The alluring smell of the sea,
makes the seagulls above act like sirens.
The waves quickly move inwards land,
crashing docks like swords in battle mode.
As the silver night creeps upon them,
the sailors weigh anchor.
Tying down their ships to the harbor,
for the greatest storm is rising.
The night air becomes colder,
as the thunderclouds reach land.
Flashes of light surround them,
only the strongest of ships will survive.
The winds gust from the south,
each man holds tight their own light,
praying that their only means of income,
does not perish into the hurricanes wrath.
Dawn approaches ever so slowly,
as each man inspects their boats.
Some have more repairs needed then others,
yet all hasn't been lost in the storm.
They set out to the wide open ocean,
knowing that their glorious catch awaits them.
Hauling in one by one the lines they set out,
each man rejoices as they discover their bounty.
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Over the midnight blue ocean
Did the silver crescent moon shine,
Soon the thunderclouds it did hide,
And stormy winds began to whine.
No ships were there wanting to sail,
On this wicked and stormy night,
Who'd want to throw his life away,
For some mad sea captain's delight?
But there was one who paid men well,
To sail his old ship come what may,
For he had expensive cargo,
To transport to Chesapeake Bay.
There was also talk of pirates,
Men who were mighty with the swords,
'Twas said that they would take your pride,
Then would throw you over the boards.
E'en so the captain sailed that eve,
With some alluring sirens, too,
The ship was tossed by ev'ry wave
'Twas felt by each man in the crew.
They urged the captain to turn back,
For they knew that this was the end,
It didn't matter how they begged,
Because the captain would not bend.
Then quite some time into the storm,
While thunder rolled and lightning flashed,
A tidal wave washed o'er the decks,
And the old wooden ship was smashed.
At early dawn the seas were calm,
All who sailed that night were now dead
Just one sign of life was seen,
A laughing seagull overhead.