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Spiritual: August 27, 2014 Issue [#6495]

Newsletter Header

 This week: "It's Not Your Fault"
  Edited by: Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Image for Spiritual Newsletter, Jan, 2011

Can you recognize when someone you are acquainted with is feeling lonely, even when they are with others, frightened when there doesn't appear to be any danger, or overly distracted and indifferent? Changes may be subtle at first and then you realize that something's just not the same with your friend.

This Newsletter is a reminder that we should fine tune our spiritual selves so that we notice the signs faster. Time is precious, as we all know. However, sometimes it is absolutely vital, and there may only be a small window of opportunity to help.

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Letter from the editor

Hello, folks! It is my honor and pleasure to be your guest editor for this edition of the Spiritual Newsletter. *Smile*

With the recent passing of Robin Williams, I started thinking about the people who have crossed our paths, seemingly fine with the world around them. However, some of these people dwell in a dark area, grayer than where the majority of us hang-out. They can be in your presence yet not really be there in the way that YOU think you see them.

They are the great pretenders who seem perfectly ordinary in social situations, yet may be considering something dire due to a tortured mind that relentlessly throws sensations of dread, sadness and even guilt. Many of us cannot conceive what could plague another’s thoughts so much that they are driven to take their own life.

One of my winters in Florida made me aware that there were some retirement age people, who considered their life not worth living anymore. Many decided to take the final road away from the grief and loneliness. I thought how sad their life must have been. Where were their loved ones? Oh, that's right, they are still living and working in one of the colder states. Florida is a huge retirement state due to the kinder, gentler weather for older adults.

These days, families are spread out more, living at further distances from the nuclear and extended family they grew up with. Thus, when grandpa or grandma are left without their life partner, and are so far away from the joyful visits of grandkids, they could feel less important, not needed by anyone and perhaps even feel forgotten. That's how some of these people I mentioned fell through the cracks.

For instance, in our little community we were introduced to a new resident. She appeared at the clubhouse during a special event playing on the television. Several people got together with food and beverages. We asked her to join in with us and get acquainted.

She seemed to be enjoying herself. She was laughing and telling us that she was very happy she moved there. She was looking forward to joining some of the activities offered and learning the best places to shop and dine. However, after some time of laughing and excitement over her new community, she seemed to change. She wasn’t that sparky person talking up a storm. She became more internal, and after about an hour, she excused herself and said she needed to get back home to her pets. We thought it strange that she left less enthusiastic than when she arrived. She seemed to be having a wonderful time.

Weeks passed by since that event, and Easter weekend arrived. We were planning to attend a barbecue by the lake with some neighborhood residents soon after. It was the evening of that event that we found out the terrible news. It seems that our new friend, the resident who was so happy joining our community, took her life on Easter Sunday.

We were shocked and saddened by this because we wondered if there was something we could have done to prevent such a dark ending. What horrible demons did she carry inside her that were concealed from our radar at the clubhouse the night she walked in? It pained us to think that this happened in our community. We of course didn't have control over her choices; we didn't know her enough to be able to notice that something was dreadfully wrong.

Eventually we found out what transpired through the police reports. She had left a letter to her daughter, telling of her intentions and desire to no longer live in this world.

I pray folks, that we begin to see these people and help them to get help, so they can no longer pass by us, invisible and lost in a world only few can imagine.

Depression, folks, is a hidden killer awaiting its debut. And all we can do after the fact is think, I wonder what happened to Robin Williams that made him decide to give it all up at that exact moment in time?”

My heart and prayers go out to his family. Although they knew more of the severe depression, drug and alcohol use, abuse and rehab visits, more than we have an inkling about; the death had to have taken their breath away in such a profound way as to shock the senses. Do you think they feel some sort of guilt by his actions? They are left pondering, if only we had ... ( You can fill in the blanks here, but I think you get the message. )

In Robin’s case, he was so well known he will be forever memorialized in his work. There will be replays of his movies that we can still enjoy and share our love for his talent and again mourn his passing.

I ask you this, what about the others? Those who were known by few, who have lived, worked, served our country, loved, raised a family, and had fallen through the cracks -- who will memorialize them? Who will join in the personal fight to find these lost souls and bring them back into the light by showing love, understanding, and steering them into the right direction so that they may receive the help they so need?

Keep a keen eye out, folks. If you see that something is off in a loved one's actions, daily routine or demeanor, tell them you notice and persuade them to get the help they need. Let them know they are worth it, and are not alone. Don’t ignore it, reach out to that loved one or friend or even an acquaintance, like the lady at the clubhouse.

Depression has many layers. I've heard it quoted that "depression is anger turned inward." Despair comes from relentless feelings of worthlessness and guilt. It will eat away at people, making them believe there is nothing left to live for. Suicide is not just an act of despair, it can also be an act of aggression against those left behind. The anger festered within them for too long, thus suicide was a way to punish others as well as find peace for themselves . (Passing on the guilt, perhaps?)

Robin Williams himself, said it best, with that very memorable line in Good Will Hunting, “It’s not your fault.”

To the family of Robin Williams, it’s not your fault!

To those of you suffering from major depression -- IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT! Please seek help, because you are loved and you are worth it.

Thank you for letting me into your email, with this edition of the Spiritual Newsletter. *Smile*

Until we meet again -- you may hold the power to change one person’s heart if that power truly comes from your heart.


Editor's Picks

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#2004563 by Not Available.

 Coincidence?  (18+)
A grief stricken man at the brink....
#2003389 by Steven Alexander

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#2004309 by Not Available.

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#2004352 by Not Available.

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#1929561 by Not Available.

 The Anger Within  (E)
A brief look at the emotional turmoil inside.
#782809 by ElizabethHayes-DaughterofIAM

Mortal Immortality  (E)
Immortality realized in mortal man [Lyric-Mirrored Voices]
#1946217 by Winnie Kay

Cup Full  (E)
A poem I wrote for my sister during her treatment for leukemia.
#2004673 by Unapologetic Poetess

 I'm a Survivor  (13+)
Another blog entry inspired by Robin Williams
#2004417 by cmfountain

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Ask & Answer

It's been such a long time since the last time we got together. I'll try not to be a such a stranger, and visit you sooner.

Please leave your comments about this Newsletter, and I will respond to them the next time I have an opportunity to be your guest editor for the Spiritual Newsletter.


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