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Spiritual: May 01, 2013 Issue [#5640]

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 This week: I Know This Much is True
  Edited by: Sophyween
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hi, I'm Sophyween ~ your editor for this edition of the Spiritual Newsletter.

The Rev. Scotty McLennan, author of the book Finding Your Religion, compares humanity's innate need for spiritual searching to climbing a mountain. In his view, we are all endeavoring to climb the same figurative mountain in our search for the divine, we just may take different ways to get there. In other words, there is one "God," but many paths. I honor whatever path or paths you have chosen to climb that mountain in your quest for the Sacred.

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Letter from the editor

The Summer Day by Mary Oliver
Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean-
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields,
which is what I have been doing all day.
Tell me, what else should I have done?
Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?
Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

James Taylor
The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.
Any fool can do it, there ain’t nothing to it.
Nobody knows how we got to the top of the hill.
But since we’re on our way down, we might as well enjoy the ride.

A few years ago I discovered the secret of life. I was just sitting there, talking with Mr. Sophy, when all of a sudden a bolt of wisdom hit me; and I realized that I had just become aware of the secret of life. So of course, I interrupted what we were talking about and told him the good news, that I now knew the secret of life. He assumed I was kidding, and then humored me by asking what it was, but I told him I couldn’t tell him because it was a secret. Then he reminded me that we don’t keep secrets from each other, so I told him. And he was amazed and impressed that I had, in fact, discovered the secret of life. *Laugh* (Okay, not really - he said, and I quote: "Duh!")

Academy Award winning actress Meryl Streep knows the secret of life too. She was being interviewed by Uma Thurman for the Oprah show many years ago. Uma admires Meryl as a human being and fellow actor, and was seeking wisdom about life from her.Toward the end of the interview Uma asked Meryl if there was any one thing that she knew for sure. And Meryl and I said together, in perfect unison, the exact same thing. So now that the secret was revealed on the old Oprah Winfrey show, I guess it’s okay for me to share it with the rest of you. Are you sitting down? Well, yes, of course you are. Okay then, brace yourself. The secret of life, the one thing that Meryl Streep and I know for sure, is this: Life is short.

That’s it – it’s that simple. It’s the one thing that Meryl and I know for sure, without a doubt, which I’ve decided is the secret of life – that life is short. We are born, we live, and then we die – some of us live a hundred years, some much less than that. But whether we live 20 or a hundred years, it’s all the same – we are given just a short span of time during which we live and breathe and walk upon this earth. For many years I’ve “known” that life is precious and short – but as I settle in to my fifties, having lost both of my parents and friends my own age, I really KNOW it, deep within me, on a new level. And I decided it was the secret of life in the sense that acknowledging this truth with more than just a passing thought could help me sort out how I want to live the rest of my wild and precious life, as Mary Oliver refers to it. It has given me a key, of sorts, to unlocking the meaning of life from my own experience.

It appears James Taylor feels somewhat the same way that Meryl, Mary Oliver, and I do. He put it into different words, in a song. “The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time.” Maybe not so much that life is short, but that we ought to enjoy the ride, wherever it takes us, for however long. The Preacher from Ecclesiastes, well, he thought life is all pretty much lived in vain. Kind of like, "life’s a bitch, and then you die." Or “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you shall die.” And Jesus summed up his secret of life, or the one thing he knew for sure, when he told people that the most important thing was to love God, and love others as you love yourself. Now whether or not “life is short” qualifies as THE secret of life, I can’t say. I can say that for now it’s a key to MY life – something I can say with certainty.

Now it’s your turn – I’d like to hear how you would have answered Uma if she asked you the question, “at this point in your life journey, what is ONE thing you know for sure.” It can be about life, religion, spirituality, politics – whatever you want. Then, if you are willing, I’d like you to share that wisdom with the rest of us. Now, some of you may know a lot of things for sure – but for now just share the ONE thing, the most important thing, you know for sure, your “secret of life,” if you will. When you comment on this newsletter, begin your sentence with, “The one thing I know for sure is …”

I look forward to hearing from you!

Editor's Picks

Below you'll find some recent offerings from other WDC members. Don't forget to leave a review and rating if you read the item.

The first item was inspired by last month's newsletter on New Beginnings:
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#1930622 by Not Available.

And some other recent offerings:

 Perfect Faith, Perfect Doubt  (E)
Christianity, Agnosticism, and the Boston Marathon tragedy
#1929419 by Cardynal Syn

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#1931042 by Not Available.

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#1931012 by Not Available.

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#1930961 by Not Available.

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#1930955 by Not Available.

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#1930947 by Not Available.

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#1930401 by Not Available.

 Solitude is Bliss :)  (E)
Solitude is the true form of peace
#1928856 by pixie92

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Now for a few comments about my last newsletter "Spiritual Newsletter (April 3, 2013) about new beginnings:

From easyrider40
The newsletter is pretty good, but it lacks spirituality. It basically talked about his life and his families lives, not focusing on the spiritual acts of it all. He should have had talked more about a spiritual revelation or movement. If he did, I do not see it within this newsletter. Other than that, it was okay.

Sorry you were disappointed by my newsletter - fortunately for me, there were some who did enjoy it, as you can see below. Maybe next time it will be more your cup of tea? *Wink* Oh - and I'm a she, not a he.

*FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV*

From ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy
Thank you for your story of your wise mother who chose the team of three as executors; pure brilliance and lots of trust in all three of you for she knew you could, would work things out together; so unlike having the oldest SON, as often happens, who often destroys family bonds by acting out HIS lifelong jealousies. My condolences to you; I knew the sudden loss of Dad when he was 46, so young; then Mom's long years and illness at 88; Both are hard and we learn much. Now, at 74, there are too FEW years left. Ann

Story based on a family's experience. It took place in a small town hospital.
#1194011 by ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy

Thank you for your kind words - and yes, there are always too few years left, even when young. The clock starts the moment we are born - too bad we don't learn to truly treasure each moment until we are older.

*FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV*

From bonzo1964
My own Mother passed away when I was 35 and my 5 year old sons and 3 year old daughter were too young to realize what had happened. It was a very sad time as she was only 55. I miss her still and instead of drawing the 3 siblings closer together, it drove us apart. We each went on to live our own lives. It has been a long road, but I believe all things happen for a reason that will someday be made plain to us.

Daddy's Girl

So sorry about your losses - and that your siblings grew farther apart. It hasn't been quite a year, but I do hope we remain friends at the very least. They're all the original family I've got!

*FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV*

From Zeke
Even though my brother and sister lived thousands of miles from each other and me, when our parents passed we became much closer. You are so right.

So glad that proved true for you as well - it doesn't always happen that way, but what a blessing when it does!

*FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV*

From Quick-Quill
This newsletter was hit closer to home. My parents are in their mid 80's and while I think my siblings and I are "close" I am more worried about the next generation. These kids are years apart, miles apart. There are a few that have taken the initiative to keep in contact. I have limited contact with my cousins, so I see where the distance in (the mind) is farther than geography. It takes effort.

Yes it certainly does, very true. And thank you for your comment - glad you liked this one better than the last.

*FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV*

From Mark Allen Mc Lemore
There are many ends in which new beginnings abound. For instance, my fiance and I were in a bad off way, but by putting those ways to rest, we found strength. And, then the miracle happened. Both of us started to get healthy, and that child we always wanted but could never have, was born. It is a blessing, I hate to think about the child if she was gifted to us in our time of darkness... Thank God for new beginnings and second chances at life.


*FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV*

From Joy-the Harpy Witch
Splendid NL, Sophy!
I bet your parents are applauding you wherever they are.

Thanks Joy - I hope so! *Bigsmile*

*FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV*

From Jacqueline
Dear Sophie thank you for your newsletter.

Ten years ago through family problems my young sister and I stop taking to each other. we both live in different State, She lives in Queensland and I live in Sydney Australia.

I have always believed in God and Kerrie didn't though this never effected our relationship over the years. Early this year I got a friend request on FB and I was blown away that it was my sister. I excepted her right away, and now it's like that those ten yens never existed - it so wonderful and a blessing to have her back in my life.

The best part she gave her life to the Lord, and so did her family.

With blessings Jacqueline

Thanks for sharing this with us - blessings!

*FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV*

From Katya the Poet
Lovely, sad, and makes me see the doors and windows opening, too.


*FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV* *FlowerB* *FlowerP* *FlowerR* *FlowerT* *FlowerY* *FlowerV*

Please keep your comments and suggestions coming! Until next time!

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