. I was in a speed reading contest. I hit a bookmark.
~Stephen Wright

Exploring the world of humorous novels as a different source for a laugh.

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Letter from the editor

         The most popular way to find a laugh can be via the internet, family, movies, and T.V. shows, but what about novels? Is it possible to laugh a lot while reading one? It seems people will recommend the ways above for a laugh, but do they wave a novel in your face and say how funny it is? Only one person has touted a humorous novel as hilarious—my mother with the book: The Grass Is Always Greener Over The Septic Tank, by Erma Bombeck.

         I think it’s time for me to take a break from the corny jokes, cat videos, Super Bowl commercials, movies, and T.V. shows and try another avenue for a laugh. How about reading a comedy and create my own list? It's a novel idea because I have never explored humorous novels to read.

         The books listed below are what I researched and struck me as both humorous and entertaining. If you're looking for a laugh, check them out! If you're interested, a snippet from a Non-Fiction novel in progress has been included at the end.

*Books2* Humorous Fiction:

The Overdue Life of Amy Byler ~ By: Kelly Harms
*Bullet* According to the reviews, this is a quick read and has many laugh-out-loud moments. Sounds good to me!
Blurb:   Overworked and underappreciated, single mom Amy Byler needs a break. So when the guilt-ridden husband who abandoned her shows up and offers to take care of their kids for the summer, she accepts his offer and escapes rural Pennsylvania for New York City.

Less ~ By Andrew Sean Geer
*Bullet* This one appealed to me because it’s about a failed novelist. Sounds funny already!
Blurb:   Who says you can't run away from your problems? You are a failed novelist about to turn fifty. A wedding invitation arrives in the mail: your boyfriend of the past nine years is engaged to someone else. You can't say yes--it would be too awkward--and you can't say no--it would look like defeat. On your desk are a series of invitations to half-baked literary events around the world.

Digging In by: Loretta Nyhan
*Bullet* I read the first chapter and it has me hooked already.
Blurb:   Paige Moresco found her true love in eighth grade—and lost him two years ago. Since his death, she’s been sleepwalking through life, barely holding on for the sake of her teenage son. Her house is a wreck, the grass is overrun with weeds, and she’s at risk of losing her job. As Paige stares at her neglected lawn, she knows she’s hit rock bottom. So she does something entirely unexpected: she begins to dig.

*Books1* Parody:

Bored of the Rings ~ By: Harvard Lampoon
*Bullet* I’m a Lord of the Rings fan, and I never knew this gem of a parody was “out there”. One day, I'm sure this would be a hilarious read. I read the back cover and laughed out loud.

Back Cover:

“What do you mean ‘parodies are exempt’ from copyright law”
~J.R.R. Tolkien

“Books haven’t changed much, I see.”
~A man coming out of a forty-three-year coma

“Guys, we filmed the wrong book.”
~Peter Jackson

*Books3* Humorous Memoirs:

Bossypants ~ By Tina Fey
*Bullet* I’ve always appreciated her wit, so I’m thinking her memoir would be a fun read.
Blurb:    At last, Tina Fey's story can be told. From her youthful days as a vicious nerd to her tour of duty on Saturday Night Live; from her passionately halfhearted pursuit of physical beauty to her life as a mother eating things off the floor; from her one-sided college romance to her nearly fatal honeymoon -- from the beginning of this paragraph to this final sentence.

Let’s Pretend This Never Happened ~ Jenny Lawson
*Bullet* The cover made me laugh! After checking out the reviews and reading the titles, it’s sounds entertaining.
Blurb:    Jenny Lawson realized that the most mortifying moments of our lives—the ones we’d like to pretend never happened—are in fact the ones that define us. In the #1 New York Times bestseller, Lawson takes readers on a hilarious journey recalling her bizarre upbringing in rural Texas, her devastatingly awkward high school years, and her relationship with her long-suffering husband, Victor. Chapters include: “Stanley the Magical, Talking Squirrel” and “A Series of Angry Post-It Notes to My Husband”.

Never a Dull Moment ~ By Lornda
*Bullet* One day, I will write this monster of a novel. It’s the reason why I joined Writing.Com. Here is a snippet from the latest chapter. It happened two weeks ago with my mother-in-law, and I hope it will entertain you!
The voice with the thick British accent was one octave higher than yesterday. No one in the family admitted her to the old folk’s home. She decided to have an operation on her foot and had to recover at this facility because she could not look after herself. Why did it have to be in my neck of the woods? She sat in the large lazy-boy chair wrapped in a crochet blanket, foot in the air, and her mouth moved at an incredible rate.

“I only have four weeks to go before I can go home, and I can’t stand it here. It’s boring, the food is terrible, and a crazy man barges in all the time. If I had my way, I’d be out of here right now. The worst part is, I’m surrounded by all these old people, and all they do is complain and talk so loud it’s driving me to the loony bin. Do you hear me?”

I blinked but inside my head, I rolled my eyes to the next dimension. The words, “But you’re—” hung in the air, and I finished the sentence in my head. . . . eighty-four.

         It should be an easy book to write. No imagination needed. Only the real life.

         I was surprised how many humorous novels are written by famous people. For instance, next on my list is a spy spoof written by Hugh Laurie of Fry&Laurie and House fame. Also, one of my favorite singers, Sara Bareilles has written a memoir called, Sounds Like Me, and after reading the preview, I can tell she has a sense of humor. Even Tom Hanks has a book out full of short stories. With all the novels I have lined-up, I might forget how to find YouTube!

Next time you need a laugh, consider reading a humorous novel. Don't worry, you can always watch the cat videos at work!

A sig for the best genre in the world--Comedy!

Editor's Picks

*Magnify* These stories and poems were found as a result of the search words Writer and Novel. Enjoy!

Writing a Novel  [13+]
One writer's musings on the process of producing a publishable product
by Dan I Am

Crash-Landing on Planet Wryte Dah Cahm!  [E]
When pilot, J.Tool lands on an uncharted planet, the experience is surreal & difficult.
by Jay O'Toole

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Dear Writer's Block  [E]
A divorce letter to my old companion. A Pretty Pesky Prompts Entry (Form: Prose Poetry)
by 🌕 HuntersMoon

Rewriting Sarah's Mittens  [ASR]
Alex is helping Zach at becoming a better writer.
by Than Pence


 I Wanna Be A Writer  [E]
A sonnet about the aspirations of an over-confident, wannabe novelist
by Christopher Roy Denton

 Writers Wonderland  [E]
A twist on the classic winter song, "Winter Wonderland"
by sadorose

Gone with the Whim  [E]
She is at odds with Microsoft Word.
by Teargen

 The Enemy of the Word  [E]
A writer's worst enemy. Mostly written for fun.
by elizjohn

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Ask & Answer

*Questionb* Have you every read a funny novel? Any recommendations?

Thanks for the feedback on my last newsletter, "Time for a Commercial Break

Christopher Roy Denton : "I love Harrison's dog, but I didn't get the cheese cutting story. Drinking beer helps you cut cheese?"
Oh no! This is one of those moments in my life that gives me anxiety. It's like I have to explain "the joke." So ... think of this way ... it's like they're talking about one thing but it really means another. Oh look. Over there, Chris/Bob/Robert. A squirrel.
*Rolling* I will email you the explanation because there isn't enough room here. *Laugh*

the Wordy Jay : "Thai commercials are my favourite. They've never inspired me to do anything more than laugh though . . . *Laugh* Here are a few to get those endorphins flowing!"




These are hilarious. Especially the one with the poor guy celebrating his anniversary. The ending had me laughing out loud. I've never seen these before, so thanks for sharing the laughs!

Quick-Quill : Oh yes. I loved your offerings. I have two; the Light TUNA lady. I go back and watch it now and then and LOL all over again. Also the McDonald's commercial with the boy in front of the aquarium. When they see he takes out a fish sandwich they are horrified and flee. I love comedy commercials. Hey "It's hump day" is still one I use every Wednesday when I make my phone calls.
I remember the McDonald's one, but I'm going to check out the others. *Cool* Thanks for the comment and for sharing your favorites!

dragonwoman : Where's The Beef? commercial got me every time it aired.
Thanks for mentioning this one. I was going to include this one because there's no doubt, it's one of the original humorous commercials. *Bigsmile*

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