Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/7519-Our-Villain-Has-a-Life-Too.html
Action/Adventure: March 09, 2016 Issue [#7519]

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 This week: Our Villain Has a Life Too
  Edited by: Kate - Writing & Reading
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

          Welcome to this week's edition of the WDC Action & Adventure Newsletter, I'm honored to be your guest host today ^_^

"As there is a use in medicines for poisons,
so the world cannot move without rogues."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

         Greetings, my fellow adventurers.

         Consider the challengers to your quest, your adventure in prose or verse. Without a challenge, obstacles to overcome, it's not an adventure, but mere exercise in prose.

         The villains, the antagonists, be they mortal or of other ilk, have a reason for acting as they do. Your character, and readers, want to engage and overcome (or not) the obstacles the villain or antagonist throws their way.

         These villains are the characters you love to hate ~ but do you hate them for the right reasons. Do you learn what makes them 'evil' and what drives them to be truly 'bad.' Maybe your villain isn't 100% evil - maybe he/she draws your sympathy. But to be a villain, he or she must be capable of doing some bad things; and they need to be convincing.

         Villains who are evil 'just because' quickly get boring.

         Villain, just like 'hero' or 'good guy', needs a reason to act as he or she does; what drives the villain to be nefarious, act outside the realm of what's considered 'good'. Consider the following possibilities:

         *Bulletg*Greed -- the desire or compulsion to have more money, power, more anything.

         *BulletR*Power - To rule, command, be at that top of the heap (regardless the nature of the heap).

         *Bulleto*Revenge - To avenge a loved one, vengeance for past betrayal.

         *Bulletb*Fear - Yes, villains can be afraid - of a person, a country, a gender, you name it.

         *Bulletgr*Knowledge - Being the first or only one to control others with knowledge, another form of greed I'd say?

         *Bulletp*Insanity - Yes, there are the nuts and crazies who will thwart your adventurer just because they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

         *Bulletv*Hatred - The villain hates the adventurer, perhaps the result of a past encounter either with the adventurer or one who recalls the adventurer in mannerism or the quest. Hate can also be directed towards humanity in general, a city, nation, culture or form of being.

         Not all evils are the same. Your 'evil' may be a born bully or fiend - or maybe the formerly bullied kid who becomes the real bad guy. Get to know your bad guy. It's important to your adventurer as well as your readers to know the why of your evildoer.

         *Burstr*What was the turning point that made him evil? Was there an event, real or perceived? or someone/thing the villain relied upon, betrayed, or ...[imagine and make it real]

Sometimes you just need to get to know your villain just a little bit more. Even if you don't include everything into your story, knowing the back-story for your character can help. A few things that can help you give life to your villain include ~

         *Burstbl**How did they get there? What made them evil? Was it an event, a trauma? Was it their upbringing, their childhood - or lack of childhood? A physical difference or lack of difference?

         *Burstb*What do they like? They have to like something or care for something in their life - a person, a beloved pet, a place called home, the scent of fresh cinnamon buns? There has to be something.

         Consider writing the bad guy's story. It's a fun exercise and, whether or not the full story ends up in your adventure, knowing his or her story yourself, as writer, will translate to a more believable and real adventure to engage your readers.

Write On~engage your adventure!

Kate - Writing & Reading

Editor's Picks

Check out these adventures and I hope you let the writers know how they and their characters have engaged you, with a comment, a review, or by engaging in the adventure

 the beast within  (E)
the last of my little poems that I wrote long ago
#1691487 by mr.pennybottomwinkle

 Why Can't a SpaceVillain be Good  (18+)
Most SpaceVillains are bad. But not all if them. This is the story about one of them.
#2066997 by PureSciFi

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1999373 by Not Available.

 Why Can't a SpaceVillain be Good  (18+)
Most SpaceVillains are bad. But not all if them. This is the story about one of them.
#2066997 by PureSciFi

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2076966 by Not Available.

 Nemesis  (E)
How do you stop the meddling of the Dark Angel? Scorpio knows you need the perfect bait.
#2075133 by stevelegend

Twisted Tales Contest  (13+)
A monthly contest for stories with a twist. Get 500 GPs for entering! Sept round open!
#1269187 by Arakun the twisted raccoon

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

         Thank you for sharing this exploration, this adventure, with me. I invite you to explore both your adventurer - and your villain - and see how they interact to weave the adventure.

          Until we next meet,

Write On!

Kate - Writing & Reading

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/7519-Our-Villain-Has-a-Life-Too.html