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Spiritual: July 23, 2008 Issue [#2520]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Scaredy Kitti
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
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3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
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6. Ask & Answer
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About This Newsletter

Inspiration, and realisation, can be found in strange places. The topic for this week's Spiritual Newsletter is diversity.


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Letter from the editor

This week’s Spiritual Newsletter is evidence, at least for me, that inspiration can be found everywhere. I was inspired by watching Big Brother UK, of all things, which just goes to show that you can never tell…

Big Brother 9 features an intriguing selection of housemates. There’s a variety of different faiths practiced by the people in the house – there are Christians, Muslims, a Jewish chef and a Buddhist lady. Aside from this there are those who have not stated whether or not they follow a certain faith.

In the micro-environment of the house, everyone seems to be respectful of the individual faiths (or lack thereof) of others. On the forums of those watching the shows, people have been asking questions about the different faiths, seeking greater understanding, and those debates tend to be peaceful and informative. I think that this is a good thing, as understanding can create bridges between people from different faiths and cultures.

In my personal experience, if something does not fit into what a person is familiar and comfortable with, it is approached with caution and, in the worst case scenario, seen as a threat. Sometimes hearsay can enter the equation, and more often than not this is rather unhelpful.

I found myself challenged by watching this series. I’ve always seen myself as someone who is accepting of anyone and everyone, regardless of faith, skin colour, background, culture, or whatever else. My circle of friends reflects this, and I enjoy speaking with people from around the world, and learning about their lives. However, I found out I had a couple of lessons yet to learn…

The two housemates who challenged my views are Mikey, who is blind, and Darnell, who was born with albinism.

I don’t have much experience with blind people. The first questions to enter my head were about how Mikey would cope with a new environment, how he would handle the task, and what would happen if the others didn’t help him out. Then there were the moral issues – were the makers of the show exploiting someone with a disability? Was this going to resemble car crash television?

Darnell… I am not proud of my reaction to him. I fully admit that when I first saw him I thought he looked a bit “creepy”. I’d never seen a person with albinism before, and was startled by the paleness of his skin, his white hair and white eyelashes. His look is something I was completely unfamiliar with, and more than anything else I was startled by my own reaction to him, and embarrassed by it. I guess I wasn’t so automatically accepting of people after all.

It seems that my reactions to those two housemates were echoed by many viewers. Again, this had led to many interesting debates around the Internet, and led to a greater knowledge all around.

Several weeks on, I have come to learn about how Mikey copes with the challenges before him, which is very interesting. He is not one of my favourite housemates, but this is not because he is blind, it is everything to do with his personality. Despite that, I have great respect for him and I am glad he was brave enough to come on the show.

As for Darnell, he is one of my favourites to win. In a short amount of time, he has gone from “a person with albinism” in my mind to simply Darnell, a young man who is not afraid to speak his mind, who battles with his own insecurities and who comes across as a loyal and caring friend to those around him.

So it just goes to show, there’s always something new to learn about others, about yourself, and about the world and people around you. This knowledge can even come from unusual sources, such as a reality TV program.

To me, it’s also a reminder that it’s good to step outside that circle of familiarity, and to accept that I don’t know it all… and that there are many lessons yet to learn in life. Exciting, isn’t it? *Smile*


Editor's Picks

 Lady in the choir  (E)
I couldn't stop staring at her...what was it?
#1242312 by lhayes

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#1251954 by Not Available.

 Disabled Or Not  (E)
in achieving success what matters is in ones heart
#1426874 by Jacober

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#892163 by Not Available.

 Inside and Out  (ASR)
How can we believe that one’s skin color, girth or age makes them more or less likable?
#616676 by Kenzie

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#1364319 by Not Available.

 Bouquets  (E)
A flowery way of expressing diversity and acceptance
#1218078 by MizZ

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Ask & Answer

The Spiritual Newsletter Team welcomes any and all feedback, questions, views and suggestions, so please don't hesitate to contact us! *Smile*

esprit - Hello Kittiara - This is a wonderful edition. Besides being written well, it covers a topic that most of us has some sort of issue with, admitted or not. Great job!

Thank you, esprit *Blush*. I'm glad you enjoyed the newsletter!


Maimai J Saves for Upgrade - I can actually relate to your addiction story. Many times I have fallen into the pit of computer gaming addiction, and it has always affected my life in a negative way, like sleeping during the wee hours of the morning and waking up way too late the next day. And this was intensified by the fact that I'm a fresh graduate and a bum, so I can do whatever I want while I'm still looking for a job. I wish something else would occupy my mind (like writing perhaps), but withdrawal is really hard. Congratulations to you for breaking away from addiction's grasp.

Thank you so much for your feedback! I've found it takes time. After writing that editorial, the withdrawing process has been slow. It was difficult to let go of it, but I am finally managing, realising what I am doing, how it is affecting my life and that really, it's just a game. It's not easy, but I'm getting there.

Congratulations on graduating and good luck with finding the perfect job! *Smile*


faithjourney - Don't be too hard on yourself. I believe we've all fallen in that trap at one time or another (whether we admit it or not is another issue). It's easy to become obsessed with something when the pressure of everyday life becomes so great that you just want to get away. Kudos to you for realizing it and for sharing it here!

Thank you so very much for your kind words. I really appreciate them. *Smile*


Pen Name - Dear Kittiara,

It took a lot of courage to admit your addiction with the gaming site. Your newsletter made me think, and I believe that everyone is addicted to something. Even if your social life, your health doesn't suffer, your mind may be occupied with things the opposite of what the Bible tells us to keep on our minds.

And how many of us give up one addiction only to fall into another? Right now, I am also addicted to roleplaying on a social networking site. I always sincerely believed that roleplayers had no life, and wasted so much precious time. But I find it immensely fun, and of course there is that crucial element you pointed out: escapism.

Alas, that is not my only current addiction. Beside food, my newest one is the home shopping channel. Again, I am "one of those people" I never thought I would be.


Thank you so much for your feedback, Lois. I believe you are right - everyone has their own addictions, some more destructive than others.

I used to roleplay as well *Smile*. It's a fun escape from reality, and I truly enjoyed it. And I have a fondness for chocolate *Blush*.

I think it's all about finding the right balance between whatever we choose for our relaxation time, and "real life". It's too easy to get drawn into something and get addicted. But if a balance can be found, we can enjoy both.

Please, as faithjourney said to me, don't be too hard on yourself. You will find the right balance for you!


D.L. Fields - I don't know if it's a problem of modern (20th-21st century) life only, but we are disconnected from one another. We're encased in our own emotional bubble wrap, afraid to unravel for fear of being hurt.

I think you are right. Very right. I see fear everywhere in this world, and it's a sad thing. You've given me food for thought, thank you.


Ronis brain tumor is gone! - Kittiara,
you are right, everyone has addictions that they cant get away...little steps that will go with you day by day helps you get stronger with the almighty creator. I have to say that the "Serenity Prayer" seems to help for every single addiction out there! I have two addictions that I have conquered for over 4 years now. I have another one that I have recently shared in my port that cant be added to the newsletters. I have tried to learn to not have to deal with anymore. Of course the few I do let into this secret world know that I am not able to quit talking about it no matter what I try to do. I have taken one step to finish this one. This is the best step for me! I am determined to get this one over come no matter what!! I will let you know that I have a key chain that has the "Serenity Prayer" with me every day of my life along with the faith of god for me. I hope that others with any addictions know that a spiritual holding in your heart is important!

Thanks so much for sharing, and congrats on overcoming two addictions, and doing a brave battle with another! You will get there. You are determined, and when you are determined you will break free.

And you are right. I have found that having faith helps, a lot. Not only in overcoming an addiction, but with finding clarity, and helping to find where to go next, and improving my life.

Don't give up. *Smile*


Your Spiritual Newsletter Team:

larryp, Sophyween , kittiara

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