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Romance/Love: January 22, 2013 Issue [#5464]

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 This week: Valentine's Day - Romantic or Commercial
  Edited by: Annette
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hello romantically inclined readers, I am Annette and I will be your guest editor for this issue.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Valentine's Day - Romantic or Commercial?

Every year before and up to February 14th, people in many countries are pressured to buy trinkets or at least greeting cards as expressions of romance. Was it always like that? And is February 14th really Valentines' Day?

Valentine's Day as the day to mark romantic love has flourished since the middle ages. Presenting flowers, candy, or greeting card sending were a part of society by the 15th century. Mass-production of Valentines started as early as the 19th century, therefore leading to the modern moniker "Hallmark Holiday" by those that are tired of the commercialization of holidays before they even arrive.

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Thanks for finding the time for me in spite of your heavy load.


Valentine's Day is as personal as you want it to be. Sometimes, a skillfully worded greeting card may be the best option for those who don't know how to create flowery prose or personalized poems. Not that we on this site have any trouble with that. :-d

What can we send each other here on Writing.Com? There are always c-notes. Those are our Writing.Com version of prefabricated cards. An image, sometimes with a sentiment only require your signature and it's all you need. You can also choose from a few merit badge designs.

Merit Badge in Romance
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Yes...The cat must be happy again...

Since the origin of Valentine's Day is attributed to a few different Valentines, the date when you should celebrate Valentine's Day is also dependent on your local culture, religion, or belief.

Valentine's Day, as attributed to the early Christian Valentinus, is February 14th.
The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates Valentine's Day on July 6th in honor of the Roman presbyter Saint Valentine.
Hieromartyr Valentine, the Bishop of Interamna, gets his personal Valentine's Day on July 30th.

So, take your pick. Maybe using one of the later dates means you can score a heart-shaped diamond at half off? *Laugh*

Merit Badge in Erotica
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Editor's Picks

Too Hot to Handle  (18+)
Crystal has a plan to defeat the conceited, arrogant man who has always bested her.
#1890909 by Nixie🦊 is a WdC Hallowtween

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#1786728 by Not Available.

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#1211894 by Not Available.

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#1912056 by Not Available.

 Falling in Love  (E)
My 55 word story about falling in love.
#1910005 by OOT™

 Welcome Home  (E)
Mary's father lowered his gaze and said, “Anthony, I have a confession to make.”
#1909079 by Bikerider

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#1905683 by Not Available.

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#1908051 by Not Available.

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Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

My last Romance/Love newsletter was quite a while ago. It came out on June 13th, 2012 to be exact. In that newsletter "Romantic Stages in Life I discussed romance through the seasons of life and got a few answers. While a long time ago, those answers still deserve to be featured.

BIG BAD WOLF is Howling wrote: Love is crazy. "A Different Red Riding Hood Story

*Laugh* You betcha!

MoJo wrote: Well, this was a timely newsletter. I was just thinking about romance in the golden years when I witnessed the sweetest elderly couple walking (strolling) in the neighborhood yesterday. She was a tad taller than him and walked with a cane. He was a little bent over and you could tell by his gentleness with her, their love ran deep. Their fingers, swollen knuckles and all were entwined as he became her support. I smiled as I envisioned the future my husband and I would share.

Aw! Yes, so sweet!

💀Legerdemaim💀 wrote: Thanks for featuring my cNote collection! *Heart* "Leger's Romantic Cnotes

You're welcome. C-notes are such a neat way to send a private message.

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