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Comedy: August 17, 2016 Issue [#7813]

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 This week: Olympic Bloopers
  Edited by: Marci Missing Everyone
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hello! It's Marci! Have I got some funny moments this week. Have you been watching the Olympics? Let's see how we can get some funny out of the gold!

Funnies from Funny Olympic Quotes  .

"Kiteboarding takes wind out of surfers' sails."

"A great-grandmother will participate in the Olympic torch relay just weeks after she turns 100. Talk about an old flame."

"Olympic flame: Ready, steady, glow!"

Word from our sponsor

ASIN: 1945043032
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Letter from the editor

Right now, the big news across the world is the Olympics in Rio, Brazil. Now I have been very proud of the USA, and I’m sure each of you has felt the same way about your own countries. I’ve enjoyed watching athletes at the top of their game. Michael Phelps in swimming, Simone Biles in gymnastics, Katy Ledecky in swimming, and the Jamaican sprint runner Usain Bolt were all amazing to watch. I would name more from other countries, but these are the main athletes I remember. *Laugh* You may feel free to send a comment back to me with your favorite for next time.

Now, you cannot have a huge sports event without having bloopers. These bloopers may come from the athletes, their coaches, their families, the spectators, and the media. Regardless… they are all hilarious!

While all the athletes have been amazing, they have also had their own fail moments.

How about when Phelps went to put on his swimming cap and it ripped in half? Not funny enough?

In one of the soccer games, an athlete accidentally got his shorts pulled down. It was definitely an unexpected moon.

In pole vaulting, an athlete put his pole down at the wrong time and instead of going over the rod went straight into the mat. Not onto, but into from the side. That was what my daughter would call an epic fail.

One of the runners was waving at the crowd and ran into a cameraman.

And did you know if you get one false start during a track event, you are out of that event? No second chances. One guy tried to get the advantage but got caught. I never did like cheaters. I definitely had to laugh at that one.

One of the female gymnasts jumped the vault and landed on her hind end. Instead of jumping up like all the other ones do, she just sat there. I mean, I know it’s the end of that event, but you’re still beautiful. Stand up and be the proud athlete you are. I had to shake my head on that one.

Would you like to see more Olympic bloopers and epic fails, then go to youtube.com, but put in Official Olympic bloopers, or you won’t necessarily get the real thing.

And one more thing before I go… I love watching power athletes. These little girls that have so much strength and poise in gymnastics just amaze me. And my husband asked me if I played volleyball in high school, which I did. Then he asked me if I was good at it. That was a big fat “NO”. God did not make me an athlete. I used to go to gym class and ask God… really? I mean, I have the spirit of an athlete, but not the grace, endurance, or talent of an athlete. *Rolleyes* Seriously? Couldn't I have been good at one athletic event? *Laugh* Nope. Not in the cards for me.

Enjoy the last week of the 2016 Olympics and until next time… live, laugh, and write! *Penp*

Editor's Picks

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The Referee  (E)
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Mickelson's Nine  (E)
A nine iron's day.
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#1977311 by Not Available.

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Ask & Answer

Feedback from my last Comedy Newsletter about Pokemon Go!

From SB Musing
I hear about Pokemon Go! all the time and I'm just like isn't that really old by now? *Confused* Like I thought that this was finished as a series...

Oh, it's an app... I feel so old. I'm not in the times with app playing, obviously. I heard a story about this girl looking for a Pokemon go and finding a dead body. *Shock2* Then she was allowed to go back and they were like what are you going to do little lady?

"I have to go get my Pokemon I wasn't allowed to get with all you people around. Duh."

*Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh* That does not surprise me!

From Elle - on hiatus
Your newsletter about Pokemon Go made me laugh. My husband is currently on a health kick, training with a personal trainer twice a week and being careful what he eats, etc. He's been nagging me to go for walks with him, but frankly, I'm lazy. *Laugh* So I heard about Pokemon Go and I liked the idea that it encouraged kids to get out and about walking (which is a good thing when you have a teenager who hides in his bedroom all the time). So I got it and so did my daughter. Sadly, the teenager turned his nose up because 'It's not real Pokemon.' *Rolleyes* I started walking at lunchtimes in town and then in the evenings with my husband and daughter. My daily 'steps' increased by 4-6,000 per day, just by playing the game. My daughter no longer asks me to drive her to school in the morning, because there is a Pokestop on the way if she walks. My husband is a bit gobsmacked, and while he teases me about it, secretly he's delighted that I'm finally out walking. Despite all the stories about people doing stupid things while playing, it's only done good things for my daughter and I. *Smile*

It really has helped a lot of people get up and walk. I'm not gonna lie... I cheat. I can't get out and walk because of my current situation (which I'm getting ready to hopefully change), but I play while we are in the car. You'd be surprised how many Pokemon you can find at stoplights. *Laugh*

From papadoc1
I confess! I CONFESS! I chased the GoT Pokemon all the way UP the Reviewer Listings on WDC...and am afraid to come DOWN!! *Shock2*
Actually, this WAS a funny Comedy NL, Mar!! Keep up the goofs and guffaws!!

Thanks, Papadoc!

From Ross.P
I would just like to thank you for featuring my short little prose piece "Banality" in your newsletter, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

You are so welcome! *Bigsmile*

There's a Harry Potter Go, too, I hear. *Facepalm*

Need I say more? *Laugh*

Question for next time: What are some of your own epic sports fails?

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