Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/3574-Do-Real-Men-Read-Instructions.html
Noticing Newbies: March 10, 2010 Issue [#3574]

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Noticing Newbies

 This week: Do Real Men Read Instructions?
  Edited by: esprit
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Welcome to the Noticing Newbies Newsletter! Our goal is to showcase some of our newest Writing.Com Authors and their items. From poetry and stories to creative polls and interactives, we'll bring you a wide variety of items to enjoy. We will also feature "how to" advice and items that will help to jump start the creation process on Writing.com

We hope all members of the site will take the time to read, rate, review and welcome our new authors. By introducing ourselves, reviewing items and reaching out, we will not only make them feel at home within our community, we just might make new friends!

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Do Real Men Read Instructions?

You know those emails that were in your mailbox when you signed up? They were instructions and suggestions on "How to Get Started". I wonder how many read them and how many toss them to the side without looking. Real Men don't read instructions do they? Well, I betcha Real Women do. Am I right? Uh Oh, is that sexist? Non-PC?

Writers of either genre who are beginning their journey to the 'best-selling novel' podium are excited and full of spice and creative imagination. They're ready to get the show on the road--now! They'd just as soon skip all the boring "before you begin" instruction stuff; that's just the way human nature works. We want to plunge into creating as soon as we can.

But really, read a few of the e-mails that were sent to your email when you signed up to this great writing establishment. Open the links they suggest and read them. Okay? It really will save you some frustration. Read the FAQ's, explore the menu lists, click on portfolio cases and look around.

You'll find Site News & Announcements "Site News & Announcements"   by Writing.Com Support at the top of Your Account page. Whenever something is announced that concerns all members, it will be here. Adding it to your favorites by clicking the fist, will keep it in your favorite list and you'll always know when there is an announcement.

You can now set the default setting for the "Make this Review Public" checkbox. If most of your reviews are public, you'll want to set your default to have this box checked!

There's a "Set Default" link next to the checkbox, but you can jump to the setting here:

*Bullet* Make your given reviews public if you want them to appear on the public page. Making them public allows others to check them out and reward you with the site currency -- GPs (gift points). Oh, for every hundred reviews you give, you'll gain one recognition point. Those are the numbers that appear next to your handle. Reviewing pays!

*Bullet* Got a great idea for the site? Here you go!

"Suggestion Box"   by The StoryMistress

*Bullet* Example of an actual suggestion: I Suggest an alarm clock / timer.
For those who wish to free write for a certain length of time, or for those who get lost in writing and miss appointments!

*Bullet* Here's the forum to go if you have a problem or just want to talk to like-minded people. Want some Empathy? Sympathy? Read the rules on the header of this forum before posting though. No outside links or email addresses are permitted, and the language is kept semi-squeaky clean. The forum is rated ASR and that means: The post may contain very mild slang curse words (dang, darn, etc.) or mild derogatory words (idiot, jerk, etc.). Be nice.

"Writing.Com General Discussion [13+] by Writing.Com Support
    A message forum for general discussion. Please come and chat with others!

In fact, reading the rules of all forums is a very good idea. The rating letter at the top alerts posters of the language they can use. If it's 18+, GC+, you can say most anything. If it's E, pretend you're writing a note to your spiritual advisor. The same rule applies to your writing. If you want to swear rate the content 18. If you swear in the title or brief description, it must be NON-E. If you don't swear in the title or BD, but you do in the content of the writing, the Intro rate can be E even though the content is higher. That's because the title and BD are all that can be read on the lists.

Oh shoot, I got sidetracked again--back to General Discussion.

Example: This fellow is looking for help for an addiction.

"This is terrible. I can't stop writing fan fictions, I have a problem, no joke. Somebody should help me.
Response to: "Re: This is terrible"

I still haven't found a support group, but I find getting an iPod and going for a walk (or run on the treadmill) helps a bit. Seriously. Getting away from computers, pens/pencils and paper might help.
Response to: Re: This is terrible
What in the world is a FanFiction?

There is so much activity on WdC that it's impossible to list it all. Roam the corridors and open the doors, there are surprises everywhere. If you're frustrated at the simplicity of the layout, and can't find your way around--don't get mad. Remember that all your posts are recorded in "My Posts" which is located in "My Places" up there on the left of the screen in Site Navigation. So if you forget the name of the forum where you posted that wonderful insight, just go to My Posts and find it, click on that link and you'll be back in your world.

Trust me, in three days you'll wonder why you thought it was hard to navigate the site. You'll be among those assuring other newbies to just explore--it's easy.

I hope you subscribe to all of the Newsletters because there are good tips and information for everyone. You don't have to write the genre to read the letter, they are all written especially for writers. Besides, editors are notorious for including writings of all types and genres without notifying the authors. You'd hate it if your work were included and you didn't get the newsletter, wouldn't you? If you suddenly begin to get a lot of reviews and wonder why, it might have been in a newsletter. Some reviewers will tell you where they found your work, some don't.

You can read the archives of all the official site newsletters. The link is at the top of all NLs and in Site Navigation. For my shameless plug, go here. "Invalid Item :

Thanks for reading.

** Image ID #1528030 Unavailable **

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Editor's Picks

 Self Motivation  [18+]
Self motivation wrote by me, for me.
by justasoldi3r

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Long Way Home  [18+]
This is based loosely on Poe's "The Raven"... it's a comedy poem
by ddrforever

 Getting In  [13+]
Four people must face Peter as he makes the decision as to whether they get in to Heaven.
by ikloson

 Silver Wings  [E]
A romance story that transcends time as love always does.
by Lyrika


 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

I tried to accomplish that descriptive ability of your last Newbie Newsletter in
 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

Helpful Links

Writing.Com General Discussion  [13+]
A message forum for general discussion. Please come and chat with others!
by Writing.Com Support

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

 Compare Free and Paid Membership Benefits  [E]
Compare different features and benefits of the various membership levels at Writing.Com.
by Writing.Com Support

The Writer's Cramp  [13+]
Write the best poem or story in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPS!
by Sophy


Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Amazon's Price: $ 4.99

Ask & Answer

Comments on "Invalid Entry

This is a very informative newsletter. I've only been here a short time and wish this one could have come just a day earlier. I could have used the information on the story I submitted last night. Oh well..I'll definitely save this information for my next story. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, Victoria, I'm glad it helped!

That was fantastic Esprit! I'm going to put this article in my inner child's clutching hands 'favorite' list.

I hope it comes in handy, Vaughn. Thanks!

Super lesson on sensory description,esprit. The exercises were focused and very helpful. This is why the Newbie Newsletter isn't just for newbies. You always do a great job.

Thank you!!

I love the NL about the different senses - great examples and exercises. Sonali
Thank you, sonali! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Happy Spring

Hi esprit! A great newsletter! A newbie here since last June, this newsletter was great. Loved it and I will do an exercise!

That's great! They're fun to do.

The Ernest Hemingway example- made me majorly hungry for oysters. I need some right now- actually, I got hooked on cranberry juice because I read a description of it from a character in a book. But- I've always liked oysters.

Hooked because of a written description--it must have really been good! *Smile*
I never could develop a taste for oysters, no matter how good the descriptions were. I hope you were able to satisfy the craving. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Steve adding writing to ntbk.
Thank you for the informative newsletter and your picks which helped me sharpen my reviewing skills. I use this for that reason, to welcome the newbies and to marvel at the quality of some of those who are just arriving here in the WDC. I've been here for a year but still feel like a newbie at times.
Your dedication to this newsletter and the WDC is appreciated.
Copeantor out!

Thanks, Copenator, for reviewing the items, but you're supposed to be reading the newsletters too! There will be a test, you know.


*Bullet* A question for brand new members. How are you liking WdC so far? Is there something that especially frustrates you? Tell me in the response box below and I'll publish your thoughts next month.

*Bullet* A question for everyone: What caused you the most frustration when you were a brand new member and how was it resolved? What would you advise new members if they have the same problem?

We always appreciate feedback, thanks!


Your host this week is esprit

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
Writing.Com Item ID To Highlight (Optional):

Send a comment or question to the editor!
Limited to 2,500 characters.
Word from our sponsor
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Removal Instructions

To stop receiving this newsletter, click here for your newsletter subscription list. Simply uncheck the box next to any newsletter(s) you wish to cancel and then click to "Submit Changes". You can edit your subscriptions at any time.

Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/3574-Do-Real-Men-Read-Instructions.html