Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/9469-Comedy-Christmas.html
Comedy: April 03, 2019 Issue [#9469]

 This week: Comedy Christmas
  Edited by: Spirit HalloWaltz
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

I kid around a lot, but pranks are not my best strength!
         -Betty White

I just love pranks, man. They're great. I don't understand why people don't do 'em more often.
         -Jermaine Fowler

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Since you're reading this, I'm going to assume you survived another April Fools' Day.

The day puts me in a sweat every year. People seem to think that because I sometimes write stuff that some people believe to be funny, that I appreciate pranks.

I do not.

Well, to be clear, I appreciate pranks played on someone else. I'm funny that way.

I spend all of April 1 cocooned in my safe space, all day, every year, because people misunderstand this simple fact.

Even when I get up to answer nature's call, I have to case the joint first. I have a housemate, see, and one year I made the mistake of laughing for thirty minutes straight. She ventured up the stairs to see what was so funny and I pointed to a picture I saw: someone had rigged an air horn to a toilet seat.

Now, this has only about a 25% chance of working on me for obvious reasons - or, well, reasons that would be obvious if you saw me naked, which if you do I refuse to accept responsibility for your inevitable therapy - but I figure, why take chances?

Check the floors, check the sink, check the toilet seat, and for the love of all that is holy check the door because you never know when someone's rigged it with an air horn or a bucket of ice water or a fake spider. Or, hell, a real spider.

See? All those things are amusing when they happen to someone else.

April Fools' Day, therefore, may be Christmas to pranksters, but it's Veteran's Day for me: somber, reflective, and full of PTSD.

In the end, though, my worries were for naught... unless she's playing the long game. I didn't get pranked, not this year.

So, 'fess up below - how did you get got?

Editor's Picks

Just some funnies that probably don't involve April, Fools, or Days:

 A Moment  [E]
Written for the Anecdotal Arms Contest and my daily writing exercise.
by thea marie

 All the fun of the fair!  [E]
A brief poem (with a twist) about the excitement of visiting a fairground
by Morshdi1

 One last square  [13+]
One man comes face to face with the "last square in the roll" problem
by Wyze

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Accelerated Silences  [E]
Keeping warm an unconventional way.
by Jatog the Green

 Soap In My Eyes  [E]
Poem for Writer's Cramp contest - Write a piece that goes with the title: Soap in My Eyes.
by Christianna

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Last time, in "I Don't Get It, I talked about jokes that you just don't get.

Apparently, no one got the joke, as there were no comments.

So that's it for me for now - see you in four weeks! Until then,


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