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Comedy: April 01, 2015 Issue [#6911]

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 This week: March 32nd
  Edited by: Annette
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hello fun writers and readers. I am Annette , your guest editor for this issue.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

March 32nd

In Celebration of the Most Foolish Holiday. Because it's a Holiday.

Every year, on April First, we celebrate being funny and foolish. In some countries, I know for a fact about France, the national news outlets go as far as creating elaborate hoax news. Once, I was treated to the evening news presenting three improbable bits of news as fact. In the same telecast, they advised that one of those was a hoax and asked the viewers to call in which one was the joke news.

This means two things:

1. There are a great many things happening all over the world that are so unbelievable, you might think them a joke, but they are true.
2. A hoax perpetrated by news in a believable manner can briefly turn into fact in people's minds.

To be honest, I forgot the two bits of news that were odd, but real. I do remember the hoax news. The TV reporter showed several helicopters removing the top half of the Eiffel Tower and ostensibly flying it to a special facility for cleaning.

Let it be known that I also remember thinking that the above scenario was more believable than the two bits of news that turned out to be real.

The moral: When watching TV on April First, reading the newspaper, participating on Writing.Com - watch out! Be very careful. If it looks to be too strange, just close your eyes and try again. If it still looks strange, come again on March 33rd. Everything will be fine and back to normal then.

Editor's Picks

A Fish Out of Holy Water  (13+)
Becoming Catholic can scare the hell out of you. April 2013 West Side Writers
#1927899 by Indelible Ink

 Invalid Item 
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#1986900 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1819135 by Not Available.

 Birthday Limerick  (E)
As a kid, we loved him. His birthday was April 17, 1937. Wow!
#1929725 by Dorianne

No Way, José  (18+)
1st Place winner (April 2010 Short Shots contest).
#1661897 by Shannon

 Tax Reminder  (E)
A financial stress limerick for the Bad to the Bone contest.
#573158 by Katya the Poet

 My Greatest Folly  (E)
A cinquain poem for the Writer's cramp entery for April 1. winner!
#1545373 by Lani

 Hogwarts Howler - The Review Fool, 2008  (13+)
The reviews I gave as "Hogwarts Howler" on April 1. Thanks, Kimchi.
#1412118 by THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO

 April 15  (ASR)
Round 3 FINALE Entry - April Anti-SLAM! Quintella about bad luck.
#671778 by Sophyween

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Mini Contest

(This is 100% run by me Annette and not by the site owners. All decisions are mine alone.)

Via the submission tool below, send me a tidbit of outrageous news. It can be real or made up. The most outrageous bits of news will receive a merit badge of my choice and be published in my April 15 Comedy Newsletter.

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