Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/4691-Happy-Plan-Your-Epitaph-Day.html
Comedy: November 02, 2011 Issue [#4691]

Newsletter Header

 This week: Happy "Plan Your Epitaph" Day!
  Edited by: Sophyween
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Here lies the body of Richard Hind,
who was neither ingenious, sober or kind.

Here lies Lester Moore
Four slugs from a .44
No Les No More.

Here lies the body
of Jonathan Blake
Stepped on the gas
Instead of the brake.


Hi, I'm Sophyween ~ your editor for this edition of the Comedy Newsletter. November 2 is "Plan Your Epitaph Day" which will be the focus of this week's newsletter.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Plan Your Epitaph

"Plan Your Epitaph Day" is an international observance (or so a web site I found says) that occurs every year on November 2 to coincide with the Day of the Dead. Another web site says "Plan Your Epitath Day" is actually on April 6, but that makes no sense since there is no cool "death" holiday near April 6 that I'm aware of, so I'm going with November 2, which, as luck would have it dear reader, is today!

Whenever the day actually occurs, I think it's a great idea - to write/plan your own epitaph instead of leaving it for someone else to do because goodness knows what they'll say about you when you're gone. Heck, while you are at it, you might as well write your own obituary. But that's for another newsletter - this week we'll focus on the few words you'll have carved on your tombstone (assuming you have a tombstone). And if you do, you should have something to say about what gets permanently carved into stone so that you are not forgotten and people mutter, "Sophy who?" a few months after your demise. So you want

I found a cool tombstone generator where I immediately got to work on my epitaph. Or is that epithet? Those two words always confuse me. One is a tombstone and the other is what, a bad word or an insult or something? I wonder if there is a "Plan Your Epithet Day?" But I digress. Anyway so run over to the web site and let's get started creating your tombstone:


Go on. Click on the link and go to the web site. I'll wait right here for you until you are done.

Go. Scoot!

Okay good. So here's mine:

My tombstone

Yeah, it's pretty dumb. Here, maybe this one is better?

Another tombstone

Yes, much better! *Bigsmile*

Here are some funny ones I found around the interweb:

I told you I was sick.
B.P. Roberts

Here lies an Atheist
All dressed up
And no place to go.

Here are some clever celebrity tombstones:

"That's All Folks!"
Mel Blanc
Man of 1000 Voices

Merv Griffin
I will not be right back
after this message

So you have your assignment - write your own epitaph. I bet you can come up with some good ones - if you do please share them with me so I can put them in the next newsletter. If you use the tombstone generator save the image and upload it to your port, then share the image ID# with me. And if you can't upload an image to your port, just tell me what yours said and I'll share it with our fellow comedy newsletter readers. Until next time!

~ Sophy

Editor's Picks

Below you'll find some comedy offerings from other WDC members about obituaries, tombstones, zombies, etc, as well as some recent comedy items... don't forget to leave a review and rating if you read the item.

  Moved Here When Your Health Fails?  (E)
Short Story. A mistaken word in an obituary.
#1311045 by ShiShad

 My Epitaph  (E)
Carved on my tombstone?
#1781258 by Liam

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1822246 by Not Available.

 Undead Comedy  (13+)
zombies love a good laugh.
#1818525 by spidey

The Legend of the Uri Nation  (13+)
The tribe had always feared that word of their existence might someday 'leak' out...
#1816030 by Indelible Ink

I Killed Grandma  (13+)
The dangers of poor punctuation exploded!
#1737106 by severed head

 Hoard, Hoard, Hoard Your Boat  (E)
Confessions of an obsessive hoarder
#1822001 by Niharika

Oh yes, a reminder that November is "National Novel Writing Month" - Nano for short.
There is nothing funny about Nano... or is there? *Bigsmile*
Funny or not, check out these Nano forums:
The WDC NanoLounge  (13+)
A nano place to chat about NanoWrimo...
#1491696 by The ScaryMaster

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1624319 by Not Available.

Happy Nano'ing!

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Amazon's Price: $ 4.99

Ask & Answer

Now for a few comments about my last newsletter about having too many dogs:"Comedy Newsletter (October 5, 2011):

From NickiD89
I'm a cat person, by birth. But when I was a Peace Corps Volunteer I got a puppy mutt from a village family so that, since I lived alone, I'd have some in-hut company and a "guard dog." He was adorable -- but WHAT a DISASTER, trying to train him! I could have used your dog training services. Today, I'm back to cats. My cat, Lilly-poo, is a jet-black Short-hair American cat...but she is mischievous enough to have any self-respecting dog tipping his hat at her. *Laugh*

I like cats too, but much prefer dogs. They are desperate for love and affection, and actually do what you ask them to do (sometimes). Cats are so stand-offish and aloof. But maybe they make better "guards!" *Bigsmile*

*Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY*

From PuppyTales
This is so beyond cute, Sophy! I... I... I...

Sorry. I was distracted by the cute puppy picture and your earlier mention of border collies (the dog I must have). Excellent newsletter.

Aww thanks, glad you enjoyed it! Border collies, oy, the energy!

*Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY*

From garywalks
Great Newsletter!

I had a big grin on my face from the first strikethrough right till the end.

Lovely dogs too! *BigSmile*

Write on!

Well thanks for letting me know, so glad you enjoyed it!

*Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY*

From Screaming Skull🩻
I love your newsletter! I know what you mean by falling in love with dogs. We have two German Shepherds. Louie is four years older than Bow. We got Bow because my husband fell in love with him as a puppy. These two dogs are different as night and day. Louie is a sweetheart, and won't harm anybody; Bow terrorizes people whenever they try to come up to our house. The garbage man, gas man and the UPS man all call on their cell phones for us to rescue them from Big Bad Bow. I really think he's proud of the fact he's got them on the run.

<note to self - stay away from Screaming Skull🩻 's house> *Wink*

*Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY*

From LJPC - the tortoise
Sophy, this is one of your best NLs yet. You really cracked me up with the descriptions of your hubby's his new job and how you're bearing up under the "Perils of Daisy." Great stuff! Thanks for making me laugh. *Bigsmile*
-- Laura

Thank you, as always Laura, for your kind words, and for letting me know you enjoyed the newsletter. *Bigsmile*

*Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY*

From writetight
Aw! Daisy is a cutie. I'm almost in the market for a doggy addition to my home. Labs are my weakness. My Buddy is almost 9, has arthritis, diabetis and cataracts (which I intend to have removed as soon as I save up $4,000), and costs me over $500 per month for medications and special dog food. Worth every dime. No more puppies for me, however. I need to find an adoptable Lab in the 1-2 year old range to liven up my life. BTW, I've decided that all Labs are goofy. That's why we get along so well.

You do know labs are "puppies" until they are 4 or 5, so avoid a 1-2 year lab! And I totally am with you on the expense, worth every penny but OY!

*Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY*

From BIG BAD WOLF is Howling
I know what you mean by how dogs can be the devil. Paris, my coonhound-Jack Russel terrier mix, will be on the couch one moment, and the next she's chewing up everything. Also, she jumps on everyone who comes through the door. If the shirt has holes, she said hello. "Paris

Thanks for sharing Paris with us! *Bigsmile*

*Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY* *Leaf* *LeafBr* *LeafG* *LeafO* *LeafR* *LeafY*

That's all for this month -- see you next time! And on behalf of the other regular Comedy Newsletter Editors, the King and Queen of Comedy, Spirit HalloWaltz and Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs -- remember to WRITE AND LAUGH ON! *Bigsmile*

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/4691-Happy-Plan-Your-Epitaph-Day.html