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Spiritual: July 22, 2015 Issue [#7108]

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 This week: Who/What is God to You?
  Edited by: Sophyween
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hi, I'm Sophyween ~ your editor for this edition of the Spiritual Newsletter.

The Rev. Scotty McLennan, author of the book Finding Your Religion, compares humanity's innate need for spiritual searching to climbing a mountain. In his view, we are all endeavoring to climb the same figurative mountain in our search for the divine, we just may take different ways to get there. In other words, there is one "God," but many paths. I honor whatever path or paths you have chosen to climb that mountain in your quest for the Sacred.

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Letter from the editor

Who/What is God to You?

Acts 17: 28-29
For “In him we live and move and have our being”; as even some of your own poets have said, “For we too are his offspring.” Since we are God’s offspring, we ought not to think that the deity is like gold, or silver, or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of mortals.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, spoke of what he called the Oversoul:
Let us learn the revelation of all nature and thought; that the Highest dwells within us, that the sources of nature are in our own minds. As there is no screen or ceiling between our heads and the infinite heavens, so there is no bar or wall in the soul where we, the effect, cease, and God, the cause begins. Within us is the soul of the whole, the wise silence, the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal One. When it breathes through our will, it is virtue; when it flows through our affections, it is love.

Who/what is God for you? What would you draw if asked to create an image of the Sacred Mystery? What poem would you write? What statement of belief would you create?

My original conception of God was of an old white male with a flowing white beard, wearing a white robe and carrying a large stick – sort of a cross between Moses and a heavenly Santa Claus who lived somewhere beyond the clouds. He was distant and judgmental – he created everything in the world and he could just as easily take it all out. His rules were simple – if you were good, he rewarded you; if you were bad, he punished you. He was considered by many to be a loving father who cared so much for us that he wanted what was best for us, as long as we followed the rules. For me he was remote and distant, a heavenly authority figure to be feared and obeyed.

My view of God was dashed at the age 16 due a physical life crisis, which led to a complete rejection of that God. As I slowly made my way forward on my spiritual path, my return to a faith in some sort of Divine “Other” evolved into a caring, loving, non-human life force who was within me and all around me. Marcus Borg helped me name it eventually as panentheism, and for many years that perception was of great comfort and hope for me. Now there are days I still wonder if there is anything “more” than this earthly plane, and other days I am convinced there is, and on either of those days I don’t stress or worry about it. Whether there is or there isn’t, whether a Divine Other can be proven or not, does not concern me. How we live in community with one another, how we treat the rest of creation, is where my energies lie – and while some would say my inclination is proof there is something spiritual and spirit-driven about our existence, I am agnostic on that point. I just don’t know for sure, I never will, at least in this form, and that’s okay with me. I am at peace.

As I say that I also recognize there is a universal human need, it seems, to find some image, some name, for belief in what many of us now refer to as Sacred Mystery. And with that there is also a universal human need to describe it, own it, define it, understand it, prove that our perceptions about it are the correct ones, and use them to control others. At our core, we need a name to cry out to in our deepest despair; a voice to listen for in our moments of doubt; a presence to thank when overcome with joy. What is that for you? What would you draw if asked to create an image of the Sacred Mystery?

What poem would you write? What statement of belief would you create? In the end, for me anyway, it doesn’t really matter what name we give to that transcending mystery and wonder. What matters most for me is that whatever it is, if it even is, that it inspire us toward a profound compassion for all that dwell on this earth, and for the earth itself – by whatever name we call it.

I invite you to share the answer to the question “Who/What is God for you? by responding in the comments below - be creative. Don't just repeat what others say or quote Scripture - write who God is to YOU from your own perspective.

Editor's Picks

Below you'll find some spiritual offerings from other WDC members. Please let the folks know if you read their piece by leaving a thoughtful comment or review. I realize I post mostly poems, but that is because it is tough to find other types of spiritual writing on the site (most are poems). If you have something you would like me to highlight, please do share it with me, thanks!

 She Remembers  (E)
Where we are from we shall one day return
#2048075 by Druid MoonCat

 Coming Out  (E)
Short story of realisation of this life journey
#2048709 by Trinity emerald

 The Maple Seed Helicopter  (E)
The Beauty of Innocence
#2049863 by Mac1

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2048753 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2049436 by Not Available.

 All of me  (E)
Feeling like the universe is pushing me to become someone new without any choice.
#2049770 by Jadedjenz

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2049593 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Here is a response to my last newsletter "Spiritual Newsletter (June 24, 2015) about becoming "Unplugged."

From Joto-Kai
Thanks for featuring me! I was thinking of asking you to do so. I hope that it touches people the way that the dream touched me.

You are most welcome!

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From Incurable Romantic
Sophy, I noticed something while reading your article on taking a break from technology. I've pasted two consecutive lines from your article at the end of this comment. The first line says "How to Give Yourself a Break from Technology". Great title. But the second line implies the first line can't be accomplished. Because the second line gives us a URL to that article. This has us USING the technology we're SUPPOSED to be taking a BREAK from. How does that work? I'd like to see someone figure out a way to break that cycle. *Smile* - Jim

How to Give Yourself a Break from Technology

*Laugh* I wasn't suggesting to quit technology forever - I was suggesting taking a BREAK, and unplugging once in a while. After all, I wrote the article for an ONLINE newsletter. *Wink* Thus the internet link which had some great suggestions which one can access when one is plugged in.

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From Elfin Dragon-finally published
It is so true that it seems gone are the days when families sat at the table together for dinner and talked about their days. It's certainly what I grew up with. No TV, no gadgets, maybe some soft music in the background, but that was it. Of course The internet didn't even begin to get big until I went into college and I was nearing 20. So like you even though I'm connected to Tech Items...I give my computer a bed time, because I need one too. I relax with some TV before bed, I even take a whole day or two off from Tech. (oh the horror!) *Laugh* I simply believe that it shouldn't run our lives.

I love the practice of giving your computer a bed time - excellent idea! Maybe we need to do that with our phones as well. Thank you for writing in!

*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

Please keep your comments and suggestions coming! Until next time! Sophyween

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