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Prompt for June 2016: Write a story about a character whose best friend is something other than another human being. It can be a pet, robot, inanimate object, imaginary friend, or anything else you can come up with!

January 1978. The excesses of Christmas on New Year's safely behind us, we were ready for a holiday. Winter in Germany is a grey, damp time. It rarely gets cold, and snow is an event where we lived, at the foot of the Black Forest. All in all, much easier to take than a Canadian winter. Nevertheless, we felt we were ready for a bit of sun and warmth. Spain was the logical choice, but Constance had spent several months there the previous year and I wasn't too keen on the idea either. Somewhere exotic was the answer.

Rodney Armstrong is a private detective by trade, a boxer by passion and a screenwriter by desire. Rodney has a small office in New York and takes on cases that peak his interest. Just enough to pay the bills. The rest of the time he spends in front of his computer typing out screenplays that he thinks are a sure fire hit. As if the turndowns are not harsh enough on him he also goes to the gym daily for his workouts and a boxing match that he usually loses.

"What did you say? I didn't hear you just now, the line seems to be disturbed."
He laughed his beautiful laugh. "I said yes, of course, why not, or did your hearing aid stop functioning?"
I felt a blush coming up at the other end. "I am not that old", I uttered, feeling both joy and stress at the same time. I had just asked this man out, what was I thinking?

“This time… this time I’m going to do it!” I said it loudly, excited, hopeful…
I could almost feel the sneer, even before the words finished forming.
“Of course you will.” It was dripping with sarcasm.
“No, really. I really mean it. This time it’ll work.” I sounded confident. I did mean it.
“What makes you think you can actually do it? You’ve failed so many times before.”
Failed. What a harsh word. But it’s right. I have failed – every single time I tried.

Arie is an eleven-year-old medium sized terrier of brown and white complexion. He is playful, funny, not that bright and very much the ideal dog for me. Friendly to people, not so friendly to other dogs which is his only weakness. Walking outside and meeting other dogs is no picnic in the park. He barks a lot, and is protective to his owner. I sometimes take another route just to avoid unpleasantness.

All through his waking life as an ambitious travel photographer, he would lead his equally ambitious bunch of photo hungry Turks who would crisscross the entire length and breadth of the Gulf every Friday, seeking out unique places completely off the map while unlocking new vistas for exploration and adventure.
But the identifying hallmark and sheer brilliance of his work lay in the interplay of shadows and lighting in every one of his photos.

Plagiarism is taken rather seriously these days. Even in school, I was required to sign a paper by my history teacher, saying that I would not plagiarize on my research report. The consequences would be a 0 on my grade. My teacher had even downloaded a plagiarism app to run all of our writings through. It forced me to take extra precaution in making certain that the words I was writing were my own.

I shoved my camera back into the left pocket in my hip strap and pulled the hood of my raincoat over my head. Looking ahead, I could see that past this gorgeous view, there were more ominous clouds looming over the next peak. Having five and a half miles to go before we could set up the tent and rehydrate some dehydrated dinner, I was eager to get back on the trail. As we continued that day’s hike through the Wind River Range, there was little conversation among the group. This was not typical, but I happily accepted the chance to catch my breath (since I was 10,000 feet above sea level) and spend some time just thinking.

I wish someone told me. No, I wish someone screamed it at me. I wish someone warned me about him.
What if it was different? What if I was told? What if I did know? How would it have turned out then?
What about him? What if he changed? What if he didn't break me? Why does this have too happen to me?
Why doesn't God take the pain away? Why does he leave a cloud around me? Why doesn't He lift the burden from my shoulders?
