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polished and
Clever hands
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devoid of
both blemish

[Verse 1]
I don't know why
You feel the need to cry
And I wipe away your tears
Of the pent up sadness through the years
[Verse 2]
Can you tell me of the scar
That covers up your heart
And share with me the pain
Of the torture you seem to gain

But if you are suffering from bullying and reading this you should know that thing does get better. You can make a change. Stop bullying, If you see someone bullying someone, try to make it stop. If you see someone crying ask them why.
We can make a change in society, it is all up to you.

It’s very abrupt, of course. One moment I’m in the teller’s line, staring at the broad back of a suit coat, my head full of Cicero, car insurance rates, and heartburn medication brands; the next, the sound of the machine gun fire, a rapid succession of piercing pops, is chiming off the walls. Then there’s the muffled, throaty bellowing, the panicked shrieks, the frantic, haphazard scurrying, and I’m grasped by the forearm and clumsily dragged across the room. A few short seconds later, I find myself with my back against the far wall, where I finally have an unobstructed view of the pack of long-limbed, black-masked figures now frenziedly scuttling back and forth through the bank’s glossy interior, their voices a tangled cacophony of husky bawling.

Sir Dace ventured into the Castle of Dragon’s Jaw,
A cave that devoured every man it saw,
His squire sorrowed at the loss of his Lord,
And knew every bard’s finger would touch a chord.
Sir Dace emerged from the cavern intact,
A worn and tattered sack tied to his back.
The young squire ran to his side,
“Sir Dace, I am amazed your survived!”

There's a monster in me
Soft, quiet
Hidden from most, other than myself
No one else sees it
I try to hide it, but I struggle
All I know is it's loud
Obnoxious, persistent
Always begging for attention
Little like a seed
Growing, festering
It tells me lies

Thirty seconds. Not much time, but powerful nonetheless. Within this time frame, worlds can change. A small amount of time is all it takes for advertisers to meet a need and sell a product. Thirty seconds to make an impact. How to spend the next set is the challenge of daily living.
A good first impression is the mantra of the business world. New business and contacts are made within the first fleeting moments. Making a highly crafted spiel, to get the attention of someone in under 30 seconds, is known as an elevator speech. A typical elevator ride takes less than half a minute. Say what you mean and mean what you say in a short amount of time. Get to the point quickly or the moment will be lost.

Walk with me, child
Let’s walk through the night
Let your hair wave in the wind like a graceful kite
Pay no attention to the demons with the ruby eyes
For they are just angels in disguise
Open your eyes, child
There is nothing to fear
The shadow in the distance is nothing but a deer
We’re almost there; you’re just a bit cold
Don’t listen to the scary stories that have been told
Let’s walk faster, child

Rolling with the holiday high, my wife and I went to see the Christmas Tree at The Grove last Friday. It's huge. The exquisitely dressed fir looked as if it was showing off spoils from a day spent shopping on Melrose Avenue. I ogled the tree in fascination while wearing a wide grin. Then, gradually my jaw fatigued and my expression atrophied to stoicism. I felt a little indigestion. Was it the Venti Latte and maple scone? Nope. It was the sickly sweet ghost of Christmas past reaching its cold ethereal hand through my skull and dislodging suppressed memories. "Oh that's right" I almost murmured aloud "I hate Christmas."

Have you listened to yourself?
Do you ever ask what if ...?
Do you lash out with your friends,
Then refuse to make amends?
At office drive, do you give
For those without place to live?
Do you snarl at lonely child
Who asks you to play awhile?
Do you join in, laughing loud,
When bawdy jokes rouse the crowd?
