Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/3106
Contests & Activities: July 08, 2009 Issue [#3106]

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Contests & Activities

 This week: Things That Make You Go Hmm
  Edited by: Shannon
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Contests & Activities BannerContests & Activities Banner

Welcome to the Contests & Activities Newsletter. I am Shannon and I'm your editor this week.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Things That Make You Go Hmm

Do you avoid prompt-based contests? Do you believe prompts stifle your creativity? Do you wait for divine inspiration to strike before putting pen to paper (or fingertips to keyboard, as the case may be)? Well, you're not alone.

For years I refused to enter prompt-based contests. Writers create, I'd reason. How can I create something fresh and original--something uniquely mine--based on someone else's idea? Then one day I stumbled upon a picture prompt-based contest that, when I looked at the photo, instantly triggered an entire storyline. It was an Aha! moment for me, and one of those things that make you go, "Hmm. Perhaps I've been wrong."

I didn't win that first prompt-based contest. I didn't even place, but since that day I've entered several more--some of which I have won. The picture prompts are my favorite. I print out the photo and tape it above my desk, then every day I look at it, briefly, and wait for inspiration to strike. Sometimes it does; sometimes it doesn't. But whatever you do, don't force it. Your readers will know your heart wasn't in it. Simply chock it up to writer's block and wait for the next one, because there's always a next one.

Don't be afraid to try something new. There are contests out there with picture prompts, word prompts, character prompts and quotation prompts. You're a writer! Writers are artists, and artists push the envelope. Take a chance and push yourself. You may be surprised by the results.

Until next time, keep writing and we'll keep reading.

Fancy Signature

"A little bit of fear means you are doing something worth doing. You are stretching. You are going outside your immediate grasp." ~Yanni

Editor's Picks

There are many contests and activities to choose from here on WDC. I've tried to include a wide variety here, so hopefully you'll find something to light a fire under your muse.

 Invalid Item 
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#1573379 by Not Available.

 Evil is Elegance  (18+)
Can you write a villain that chills -and- thrills?
#1549485 by silverfeathers

 Invalid Item 
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#1568249 by Not Available.

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#1551146 by Not Available.

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#1572828 by Not Available.

And be sure to check out the comprehensive Contests and Activities listings. Each of the 125 items listed includes a short synopsis, providing you all the information you'll need to choose the contest or activity that's right for you.

Writing Contests @ Writing.Com  (E)
Writing Contests on Writing.Com are posted here.
#171898 by Writing.Com Support

Activities @ Writing.Com  (E)
The best place to find out what's going on around Writing.Com!
#819558 by Writing.Com Support

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer


The following feedback is in response to "Contests & Activities Newsletter (June 10, 2009):

Sticky Draconic Vampire saysHH says, "I got a couple of activities running myself to help others. Good newsletter. :)" Thanks! And thanks for taking the time to comment.

weekendnovel says, "I am still new to this site and therefore I am still exploring, but what I have found has excited me greatly. I have had fun just skimming over the ideas people come up with for contests. I have not tried my hat at one just yet, but I am glad to see that there is a plethora to choose from. A quick and to the point newsletter. I like it. Well done." Thank you, and welcome to WDC!

đź’€Legerdemaimđź’€ says, "Hi Shannon. Thanks for featuring my shop in this week's issue. You rock!" You are very welcome, Leger! It was my pleasure.

Sara - will be back soon says, "I loved this newsletter! I had such fun visiting the items you highlighted. Keep up the good work!" Thank you, Sara! I'm glad you enjoyed it. *Bigsmile*

sarahreed says, "Thanks for featuring so many fun activities. It is summer and it's time to have fun and smile! To add to the fun, I've just created a C-Note shop full of smiles called C U Smile." Thanks for the feedback, SilvaShado! I have your item below in the Submitted Items section.

lotto says, "Summer is the time to have fun. Thanks for reminding us of that." You're welcome! Thank YOU for taking the time to read and comment.

Submitted Items

Tap the Muse  (18+)
Link an item to advertise or for r/r and write a short piece with the given word.
#1569967 by Joy-the Harpy Witch

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1568289 by Not Available.

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#1569460 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1563217 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1568468 by Not Available.

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
Writing.Com Item ID To Highlight (Optional):

Send a comment or question to the editor!
Limited to 2,500 characters.
Word from our sponsor
ASIN: 197380364X
Amazon's Price: $ 15.99

Removal Instructions

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/3106