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Comedy: June 11, 2014 Issue [#6365]

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 This week: We Moved
  Edited by: Sophyween
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hi, I'm Sophyween ~ your editor for this edition of the Comedy Newsletter.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

We Moved

For those of you who follow the antics of Sophy and Mr. Sophy, you know that we bought a house, then sold our house - which is not exactly the right order to do things. ("Comedy Newsletter (April 16, 2014) and "Comedy Newsletter (May 14, 2014)) Last week we moved to the new house, and our old house will belong to someone else next Monday.

For those of you who have followed the antics of Sophy and Mr. Sophy longer than a few months, you may recall that we tried to sell our old house two years ago. ("Comedy Newsletter (April 18, 2012), "Comedy Newsletter (May 16, 2012), "Comedy Newsletter (August 8, 2012), and "Comedy Newsletter (October 3, 2012)) Looking back, I can see I may have milked this topic for all it's worth. *Laugh* But this is the Comedy Newsletter, and apparently I'm supposed to help you write comedy with comedy writing tips - so here is a tip. Find a subject you think has comedic possibilities, and ride that subject right into the ground. Here endeth the lesson. *Bigsmile*

But seriously, I promise, after this issue, I'm done. I will never talk about moving, buying or selling houses, Tammy and her drones, or anything related to real estate ever again. Until Mr. Sophy wants to move again, that is. *Wink* Which he says will never happen. He wants to live here until he dies. Partly because he loves our new house, and partly because he now hates moving as much as I do.

Moving is hard. First there is all the sorting of stuff - what are we taking to the new house, what are we giving away, what are we throwing away, what might we sell at a garage sale. So there were piles all over our house - keep, toss, give, sell - except we kept getting confused as to which pile was which because we did not mark the piles. We assumed we'd remember which pile was which by what was in said pile. Not so much. What I assumed was "keep" was Mr. Sophy's trash pile, and visa versa. Which led to some arguments.

Mr. Sophy - "Why did you put the microwave in the trash pile?"

Sophy - "I didn't, that is the keep pile. See, it has my mother's grandmother's old, yellowed, torn, hand-stitched pillow cases."

Mr. Sophy - *RollEyes*

Sophy - "Why is that sweater I knitted for you when we first got married in the sell pile?"

Mr. Sophy - "Um. Errr. That's the give-away pile, I mean, keep pile - isn't it?" *Confused*

And on and on it went. So we went out and bought boxes and bubble wrap, and hopefully packed the things in the keep pile, and got the rest of our stuff to their appointed locations. Though I admit, as we neared the end of packing I gave up caring. Things I previously treasured quickly became too much of a hassle to bubble wrap and ended up in the trash .

Mr. Sophy - "Isn't that your mother's precious, multi-piece tea set from Japan?"

Sophy - "Yes. And you point is?" I answered as I tossed each piece, one by one into the trash can, to the satisfying tinkle of breaking glass.

The worst part about the end of packing was the remaining odds and ends that we wanted to keep, but were not packed with similar items in other boxes. So into one final box went a television remote, a hand mirror, tweezers, a screwdriver, the latest Vanity Fair magazine, and a jar of quarters. Which I then had to write on the box because "Miscellaneous" was not going to help me find the TV remote when I really needed to sit down and relax and watch the new season of "Sister Wives." But even that went by the wayside quickly, and "Misc" is now written on way to many of our boxes. But it will be like Christmas when we eventually get everything unpacked - we'll be surprised by what we find in our boxes, and happy to be reunited with our beloved items. Hopefully that will be the case, and we won't instead unwrap a box of trash! *Bigsmile*

Okay that's enough of that for now - must get back to unpacking. There is a box labeled "Misc Items from Under the Stairs" calling my name!

Editor's Picks

Below you'll find some recent comedy offerings from other WDC members. Don't forget to leave a review and rating if you read the item.

 Time-Zoned!!   (E)
Outsourcing's worst nightmare....
#1990551 by Uday K ~ House Ravenclaw!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1995353 by Not Available.

 My Obese Prowler  (E)
About the family cat who needs to go on a diet. Enough said.
#1994344 by JadetheUnknown

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1995662 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1995366 by Not Available.

Egg Role  (E)
My GPS had egg on its face.
#1995156 by Don Two

 bedtime   (13+)
against blankets
#1994727 by Rhyssa

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Now for a few comments about my last newsletter "Comedy Newsletter (May 14, 2014) about selling our house:

From DRSmith
Hi Sophy... couldn't resist a blurb from the burbs at this urban newsie, it being comedy 'n all. In contrast to your little gem heralding the hastiest house sale of the century, here's one at the opposite end of the spectrum your fans may get a hoot out of.
It’s amazing how some people manage to get through a normal day w/o a map and flashlight
#1803428 by DRSmith

Thanks for sharing this with us!

*FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB*

From Joy-the Harpy Witch
Glad that went well.
Where was Tammy when I was house hunting in FL 22 years ago?
Great NL, Sophy! *Smile*

I am pretty sure Tammy wasn't born 22 years, ago, Joy. *Wink*

*FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB*

From LJPC - the tortoise
What fabulous news, Sophy! I've never heard of a pocket listing either. Pocket lint, yes. Pocket listing, no. So I guess when things are meant to be, they're meant to be ... with a little help from your friendly neighborhood pixie. Congrats! *Bigsmile*
~ Laura

Thank you, we are very happy! *Bigsmile*

*FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB*

From brom21
I myself have never directly been involved in the real estate gig, but I do know it is one of the biggest and most stressful decisions one will make. I’ll end up inheriting the relatively big house I share with my mom and step dad. If would were to ever sell it, I imagine it would be a real headache from your situation. I’m glad everything worked out with selling the house and handling it with humor is a good coping tool. Kudos to you!

If possible, NEVER EVER move. Just stay where you are. I promise - you will thank me!!

*FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB* *Home* *FlowerP* *Home* *FlowerR* *Home* *FlowerT* *Home* *FlowerY* *Home* *FlowerV* *Home* *FlowerB*

That's all for this month -- see you next time! And on behalf of the other regular Comedy Newsletter Editors, the King and Queen of Comedy - Spirit HalloWaltz and Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs - remember to WRITE AND LAUGH ON! *Bigsmile*

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/6365-We-Moved.html