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Comedy: October 05, 2016 Issue [#7894]

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 This week: Comedy of Horror Or Horror of Comedy?
  Edited by: Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Image for the H/S nl

I recently watched “The Shining” with Jack Nicholson. You can always depend on Stephen King to entertain. Yes, folks, you have opened the right page. No, it’s not the Horror/Scary Newsletter.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Welcome from somewhere in New England, as we start heading into the Halloween season. Live from your monitor! It’s the Comedy Newsletter!

Folks, by now we all know WebWitch’s love for the festivities of the month of October. I am a big fan of Halloween. For years I worked on perfecting my spooky decorations to scare the little goblins who approached the front porch. I hung animated ghouls, placed the graves in the front yard, put out the coffin, the skeletons and ghosts all over the place, and even the fog machine to spritz out the smoky substance to the tune of some creepy music in the background.

However, for the past few years, I have been running South to Florida before Halloween arrives. In some ways I really miss being North until after Halloween, however, a few years ago the Great Halloween Blizzard hit our area and for the first time in my Halloween history, Halloween was postponed. *Shock* I was devastated, as well I imagine, as the children who go trick or treating. Well actually they got a bonus that year, no school for five days and still had make-up-night “Halloween” in November. No important day in November, just some random, snow’s been removed enough to allow the street passable for the greedy little candy grabbers to set out on their mission.

Yeah, see what I mean? They think Halloween is just a candy grab. They don’t understand the intricacies of putting together the stage for such a huge event. The weeks of work I put into setting the scene to please them. It was all about them, their candy, no matter which day Halloween would fall on. Imagine thinking Halloween is just for kids?

Oh, no, no worries just a lapse of adult Halloween behavior, here. Of course Halloween is mainly for the children. Yes, it is for children of all ages, young or old and in between. It is a state of mind. If you supply the anticipation, build the fun each day of the month by adding a little more to your decor, the spirit will be felt by all those around you and you will bring joy, and joy brings smiles, and your face won’t crack, either! Plus it’s fun. And fun brings laughter.

So, even on the evening of horror, you could make it comical. Watch the eyes grow as a tiny tike heads toward your front door a bit apprehensive, with a parent next to their little Lady Bug assuring her that it will be okay, she will survive the night and have loads of candy for her efforts. You can’t help but laugh when you see those precious ones in costumes. You become a part of making their special night memorable.

Oh, just in case you didn’t know this, all that candy collecting by toddlers? Yeah, no -- not going into their bellies. Mama and Papa will be screening the bag for all the good stuff and eating it. Count on it! The Lady Bug will question the lightness of her candy-booty, bag, and be told by her parents that they removed all candy bars with ripped wrappers, for her own safety. Hey, it worked for me for years. Until the kids were old enough to claim they could check their own bags of candy for anything suspicious and show us the undesirable ones so we may take parental action and call in the FBI, CIA, NSA, or Mulder and Scully from the X-Files, to capture the wrongful wrapper ripper. However, I digress, so let’s revisit Stephen King.

The Shining has its memorable moments. Jack Nicholson is excellent turning crazy right before our eyes. Just look at his eyes. He brings the terror and the humor with his unforgettable line, “Wendy, I’m home,” and, “Here’s Johnny!” Of course our need to laugh at his behavior is short lived as he is holding an ax in his hands. How is that so? How does the “bad guy” make us laugh? Why should he be anything but totally demented and serious? And what’s Halloween got to do with anything, except for the fact that they play lots of horror movies during the month of October?

Well, the candle-waxing-eloquence of my love for Halloween was just a way to bring you to the place where we are now. Halloween is a time of comedy and horror. It’s the mixing of both genres that keep the excitement of the evening lasting until the light of the Jack O’ Lantern goes out.

Think about those odd genre-partners when building your characters. Make them have layers -- dimensions, like real people. Since we all experience moments of laughter and humor in our lives as well as frightening ones, we can utilize those experiences when building our characters whatever genre you place them into. Give them a chance to have moments of laughter, or the ability to make others laugh, even if you’ve set them up as the evil-incarnate persona. A well rounded character cannot exist through an entire book without having a humorous moment. Even those scary monsters enjoy a laugh. Don’t believe me? Watch Mr. King’s “IT” on a video or television during this spooky month. He does enjoy a good laugh, as do we all.

Happy Halloween month folks. Enjoy it to the fullest -- I know this Witch, will! *Witch*

Until next time -- laugh hard, laugh often. And add a twist of humor to your characters this month.

This is one of my new sigs

Editor's Picks

Walking with the Dead  (13+)
Getting killed on Halloween is no fun - and now I have to deal with this kid too...
#1167160 by iKïyå§amaCabre

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2043124 by Not Available.

The Three Deceasedos  (18+)
Acme Comedy Scream Halloween Short Story Oct09
#1606102 by Indelible Ink

"Born before the Midnight Bell Tolls"  (18+)
A Brief Comedy of Horror
#1330562 by Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs

Lost Soul  (ASR)
A lost soul gets his eyes opened.
#1957820 by ß00eyeʐ

When TV People Were Still Classy  (13+)
Yes, Bunky, there was a time when ghosts only came after you if you, well, DESERVED it.
#1955977 by Indelible Ink

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1955750 by Not Available.

Spoof Review :Movie Classic"Halloween"  (18+)
A spoof review of the horror classic"Halloween"
#1321185 by Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs

You may want to try your hand at Comedy/Horror:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1314367 by Not Available.

Also, check out these two October Funtivities:

Ghost-Witch Bingo...Game Over!
#2095903 by Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs

The Witch's Garden   (13+)
#567890 by Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs


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Ask & Answer

♥OctOGRE tHiNg♥

I am with you, Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs ! We got rid of Direct TV in March of 2015, and have never for one minute missed it. We have Netflix and Amazon Prime, and Netflix mailing disks, which is all we need. Every week Direct TV sends us things begging us to come back. They should have treated us right as we were their pay on time customers for almost 8 years. But when we were their customers they jacked up the bill for no reason and treated us like a nuisance on the phone. So, they can waste all the money they want we would never go back after they raised the bill like they did there. The day of interesting cable programming is long gone. Viva la Netflix! Viva la Free TV that we hardly watch anymore because of those stupid commercials you speak of! Viva having a choice!

Amen to all of it, tHiNg! How many nights does the remote fly through channels to see the big lie. Repeating the same movie over and over, and sometimes simultaneously? It is getting ridiculous. Good for you for breaking free. I must have received at least three more invitations to sign on to Direct TV since the last newsletter. They will never learn.

Thanks for the feedback, kiddo! *Delight*

Marci Missing Everyone

~WW~ I laughed so hard at this newsletter because it is so true!!! You put a great spin on the drudgery of spam in all areas of technology and snail mail. Now, take a breath, and don't send that sweet little telemarketer to the looney bin!

*Laugh* Great word for spam -- drudgery. I go through 80% of the snail mail to get to my own, personal mail. Perhaps we should charge them for taking up space in the trash bin. *Ha*


I truly hate collectin' all the Pre-Approved Mail from our mailbox, Webby, for along with this kind of thing, I wonder what the world will be seeking next? Will there be old, wicked obese dudes and ladies walking into the local Mutual Of Omahas Office to submit a form for a pre-approved heart attack? I tell you, its a Mad Mad World out there! Meanwhile....back on the ranch....I truly loved your NL, it holds water every which way. I think it was nice having the WDC Birthday Bash come to a close at this point, for I am starting to hunger for bacon once again! Who woulda thunk it?

It is maddening, as you know. What a waste of paper, and plastic, with all those membership cards sent in hopes that we'll join. I especially hate those AARP letters and cards asking me to join. They make me feel old just sitting in my mailbox! *Laugh*

LJPC - the tortoise

Hi WW! Yes, you have it right. We're deluged by junk mail, spam, and unsolicited ads. Ugh. And there are those lovely phone sales calls that always come at a bad time (though there's never a good time to get a sales call). I agree: Stop the junk mail. Save a tree and let me be!! *Laugh*
~ Laura

I couldn't have said it better myself, Laura. *Rolling* Thanks for your feedback. It's always a pleasure!


Hi, Web!
Thank you so much for featuring my story in the Newsletter! That makes my day!

You are so welcome, Angus! I'm happy it made your day. *Cool*

Via email: Quick-Quill

Dear WW,
I finished watching the four episodes of Better Late than Never. Being of an age a few years younger than Terry Bradshaw's recent 67th, I enjoyed every moment. I hope they include the uncut version in the DVD. Comedy ensues the moment the 4 begin their Asian tour. One gut wrenching laugh after another until I had to go back and rewatch them all over again with my daughter.
When Henry Winkler and William Shatner are sitting in their cubes talking and Jeff Dye hops out naked to use the facilities I burst out laughing. His line "I never knew he was Jewish." I fell off the couch in howls. Lord just the memory of some of the things they ate and did have me smiling right now.

Life is full of comedy especially when you put four older men with one young man on a trip. We need to see more comedy like this.

Life is indeed comedy.I often said my life's a joke. But that can't be a bad thing, for if life's a joke, you will die laughing! *Laugh* *Rolling*

Comment on a recent newsletter: "Comedy Newsletter (March 25, 2015)


Lookie whata I found! Thanks for the jokes. I've found very little to laugh about my taxes this month! BoB. *Ha*

*Rolling* Got to love that BoB! Thanks for the feedback, Whata. That was a taxing newsletter to write. *RollEyes*

Thank you for your feedback folks! We editors really appreciate it.

See you next month.

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