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Spiritual: February 19, 2013 Issue [#5519]

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 This week: Man's Best Friend
  Edited by: Shannon
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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Welcome to the Spiritual Newsletter. I am Shannon and I'm your editor this week.

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Letter from the editor

A few weeks ago a friend of mine had to leave her dog at the pound because he'd been picked up by animal control and she couldn't afford to get him out. It broke her heart to leave him there (she'd had him for years), and her only consolation was that a loving family would adopt him and give him a good home. One week later she opened her door and there was Bob, her dog. She figured he'd been adopted and had made a break for it the first chance he got. Somehow Bob had found his way home.

I've always believed we can learn a lot by observing animals: they don't care whether their families are black or white, male or female, young or old. They don't hold grudges or manipulate or lie or deceive. When their loved ones come home from work at the end of the day they are genuinely glad to see them, and they express their love and affection without reservation. Dogs aren't born vicious or hateful, they're conditioned to be that way by their families and their environment, just like we are.

Years ago Maya Angelou said, “Words are things, I am convinced. You must be careful--careful about the words you use or the words you allow to be used in your house. Words are things. You must be careful, careful about calling people out of their names, using racial pejoratives and sexual pejoratives and all that ignorance. Don’t do that. Someday we’ll be able to measure the power of words. I think they are things. I think they get on the walls, they get in your wallpaper, they get in your rugs, in your upholstery, in your clothes, and finally into you.”

I couldn't agree more. The words we choose reflect who we are. I'm not talking about the words we use in our writing, characters don't count, but rather the words we use in our daily lives--what we say in the company of familiars, strangers, friends. When you have a gathering of people in your home and a guest tells a racist joke, what do you do? Do friends and family feel comfortable using ethnic and/or sexual slurs in your presence?

We've all said things we regret, but we can choose to do better. We can choose to be better. I may not have a tail to wag, but I can tell my husband how happy I am to see him when he comes home from work. I can't climb onto their laps and lick their faces, but I can show my kids how much I love them each and every day. I can choose to live (and love) consciously. I can choose kindness, compassion, empathy, truth, integrity, honesty, open-mindedness, listening without judgment, forgiveness, prayer, and the courage to do what's right.

I can choose love.

Thank you for reading.

A swirly signature I made using the Mutlu font and a drop shadow.

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” ~ 1 John 4:7-8

Editor's Picks

I hope you enjoy this week's featured selections. Please do the authors the courtesy of reviewing the ones you read. Thank you, and have a great week!

God's Telephone  (13+)
2012 Quill winner ~ it will make you cry
#1875288 by Nixie🦊 is a WdC Hallowtween

Cat and Dog  (13+)
A fable about two animals and the color of a meadow.
#650036 by Pol-TIGGY-st

The Companions of Lois Rawlins  (ASR)
Lois enjoys pampering her friends.
#1554691 by Lornda

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#602153 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
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#1383045 by Not Available.

Crooked Creek  (13+)
A love that can't be explained, bullfrogs, gunfights and a dog named Fracture.
#1110064 by Jack Goldman

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1187251 by Not Available.

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Ask & Answer

The following is in response to "Spiritual Newsletter (February 12, 2013):

spidey says, "What a great message! When I was younger, I had dreams of making a name for myself, having wealth and fame, etc. As I got older, I realized that wasn't going to happen, but I've also become perfectly okay with that realization. I feel happy and loved, and I'm grateful for everything I have in my life. Money has nothing to do with it! If that's not true success in life, I don't know what is! *Smile* Thanks for sharing this great message! *Heart*" Thank YOU, Spidey! *Thumbsup*

Ida_Matilda_Wright Help says, "I used to just glance over the newsletters. I am ashamed to admit it now. However, I found these newsletters to be a great reviewing tool. No only can I find some great work, I also love to here that some don't even know that they are in the newsletter. They are so happy to find out." Yes, the editor's picks section is a great way to find some good reads. Thank you! *Peace2*

Quick-Quill says, "Another Awesome NL. Life is about putting things into perspective. Don't skip the duty too often or you won't be or have respect. When you do put family first on those important occasions people notice and come to you for advice or encouragement. When your life seems on track others notice. When its off track and you are still moving down the rails others notice more." Yes, it is all about perspective. Whether others notice or not, YOU notice when you're off track. Your life is chaos. You're unhappy, and until you get it together you won't be able to help yourself let alone anyone else. Thank you for sharing! *Heart*

glenira says, "It takes wisdom to make decisions like this. It's courage to fly in the opposite direction of the flock. Thanks for sharing." Aw, thank YOU for reading! *Peace*

Lunarmirror says, "Awesome newsletter I'm gonna fav it if I can!" Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. *Delight*

Christine Cassello says, "I used to feel that I had wasted my life too, but since God is in control of my life and He only does what is best for me, I can now say that none of it has been wasted. It has not gone in the direction I expected it too, but it has gone according to God's plan for me and made me who I am today." Absolutely! Everyone has value and something to offer. Sometimes it's not what we thought it'd be, but that's okay. We find ourselves where we're needed the most. Thank you! *Star*

The following was submitted by its author:

 Werewolf Invasion  (18+)
Werewolves have invaded the Earth! Will they be Man's Best Friend or Worst Foe? 9,880+ Vs
#1734474 by BIG BAD WOLF is Howling

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