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Comedy: May 27, 2009 Issue [#3069]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Tangled in Ghostly Witch-Webs
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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Hello, there folks!

It is I, Webwitch, taking you through another stroll down comedy lane. Today, I am going to talk about names and the respect they demand. It all happened when we took my son, who’s seventeen and my grandson, who is sixteen, out for some wonderful, late spring refreshment, at one of the New England, homemade ice cream stands. *Bigsmile*

My darling grandbaby said something that just cracked me up! I don’t know why I found this amusing, but let me allow you to be the judge ...

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Letter from the editor

There is nothing more appetizing than that first ice cream cone of the season. As was expected, the ice cream stand had a line of patrons awaiting their turn at the window. Children were everywhere, impatiently waiting for their turn to order the creamy, sugary delight of their choice.

Finally, it was our turn. The boys ordered what they wanted and then my wonderful friend and I placed our order. Happy with our booty and supply of napkins to blot away the inevitable drips, we headed for the car to enjoy our sweet, chilled, dessert.

After some minutes of steady licking and biting had passed, I turned to my grandson and asked him if he got some jimmies on his ice cream. He said: “Hey, Granny Witchy, I got some sprinkles on my ice cream! I just don’t understand why people around here call them jimmies!”

"Well, Maximillian, (I like to call him that for short. His name is Max, but I always like to call him by the nick-name I gave him) *Rolleyes* it’s like this. Here in New England, we have grown up calling those tiny bits of candy, one throws on ice cream, Jimmies. I believe it was named after the guy who invented them."

My grandson, being of sound Webwarlock type personality, responds in a very casual manner.

“Oh, so the guy’s name is Jimmy Sprinkles?!!!”

Okay folks, I don’t know why I found this so funny but at that moment, I burst out laughing, spitting ice cream all over the windshield.

After that comment, I let my mind wander to this phantom Jimmy Sprinkles. I thought of him as some sort of mobster, hired to do all those cold deeds that many would never agree to do. This is where my mind wandered--enter if you are not easily offended by random acts of weirdness. *Wink*

Before my eyes, I saw this Jimmy Sprinkles. He works for the Mob, drives an ice cream truck, and is a really sweet character, although he hangs around some very frigid associates. He only works on Sundaes, and is usually found on a slippery slope. He sells to the youth of our neighborhoods, and handles all transactions easily no matter how iced-up he gets. He has no qualms about traveling upon a rocky road, and has some very nutty friends.

Although he appears to be harmless, do not cross him. He’ll deliver a rocket on a stick, without a second thought. He has an irritating soundtrack attached to his ice cream truck. I used to remember the words to this song being different. Now, they sound scary; in a penetrating volume, these lyrics from hell, resound, It’s a Mob World After All!

I know folks, I’ve got to get a life. *Worry* The point is, you never know where that blast of humor will appear. Go with the flow and see where it takes you.

Comedy is a natural process, like eating ice cream.

Think of a moment in your life that tickled your funny bone. I bet it would make great material for a humorous story.

I challenge all of you who think that comedy is something to be learned, and fear attempting it, to write a short-short and submit it here. I just love doling out Comedy and Funny Merit Badges. What have you got to lose?!!! Which reminds me ...

A little boy asked his mom why she was wearing a helmet at the dinner table.

The mom replied, “well Junior, I’m on a crash diet.”
*Rolleyes* *Laugh*


Hey, it's been great popping into your email this month. See you in June. *Bigsmile*

Until next time--laugh hard, laugh often!


Editor's Picks

A-muse-ing we will go!

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#1445826 by Not Available.

One Moo at a time ...

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#1562718 by Not Available.

One poo at a time!

Cosmetic Origins  (13+)
Ever wondered where the word 'shampoo' came from?
#1562755 by little eppi

Kidd says the darndest things ...

 Invalid Item 
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#1523996 by Not Available.


Short can be funny, the story, not the characters.*Smirk*

This character knows the real joy of Christmas presents!

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#1505668 by Not Available.

It’s kind of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ...

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#1231219 by Not Available.

Blame Murphy!

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#1291141 by Not Available.

Try your hand at this:

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#1379931 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Submitted Comments from my last month's Newsletter:


I can relate to doctors visits...It seems they have diagnosed me with 'benign positional vertigo'. What the hell's that? I asked.
"Well, it's when you have an episode where the world appears to be spinning totally out of control until you vomit on your shoes."
"Doc," I said, "I already knew that. That's why I'm here!"
"Well, now that we've performed a complete battery of tests, you know the name of it," he laughs.
"Then maybe you should change the name to EXPENSIVE!"

*Laugh* You sound just as happy as I do, about going to the doc's office! We would rather be stirring boiling pasta with our bare hands! We probably would recover a lot faster from that stunt, too. *Laugh*


Submitted Comment:

LOL! Only WebWitch could brew up a bubbling tub in place of a cauldron *Laugh*

*Laugh* Good one, Acme! Hey, didn't the Good Witch Glenda float into Oz in a bubble? *Smirk* *Bigsmile*


Holy moly, and I thought I was the only one who added scented body wash to whirlpool tubs! *Laugh*
Thanks for the giggle, WW, and thanks for reminding me to make all my yearly appointments.

It's a good thing I didn't shrink in the wash! *Wink* Help me, I'm melting!

OBTW--I'm happy I could help with the reminder.



I'm new to the site, so I'm still navigating my way around. (Think I lost my compass somewhere along the way, but hopefully I'll get where I'm headed)!

I've just read your newsletter, and I am still chuckling! I've found that sometimes the funniest occurrences are found in true-life situations... It also helps if one has the ability to laugh at one's own experiences and shortcomings and put them into words, as this, in turn, has the ability to brighten someone else's life a little.

Thanks for brightening MY day! Keep smiling!


Thank you, Kate, for the fabulous feedback.I am happy you enjoyed the Newsletter. *Bigsmile*

I certainly hope you find your compass. It won't matter though, so many wonderful people reside at WDC. They will always give helpful directions. *Cool* If you have any questions, drop me a note. *Smile*

Welcome to WDC! *Delight*


Another entertaining newsletter! When I think of bubbles, it reminds me of when my son was little and we tried to teach him how to blow bubbles from one of those plastic, horn type, bubble blowers. He sucked in, and down went the bubble solution. Followed by, coughing up a green Kool-aid bubble with a couple of chewed arrowroot cookies floating around inside - I kid you not - I can't make this stuff up! Thanks for the highlight of one of my stories!

It's memories like the one you described, that give mothers endless, humorous material for stories. *Delight*
You're welcome for the highlight. *Bigsmile*

Comment via email:

Peter L

Nice bubble story, I really liked it it made me chuckle.
You are a very talented writer. Do you have any tips on writing comedy

Sincerely Peter

Thank you. Peter!

After receiving your comment, I decided to write the mini recipe for comedy.

Find that moment that really made you laugh. Tell what you experienced to friends or family. If they laugh, you have a story that will receive chuckles. Now you need to write it.

Once you have the material, practice on the timing. You read it over, again and again. Is there a line that would sound better with a few word changes?

The thing is, you need to find your own voice in comedy. You seem to have a genuine interest in this. I have no doubt you will be able to find the humor muse. Good luck, and send me the link to your funny story. You may find it highlighted here someday soon. *Cool*

Thank you for your feedback, folks. I really appreciate it. *Delight*


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