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Romance/Love: April 15, 2015 Issue [#6932]

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 This week: Out of Your Comfort Zone- That's Love!
  Edited by: Crys-not really here
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
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About This Newsletter

Hello! My name is Crys-not really here . Welcome to the Romance/Love Newsletter!

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Letter from the editor

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Out of Your Comfort Zone- That's Love!

I recently attended a rally for independent sales reps for a direct sales company with which I work. As you can imagine, there were many women of all ages in attendance. It's no secret that women make up the majority of direct sales companies- especially those dealing with make-up and home fragrances! What surprised me, however, were the amount of husbands in attendance, happily wearing their pink gear and talking about how to sell the newest fragrances.

Many of the most successful reps seemed to have something in common: a partner who was willing to step outside his comfort zone to help his wife succeed. That got me thinking about the things we do for love. What have you done outside your comfort zone for the person you love?

I'm not talking big things like changing elements of your personality or becoming a vegetarian because your partner hates the way meat tastes on your breath. Sometimes, trying a hobby that your loved one enjoys can be enough. For example, my boyfriend attended a symphony concert with me a couple of weeks ago. I'm frequently subject to his Netflix binges, and occasionally I'm surprised and we find a show we both enjoy. I never would have binge watched Orange is the New Black without him forcing me to watch it first!

Sharing common interests is important in any relationship, but so is helping each other pursue their own hobbies and interests. It shows that you genuinely care about the person you're with and want to see them grow as a person. Stepping out of your comfort zone to show support to your partner can benefit you both, and I happen to think that the best relationships are ones where both partners are willing to do so.

So, when I said to my boyfriend "You'd better be careful, or this time next year you'll be wearing pink at a rally!" He said, "I never said I wouldn't." Now, that's love!

Editor's Picks

Be My Eyes by Brian K Compton  [E]
When the reader completes the writer's vision with much needed love.
by ~ Brian K Compton ~

Samantha  [E]
Samantha I love you today as I did yesterday.
by Kings

The Long and Winding Road  [13+]
She had to go a long way to be with the one she loved.
by Which Witch Is Which?🧹

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by A Guest Visitor

Happy Accidents  [13+]
It was just a checkbook he wanted to return. 2013 Quill Nominee
by Nixie🦊 here and there

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by A Guest Visitor

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