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Comedy: January 14, 2009 Issue [#2830]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Spirit HalloWaltz
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

"I had thought — I had been told — that a 'funny' thing is a thing of a goodness. It isn't. Not ever is it funny to the person it happens to. Like that sheriff without his pants. The goodness is in the laughing itself. I grok it is a bravery... and a sharing... against pain and sorrow and defeat."
- Valentine Michael Smith
(Robert Heinlein,
Stranger in a Strange Land)

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Letter from the editor

Putting the fun in "dysfunctional"

         My life is boring.

         Oh, I'm not complaining. This is what I've wanted: no kids, no immediate family except my wife, steady work, lots of quiet time. Boring, but it keeps me (relatively) sane.

         Not that everything's perfect, of course; as I've mentioned elsewhere, last year (2008) was a particularly horrid year. But even in its horror, it was boring.

         So why does this matter, you ask? Simple: if my life weren't boring; if it had more people in it, say people who never agree with each other and, perhaps, don't even know how to agree with each other, I'd have more comedy material.

         That's right - just as with country music lyricists, people with dysfunctional families or friends have an advantage over those of us with boring, predictable, and relatively sane lives.

         I mean, they can go on for pages and pages about Drunkle Dave, or Ditsy Aunt Bitsy. Their character sketches will have the ring of truth because, after all, they were shamelessly stolen from real people, their situations from real situations.

         I don't have that luxury. I have to make stuff up.

         Okay - I think I can live with that.

Editor's Picks

Some writings about some not-so-perfect families:

 Invalid Item  []

by A Guest Visitor

The Simple If Unbelievable Truth  [E]
-or- I'm Not Simply Making Up Excuses
by Lobelia is truly blessed

 Our Family Secret  [E]
A mother finally has the nerve to reveal the family's secret.
by audra_branson

 Blaming My Problems on Teddie  [18+]
In which I trace the seeds of my depression back to the family dog.
by karlaswan

 The Monsters in the Closet  [E]
The Silverobe children discover just HOW odd their household really is
by WordHerder

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

From the Mailbox:

tinawannabe writes: I write this news "recap" weekly, but this week was a holiday edition. There is no "Night Before Christmas" here. Instead you will find nuns, Wall Street execs, and blue cheese dressing. Enjoy!

 2 Minute Scoop-December 22, 2008   [E]
A recap of some of the week's headlines
by tinawannabe

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Thanks for the feedback from last month's holiday edition!

Meg : Always assured of a laugh in your Newsletters. Some great comedy Christmas stories to keep me amused on the holdays.
Thanks for including one of mine in this newsletter.
Merry Christmas,

         Keep up the compliments and I'll keep up the plugs! *Smirk*

Storm Machine : Next time they make you play that kind of game [Stealing Santa] - bring the real Lawn Darts. At least there would be fewer in-laws to worry about stealing your gift in the future.

         I hear they come in special lead-coated version now.

Thomas : ROFL!!! Yeah that game is only fun if you're watching a YouTube of a dysfunctional family playing it. I just wish one of my family members knew how to do YouTube. *Wink*

         Sadly, my family - including my wife's family - isn't dysfunctional. But as noted above, if they were, I might have more material.

Digter : Being a female,I hate shopping during this time of year. I have been instepped, kneed, elbowed, pushed, stabbed and socked more times then I care to remember. When I go shopping, I have my football gear on. The only reason it is not hockey is because it is too hot here. Oh yeas, did I mention those doing this is over 80 years old. WOW!

         You're wearing football gear and you're being "instepped, kneed, elbowed, pushed, stabbed and socked?" The answer is simple. Go shopping with a referee. Every time someone does that he can throw a flag on the floor and impose a penalty.

The Milkman : Since you'll be in Pittsburgh you drive another 100 miles north and spend Christmas with my family... I'll need a replacement since I'll be in Georgia spending the holiday with my girlfriend and her family.

         Depends, Moo - are they dysfunctional? Will they provide material for newsletter editorials or blogs? Wait - when did you get a girlfriend? *Confused*

         As Bugs used to say, "That's all, folks!" Tune in next month for the Singles Awareness Day version of the Comedy Newsletter (The Milkman need not apply). Until then,


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