If there's one thing you need to understand about old Mac it's that he sometimes talks to people who to you or me appear not in our physical realm. The other is that sometimes when he does this, he does it on purpose; he may be fully conscious of the real and the invention. If you lived in the city of Far, you would become completely enamored with his conversations, even if they were not with you.

I strain. Count the days since he’s been here.
Since he’d tied me up, he hasn’t come back.
Bending down, I lick cold pork and beans off the floor. Eight days--no, nine. Pork and beans has a way of making the days blend together.

I have power over women.
This power has been with me since birth it’s presence almost tangible. A spiritualist could see my powers in my aura, hovering over me in great blue clouds of ectoplasm, pulsing and flowing.
My power is unquestionably supernatural.
I am able, with my mere presence, to scare women away.

The idea of collaboration between police agencies is not new. From as early as 1967, the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice has commented on the fact that America is a nation of small jurisdiction police forces which operate independently. This type of law enforcement, which formed as the nation grew in size and productivity, has not evolved in equal measure with the criminal concepts that they are tasked with fighting. As a matter of fact, the ancient geographic and political boundaries which are in place to limit the scope of police operations are often used by the criminals to their advantage because police agencies coordinate sporadically and informally even while criminal activity is contiguous to other jurisdictions. McDavid (1974)

Yesterday my husband Curt got close up and rather personal with a turtle. My husband
and I went to spend the day with a close family friend. We helped him celebrate his
Birthday. He just happen to be staying at a beautiful Hotel/Suite. This place was just
beautiful with a huge pond complete with two water falls. In the pond there were many
beautiful Japanese Koi fish in many bright colors of orange, gold, black, white, red and
multi colored.

The moments of time,
I hide in the layers of my mind.
It is not the images I see.
It is the feelings, smells and sounds

Cloud computing refers to a system of "renting" software (commonly known as Software as a service (Saas ) over the internet instead of buying it on license. It is cheaper than buying software, hence preferred by many firms.
Saas or in other words cloud computing, has become dynamic and far much affordable thus not any more preserved for larger enterprises.

He had been shopping for himself at the local stores a few times. He even bought some foldable bookshelves and some odds and ends to place on the shelves, along with a few books he found in a used bookstore. He was having fun exploring the new area where he lived. He even got a job at the liquor store around the corner. He wasn't going to tell his family about that. He knew they wouldn't approve.

Like most days I stirred from my sleep and then gave up. That was as good as the day would get. But it was ok if I was feeling down because I don't have a job anymore, no one to moan at me to smile while I place food in front of the rich and unimpressive. Now the day was mine. Mine to look for other jobs to pay my bills, all mine. It was wonderful how no one affected me, not my landlord who needed rent or my friends past birthday still unmarked with my unpurchased gift.

Some say that Arthur Tanner was just a mean drunk who liked to tell tall tales. They say that the town of Jericho Springs never even existed, that Tanner was never Sheriff, that he told his stories to sound like a “big man” and to get people to buy him drinks. No one but those involved ever knew the real truth. Men bought Tanner drinks because they liked to hear what he had to say, though none ever believed him, except for the occasional child who wanted so badly for the stories to be true, especially Tanner’s story about his brush with Johnny Red, the most notorious gunman of the latter part of the 1880s. The history of it all has been lost to posterity because it all seems too vivid and vivacious to be reality. The following, however, IS how it really happened.
