Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/4493-Countdown-to-51.html
Comedy: July 13, 2011 Issue [#4493]

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 This week: Countdown to 51
  Edited by: Sophyween
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hi, I'm Sophyween ~ your editor for this edition of the Comedy Newsletter. This week we'll talk about procrastination, which seems to get worse the older I get.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Countdown to 51

If you are a regular reader of the Comedy Newsletter, you may remember that about a year ago I bored regaled you with my saga of turning 50 ("Comedy Newsletter (August 11, 2010)). What you may not know is that right after I turned 50, I made of list of things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 51. Some were personal goals, others were medical promises I made to my doctor, and still others were purely selfish. It was kind of like a "Bucket List," minus the kicking the proverbial bucket part.

Here is that list:

*Heart* Meet George Clooney (Personal Goal / Purely Selfish)
I have been happily married for almost 25 years to Mr. Sophy. However, it is still a delusion dream/goal of mine to meet and marry George Clooney. And Mr. Sophy is fine with it, or at least he says he is (as long as we adopt him and he gets to enjoy the financial benefits of my union). While I have not meet my second husband yet, he did himself turn 50 this year AND broke up with his younger, snooty, Italian girlfriend recently. So there is still hope.

*No* Get a colonoscopy (Medical Promise to Doctor)
Technically I have not failed at this yet -- I still have 29 days to accomplish this goal, though in all likelihood I will not. However, I have my annual physical in October, so I do have a bit more time to get "scoped" and still make her happy. I'll let you know in October if I met this goal.

*ThumbsDown* Lose at least 30 pounds. (Personal Goal / Medical Promise to Doctor)
I figured this was a reasonable goal, less than 3 pounds a month, which most people believe is not only realistic, but also healthy, and easier to keep it off when you go down slowly. Did I succeed? *Laugh* ! Of course not. In fact, I probably gained a few pounds. Hmmm, wonder if I have time between now and October to get the colonoscopy AND lose 30 pounds? Maybe I could get some extra of stuff you have to drink before the colonoscopy to help! *Wink*

*Boat* Go whitewater river rafting on the San Juan River (Personal Goal)
In 2008 Mr. Sophy and I planned an 8 day whitewater river trip on the San Juan in southern Utah. He'd been before and knew I'd love it. So we tried to get a permit and of course, did not win the "lottery" for a rafting permit. Instead we enjoyed a slow as molasses leisurely float down the Green River for 5 days instead. So this year I planned on surprising Mr. Sophy by applying for a permit so I could achieve my goal before I turned 51. He would be surprised and thrilled, and we would have our dream trip. So, did we get a permit in 2011? Well, in a word -- NO -- because of course I forgot to mail in the permit application before the deadline. I guess there's always 2012 ....

*RainbowR* Get a tattoo (Personal Goal / Purely Selfish)
For my 50th birthday I thought it would be cool to get a tattoo of a dolphin jumping over a rainbow. But I chickened out because I have an aversion to needles and pain, and because you aren't allowed to be inebriated for the occasion. To celebrate my fearless/fabulous 50's, I decided I'd get the tattoo before I turned 51, so that technically it could still be a tattoo I got at age 50. The only problem is that I still have that pain/needle aversion, and it's still illegal to get a tattoo when smashed. So yeah ... not gonna happen.

Well I'd better go. I need to get started on my list of things I won't will accomplish before I turn 52! *Bigsmile*

Editor's Picks

Here are a few items about procrastination and one about tattoos -- remember, if you read and enjoy them, please leave a rating/review for the member!

 'til later  (E)
a ballade on procrastination
#1793017 by Rhyssa

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1792949 by Not Available.

 King Of Procrastination  (13+)
A comical poem about procrastination.
#1792843 by SilentWriter8

Later-Man  (E)
That procrastination thing.
#1792991 by Teargen

 Tomorrow  (13+)
A vow made in the heat of the moment is oft modified when sense prevails.
#1543265 by Just an Ordinary Boo!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1103699 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#834704 by Not Available.

 The ‘How-To’ Guide to Procrastination  (E)
I had an instructional essay to write, no motivation... It’s completely sarcastic.
#861654 by twinkledee ♥'s you

 Tomorrow  (13+)
The future catches up with the procrastinator - at the crossroads a journey begins
#1064567 by Kate - Writing & Reading

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1788804 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Thankfully, at least one person enjoyed my last Comedy Newsletter about our new rain barrel, "Comedy Newsletter (June 15, 2011):

From LJPC - the tortoise
Hi Sophy!
I loved the whole rain barrel story. I had pictured one of those big, fat wooden ones (like you see in westerns) and was rather surprised at the plastic one. Uh...not very bio-degradable is it?
-- Laura

Thanks so much for your kind words - glad you enjoyed it! *Bigsmile*

*Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun*

Also, a recommended read from A.S. Hendra [Job-Searching] :
Hi! I just browsed WdC and found this story. I think it's hilarious! The writer is still new in WdC, so it might be good for her if people check on her portfolio. Just thought I should suggest it to the newsletter.

 Chocolate Monster  (13+)
A chocolate addict is forced to attend an "Addicts Anonymous" meeting.
#1788964 by ElysiaRoese

Thanks for the recommendation! *Bigsmile*

*Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun* *Sun*

That's all for this month -- see you next time! And on behalf of the other regular Comedy Newsletter Editors, Spirit HalloWaltz and Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs remember to WRITE AND LAUGH ON! *Bigsmile*

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