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Comedy: September 04, 2013 Issue [#5865]

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 This week: Laughter: The Best Medicine
  Edited by: Sophyween
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hi, I'm Sophyween ~ your editor for this edition of the Comedy Newsletter.

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Letter from the editor

First things first ... Congratulations WDC on 13 Wonderful Years! So happy to have been here for 11 of them!! *Bigsmile*

Happy Birthday, WdC Sig 4

And now for something completely different!

Two weeks ago Mr. Sophy had major surgery. He's now recuperating at home and all signs point to his heading toward a complete recovery. But it's going to take time and he's been ordered to take it easy, something Mr. Sophy doesn't do well with. (On the other hand, I'd thrive if ordered to "take it easy" by a doctor, but that's another story). *Bigsmile*

Because he had abdominal surgery, for the first week afterwards it hurt when he coughed, sneezed, or laughed. He was told to hold a pillow over his stomach at all times in case he had to do any of the above. He was also told to cough several times a day to clear his lungs out, something that brought tears to his eyes those first few days. We couldn't really have any say in sneezing - it was going to happen when it was going to happen. And for the most part the coughing was under his control a few times a day as an exercise. Laughing, on the other hand, we could control. He would watch only serious, dramatic, or action/adventure genre movies and TV shows, and we'd save comedies for another time.

So he settled in his La-Z-Boy with his pillow, TV and DVD remote, and watched whatever he could that was not funny. Bourne movies, Breaking Bad and Dexter, golf (zzzzzzzzzzzzz), etc. And I worked hard to keep my humorous remarks to a minimum, which was no easy task because I am quite a funny person in real life. Sometimes I make people laugh without meaning to, I'm THAT funny! *Laugh* Then one evening he came out to the living room and said he was feeling depressed. He said it seemed like he was never going to feel better and he was feeling sorry for himself. He wondered if watching something funny might make him feel better.

I was hesitant to let him watch anything remotely humorous given his delicate condition, but he was insistent, so I fired up the ROKU to see what we could find to watch. I admit I thought about finding a movie that was deemed a comedy that wasn't really funny at all - you know, something with Matthew McConaughey (Mr. Sophy hates him!) in it, like "Fool's Gold." Or maybe "Jack and Jill" with Adam Sandler. But no, he was not to be fooled and insisted I put on "Mr. Universe" by Jim Gaffigan. I knew we were in trouble from having watched his earlier stand-up special, "Beyond the Pale," where he turned "Hot Pockets" into comedy gold.

13+ Video Content

So I was a very worried about whether or not he'd survive the latest Gaffigan effort. He did, but barely. Gaffigan's riff on McDonald's almost did him in, and it took us over 2 hours to watch the 75 minute show because I had to keep pausing so Mr. Sophy could grab his pillow and laugh so hard it made him cough. No bueno! But at least he wasn't depressed anymore. *Wink*

Here was his Facebook post before he went to bed: Alright, so today I started feeling a bit depressed - yeah, a little sorry for myself! Sophy suggested we watch something funny, so we ended up with "Jim Gaffigan - Mr. Universe." I must say I feel a lot better - laughter really is the best medicine!!! Spraying my spleen out through my belly button was totally worth it!

Hot pockets!

Editor's Picks

Below you'll find some recent comedy offerings related to WDC's 13th Birthday. Don't forget to leave a review and rating if you read the item.

From "The Writer's Cramp

Outer Limits  (E)
Why am I getting all these cards?
#1950736 by Don Two

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1950745 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1950691 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1950299 by Not Available.

Dead Town  (13+)
Writer's Cramp WdC B-Day Week Sunday
#1950242 by Annette

From "The Writer's Baker's Dozen Contest

I've Got Mews For You  (13+)
The cat on the mat. Rather, the cat, and me on the mat.
#1950587 by THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO

The Immigrants  (E)
Day 2 Entry - The Baker's Dozen
#1950700 by 🌕 HuntersMoon

 A Basket Full of Kittens  (13+)
Entry for Day 2 in Writer's Baker's Dozen Contest
#1950594 by Annette

And from around the site:

 Joe's Tie  (13+)
Needs a volume control
#1950778 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1950603 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Amazon's Price: $ 4.99

Ask & Answer

Now for some comments about my last newsletter "Comedy Newsletter (August 7, 2013) about Zombies:

From LJPC - the tortoise
Hi Sophy!
Yeah, not only are zombies' diets a little gross, but their personal hygiene is somewhat lacking, too. *Rolleyes* Yay for overcoming your phobia and discovering a series you like. Your NL was great - keep the laughs coming! *Bigsmile*
~ Laura

Thanks so much - glad you enjoyed it! *Bigsmile*

*FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *Sun* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *Sun* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB*

From Diana
Umm..hell no to reading a book? You're on the wrong site! :P
Seriously, Walking Dead is a great show. I'm glad you overcame your phobia enough to watch it. Wait...what's that shuffling toward you? Better start running!

I was being sarcastic. *Wink*

*FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *Sun* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *Sun* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB*

From dragonwoman
Unfortunately all my fears are still with me and have abated not one whit. I avoid all kinds of horror movies and books but every so often I tap into those fears and write something.

Good for you, glad to hear it!

*FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *Sun* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *Sun* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB*

From A*Monaing*Faith
I've always had a soft mushy place in my heart for zombies, vamps, werewolves and the like. They can be scary (which is fine because they aren't real, serial killers freak me out, movie or no) or funny and are open for interpretation. The latest zombie movie Warm Bodies is actually surprisingly fresh in that the main zombie's kinda cute and they can be healed!
As for getting over my fears, afraid I still squirm when spiders and other dirty creepy crawlies touch me *yek!*

I'm not afraid of zombies anymore - I didn't say anything about spiders tho, EEEK!

*FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *Sun* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *Sun* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB*

From Jacqueline
I am afraid of all horror movies and nothing going to make watch them. The Twilight books and movies I love and can watch them over and over. I have only watch the first movies of the Lord of the Ring. If I do watch a horror movie I don't sleep for a week and that's with the light on. Till next from Jacqueline

Face your fears, you'll be glad if you do! *Wink*

*FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *Sun* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *Sun* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB* *Sun* *FlowerP* *Sun* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *Sun* *FlowerY* *Sun* *FlowerV* *Sun* *FlowerB*

Please keep your comments and suggestions coming! Until next time! Sophyween

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