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Mystery: March 18, 2015 Issue [#6885]

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 This week: Young Adults ~ edgy and sharp
  Edited by: Kate - Writing & Reading
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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All that I see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
E.A. Poe

         Welcome to this week's edition of the Mystery Newsletter. A mystery by nature is a question in search of an answer - a puzzle! And when we uncover the answer to the question, effectively solving the puzzle moments before the writer gives us the solution, follow clues tactile and cerebral, the momentary satisfaction is sublime! And we can have fun along the way.

If there were no mystery left to explore
life would get rather dull, wouldn't it?

Sidney Buchman

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Greetings, fellow puzzle-makers *Smile*

         Think back to what you read in high school, or college - for your own pleasure, not school assignments - what you read when you didn't have to read. Was it Agatha Christie, Sherlock Holmes, Edgar Alan Poe? Yes, I'm blending characters and authors here because each has introduced numerous young writers to the challenge of solving a mystery in story or verse. Although targeted by the authors to an adult readership, their themes, plotting, and characterization intrigue and enrapture younger readers as well.

         Although the Young Adult ("YA") (most commonly categorized as readers aged 13 to 18) section of bookstores is growing, there are not many new mysteries by current authors. Some authors of adult mysteries have written also for teens and young adults, i.e., Clive Cussler, Neil Gaiman. A number of YA authors write an occasional mystery or suspense story, and there is even an Edgar Award for YA Mystery , but the market is wide open for today's mystery writers of prose and poetry. Yes, Young Adults do read poetry*Smile*

         Older teens who already enjoy reading easily gravitate to adult mysteries, but what about grabbing new or reluctant readers - engaging their innate curiosity and creativity with an edgy mystery, peopled with characters with whom they can relate. Once they've sampled Jeffery Deaver's Rune series, whether or not it's their first realization that reading is fun, how many young adults have sought out his Lincoln Rhyme novels and his short stories?

         Mysteries challenge the mind while entertaining young readers, offering them an engrossing escape from the mundane, as well as the scary reality of growing up; where solving clues along with or one step ahead of believable characters leads to a satisfying, if not always pleasant, result. Young adults want to be entertained, but also to create some of their own entertainment. So a mystery for the young adult would engage both these desires, if written with this dual 'personality' in mind.

         Okay, then what sets the Young Adult Mystery apart from the police procedural or cozy or suspense mystery written for adults? Consider the following -

         *Starg*I think Young Adult Mysteries are character-driven more so than other stories. Characters to which the YA reader can relate in some way, either with empathy or scorn (initially), but somehow 'caring' about the character. You need not reveal everything you as Writer know, but create a characters with depth and personality, and a relationship with other characters that the reader can sense from the start.

         *Starbl*Young adults don't want to be treated as little kids, to have eveythirng revealed to them. They see themselves as more mature, so they gravitate towards a protagonist who's in the upper range in age (16 and up), or even college-age or embarking on a career. The protagonist, like the young adult, whether or not flawed, needs to be dynamic - to grow or change as he/she solves the mystery you've crafted along with your reader.

         *Star*Young adults like being kept on edge, even scared. Secondary characters can help to foster this, although the story need not be dark. Ancillary characters can be weird - just peculiar, quirky, or perhaps morally ambiguous. The setting can also raise a chill, but avoid the overused clichés (i.e., the summer camp with the only adult a hatchet-wielding nutcase).

         *Starr*Young adults are impatient. Consider the instant connection of their smartphones and tablets and the Internet, which provide real time information on demand, and if they don't get it quickly enough, they hang up and delete the 'app'. So introduce the main character or subject early on to allow your reader to identify or empathize with the protagonist, and not hang up on your mystery. Expository paragraphs developing picturesque surroundings or lengthy back-story take the reader out of the moment. Make the ending of each scene, chapter, and verse, add to the suspense, and compel your reader, make him/her need to read on before time's up to solve the mystery. In a YA Mystery, don't give your protagonist forever to solve the mystery; set a time finite that the reader discerns early. Your reader will be able to relate, empathize with your protagonist in that regard, and want to keep turning pages and following the trails you've set with clues,

         *Starb*Yes, clues, and red herrings, throughout your mystery will keep YA readers engaged in solving the puzzle you've created. Be straight with your readers, however, misleading with a red herring or two while alluding to the real clues that the protagonist and your reader can solve as the story moves forward. Like children, young adults are frustrated by phony trails that go nowhere, and likely to snub whomever they believe has cheated them of their time and effort. Be accurate also in researching the setting and character development so your reader's instant access online to historical facts or world events doesn't catch you up. Think about it, young adults question what they're told, and are quick to point out mistakes.

         *Starbr*Show and don't tell setting, action, and characters. Know them well yourself, but allow your reader to see them as they relate to each other. As with the clues, subtle allusion will allow the YA reader to enter the story and embark on solving the mystery in the 'otherworld' you've created. Whether that is in the past - historical, or in the present day, or a blend of the two (check out Elise Brough's Shakespeare's Secret), or a leap to the future, research and know the world you design. Make it real, or you'll be caught out.

         *Starp*Edgy topics, such as murder, suicide, kidnapping, identity theft, cybercrime, terrorism, and other current issues are as relevant as peer pressure and age-related social and family matters are to young adults. A well crafted story or poem where a like-aged protagonist is confronted with such issues while solving a mystery will not only entertain, but engage the imagination and challenge a young adult's mind.

Write On!
Kate - Writing & Reading

Editor's Picks

Check out these mysteries in prose and verse penned by member of our Community. Let them know if they've hooked the Young Adult in you with a comment or review *Smile* ~ then see if you can do likewise ~ there's still time to enter an edgy story ~ a thrilling mystery that will engage the young adult reader, perchance*Pencil*

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 Unnamed Story Chapter 1  (13+)
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#1805597 by Ronovan

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
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 Invalid Item 
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#1861311 by Not Available.

 Prophecy  (E)
This poem is a mysterious prophecy for a book I might write in the future.
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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

          It need not be a hardcover book, perhaps it's a Kindle or Nook downloaded book, short story, or poetry collection. Once hooked, a young adult will choose to read and, perhaps, to write a mystery of his/her own.

         Your Young Adult Mystery may be the spark that ignites a lifelong passion for mysteries and other reading. How cool is that *Cool*

Write On *Pencil*

Kate - Writing & Reading

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