The first half of the features items are entries from "Dear Me: Official WDC Contest"
. They may not have won, but I enjoyed them completely and wanted to share them with you. The second half are items written by the wonderful people that wrote in to my last newsletter. Thank you!
The question of personal identity lasts with us until we either find something or someone to devote ourselves to, or until we cross a significant milestone in our lives. Which one of these is more important or relevant, or which one is higher on our priority list, is what makes us who we are.

I've felt like a figure in one of Picasso's paintings, disjointed, cut up, her knees where her nose should be. Not a person so much as a patched-up doll. But, today, the first day of 2012, a feeling of contentment, like ice on skin on a hot summer's day or running your fingers lightly over a patch of grass, wrapped around me.

Hello again, Doc. It seems like almost 14 minutes since we last talked, and I don't think I can stand another minute of being too detached and lost in a flurry of regrets.
You know what it is today? That's right, it's January 3, 2012 (or at least I hope this letter arrives within today, I mean you know how slow your train of thought is during vacations like these).

What was with all the posts you keep putting on your wall, deleting, then reposting? You HAVE to stop that. That is not a healthy way to behave and it makes ME look crazy. You do realize that your actions cause people to look at me differently, don't you? Control yourself, Man!

I can't do much for these people except to show them love, compassion, an ear to listen, a hug to comfort, perhaps a breakfast sandwich and a coffee. I would like to do more. To know them is to love them. What has been seen cannot be unseen.

This is it, the year we've been thinking about for a while. With the encouragement of Peter and a few of our other friends, we actually made that New Year's Resolution to get off our collective duff and get to the gym. It's not a pretty gym, but we don't do pretty, anyway.

Hello, Bertie. It's time to step back and take a good look at yourself. Do you like what you see?
"Yeah, sure I do."
Do you, really?
"Yeah, sure, I'm fine."

I've taken an informal poll using statistics gleaned from my Portfolio stats and received reviews, and this broad-base support by many WDC constituents has bolstered my desire to invest more time in my writing future. Publication--this initiative is a call to action.

I will never give up my passion for the english language.
I may languish in the hades of the disadvantaged.
meditating long on medieval torture tactics

I know not why I walk this path,
At this time, on this day,
A Winter Wind blows from the North,
Yet grass and Trees failed to sway.

School is the thing that we remember the most when we grow up. Our memories are refreshed. We may forget other school experiences but you don't forget your first experience at school when someone bullied you or who were your first best friend and many other things.

Tonight, I discovered that I'm also the type of person that sees writing on the screen that needs to be something expressed by how you feel and not something that you make up in a static item that would sound good for readers. I am not sure how many times I've try to edit an item and than end up putting it the trash because it didn't go by what I mean.
