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Poetry: June 26, 2013 Issue [#5749]

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 This week: Poet Louise Bogan
  Edited by: Stormy Lady
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

This is poetry from the minds and the hearts of poets on Writing.Com. The poems I am going to be exposing throughout this newsletter are ones that I have found to be, very visual, mood setting and uniquely done. Stormy Lady

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Portrait by
Louise Bogan

She has no need to fear the fall
Of harvest from the laddered reach
Of orchards, nor the tide gone ebbing
From the steep beach.

Nor hold to pain's effrontery
Her body's bulwark, stern and savage,
Nor be a glass, where to forsee
Another's ravage.

What she has gathered, and what lost,
She will not find to lose again.
She is possessed by time, who once
Was loved by men.

By Louise Bogan

I had come to the house, in a cave of trees,
Facing a sheer sky.
Everything moved, -- a bell hung ready to strike,
Sun and reflection wheeled by.

When the bare eyes were before me
And the hissing hair,
Held up at a window, seen through a door.
The stiff bald eyes, the serpents on the forehead
Formed in the air.

This is a dead scene forever now.
Nothing will ever stir.
The end will never brighten it more than this,
Nor the rain blur.

The water will always fall, and will not fall,
And the tipped bell make no sound.
The grass will always be growing for hay
Deep on the ground.

And I shall stand here like a shadow
Under the great balanced day,
My eyes on the yellow dust, that was lifting in the wind,
And does not drift away.

On August 11, 1897 the Bogan family welcomed daughter Louise Bogan into their family. The Bogan family lived in Livermore Falls, Maine. The family moved around a lot. Louise spent a lot of her childhood in working-class hotels. At a very young age Louise was witness to her parents constant fighting. Their rocky relationship made an everlasting impression on Louise. Most of their fighting was caused by her mother’s many affairs.

With the help of a family friend, Louise attended Boston Girls' Latin School for five years. This opportunity allowed her to get into Boston University. In 1916, Louise decided to leave school and get married. She married Curt Alexander, a corporal in the U.S. Army. This marriage was short lived. In 1917 she gave birth to Maidie Alexander. By 1918 she had left her daughter with family and had moved to New York to be a writer. Her husband died in 1920 leaving her a widow. She spent the next few years traveling.

In 1923 she returned to New York and published her first book of poetry “Body of This Death: Poems”. The same year her book was published she met the poet Raymond Holden. The couple had a two year courtship and they married in 1925. Four years later she published her second book “Dark Summer: Poems”, 1929. She was then hired to work for The New Yorker, where she worked for the next thirty-eight years reviewing poetry. Sadly Louise second marriage ended in divorce in 1937. It was around the same time as her divorce, that her third book was published, “Sleeping Fury.”

Louise published on last book of poetry in 1968, “The Blue Estuaries: Poems 1923-1968." In 1969 she retired from her job at the New Yorker. On February 4, 1970 Louise Bogan suffered a fatal heart attack at her home in New York City.

Last Hill in a Vista
By Louise Bogan

Come, let us tell the weeds in ditches
How we are poor, who once had riches,
And lie out in the sparse and sodden
Pastures that the cows have trodden,
The while an autumn night seals down
The comforts of the wooden town.

Come, let us counsel some cold stranger
How we sought safety, but loved danger.
So, with stiff walls about us, we
Chose this more fragile boundary:
Hills, where light poplars, the firm oak,
Loosen into a little smoke.

Thank you all!
Stormy Lady

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Editor's Picks

The winner of "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest [ASR] is:

The Crickets' Love Song  (E)
A Villanelle poem.
#1937727 by Gravedigger Dave

The crickets sang their haunting melody
on a quest for romantic rendezvous.
I wish you’d sing that song along with me.

I took you down a forest trail to be
alone, hoping sparks of love would ensue.
The crickets sang their haunting melody.

We built a campfire, and I made my plea,
but you resisted, as a chill wind blew.
I wish you’d sing that song along with me.

The truck got bogged down in the mud, and we
struggled together to push it on through.
The crickets sang their haunting melody.

Try and try as I might to make you see
my love for you is true, you still withdrew.
I wish you’d sing that song along with me.

Who needs riches and fame, when I could be
sharing chocolate marshmallow s’mores with you?
The crickets sang their haunting melody.
I wish you’d sing that song along with me.

Honorable mention:
July 1863  (13+)
A Poem of the Civil War
#1937730 by PandaPaws Licensed VetTech

 Invalid Item 
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#1937613 by Not Available.



These are the rules:

1) You must use the words I give in a poem or prose with no limits on length.

2) The words can be in any order and anywhere throughout the poem and can be any form of the word.

3) All entries must be posted in your portfolio and you must post the link in this forum, "Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest [ASR] by July 21, 2013.

4) The winner will get 3000 gift points and the poem will be displayed in this section of the newsletter the next time it is my turn to post (July 26, 2013)

The words are:

storyteller yesteryear horse knight storm dragon magic castle

*Delight* Good luck to all *Delight*


 Invalid Item 
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#1938325 by Not Available.

 Girls' Class of '63  (13+)
A light-hearted verse on class reunions
#1938490 by deemac

 Grief Counseling Sessions  (E)
On the first and third Wednesday of the month,
#1939800 by Prosperous Snow celebrating


 Invalid Item 
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#1939153 by Not Available.

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#1939335 by Not Available.

Misty Morning...  (E)
Kaira and I, don't have a hopeful tomorrow. This is my letter to the world...
#1939488 by Princess Zelda


My Everything  (E)
Only a limited amount of words for someone very special.
#1938640 by Zoe Ross

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#1938359 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1939887 by Not Available.


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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

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This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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