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Noticing Newbies: February 13, 2008 Issue [#2204]

Newsletter Header
Noticing Newbies

 This week:
  Edited by: esprit
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

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one day i'll get a 3.5 star review off of you :)


Word from our sponsor

Amazon's Price: $ 5.99

Letter from the editor

Further thoughts on rates. "Invalid Entry

Stars Shine on the Obstacles So They Can be Removed

There is an abyss separating drafts from fine, polished work. For experienced writers, it might be no larger than a chink that can be stepped over, in which case the rate will be higher. But beginning writers often have a canyon to cross. They see the beautifully colored covers of published books lining the cliff across the way and they want to springboard across with their first draft. They’re impatient to get there and wonder why they have to work so hard. They stumble on loose gravel and climb over boulders while that other guy seemed to find a smoother, easier path. Some begin to wonder if they'll ever get there. They believe low rates are the weights holding them back and making the journey tougher than it has to be. more

Your Personal Sludge Pile

Writers hear about the nastiness of the sludge pile and dread the thought of their novel becoming stuck in it. But personal sludge piles are good things. Somewhere in that pile of wadded up papers is the outline of a first published novel. When you’re out of story ideas and sort of discouraged from critiques, it’s time to rummage through it, read a little and be surprised at what good ideas you had. You’re really pretty good, aren’t you? Reading old stuff can renew your faith in yourself as a writer, and remember, you’ve learned a lot about the craft of writing since you tossed these low rated items aside.more

*Bullet* I ran across a wonderful poem I want to share. Listen to him. It's humourous, but, oh so serious. If you enjoy it, it would be a wonderful act of kindness to visit his site and leave a note, telling where you found it. *Smile*

The Second Draft
A verse offering advice to young writers.

First write it down from fore to aft;
Fix errors in the second draft!
Made a slip that looks quite daft?
Just fix it in the second draft!
When scenes go spinning, all askew
And heroes die just halfway through
There's just one thing for you to do --
Fix it in Draft Number Two!

Death scenes where the reader laughed --
Fix them in the second draft!
Silly typos by the raft --
Fix them in the second draft!
Armies all by morons staffed --
Fix them in the second draft!
Half the art and all the craft
Are added in the second draft!

(But be sure, when that draft is done
That it reads as well as Number One!)

Copyright 1992 by Lawrence Watt Evans

reprinted with author's permission.

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noticing newbies committee sig

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Editor's Picks

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 The Tolliver Incident  [13+]
This developed from an idea suggested by a writer.com reviewer.
by Asherman

 Forever  [18+]
If you could, would you want to live forever?
by Alexander

 Dinches   [18+]
Adventures of Jack Barnes
by Jack Barnes

Heart On The Floor  [18+]
What living a life can sometimes bring
by Allen James


Submitted Item:
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by A Guest Visitor

Submitted Item:
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by A Guest Visitor

Submitted Comment: This is one of those stories that may just bring a tear to your eye.

Submitted Item:
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by A Guest Visitor

Submitted Item:
 Dark Side  [E]
A prequel to a novel I'm planning to write. Last editted January 24, 2008.
by Caerberu

Submitted Comment: Hi! Please consider this novel. It's still just a few pages.

Submitted Item:
 A Poem against writing Poetry  [13+]
My teacher has gone mad! "Make poetry," says he - an amended villanelle in hexameter.
by Nutcracker

Submit your items to have them included in the newsletters. We use as many as we can.

Remember to read your neighbor’s work too!

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helpful links

All That Glitters Is Not Purple  [E]
The obsession we have with WDC's alluring purple stars.
by Adriana Noir

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Amazon's Price: $ 4.99

Ask & Answer

Your Thoughts on "Invalid Entry

Submitted By: Anne Light
Submitted Comment: I second every word you wrote. Thanks for covering this topic!

Submitted By: Ric The Woolicane
Submitted Comment: A very interesting editorial. My personal view is that the rates are something that are view differently by everyone, as long as you stick to the rules you set up and are constructive in comments then that's okay. Just don't judge the rates by only your standards.


Submitted by: hbar
Submitted Comment: I feel that the star system is rather useless if the rater does not inform the author as to why the decision to rate two stars or five was made.
Personally I would prefer to submit comments only. I know that when I rate a piece (and I have only rated one piece without giving a comment, and I feel bad about that one time), the criteria I am using is far different than the few individuals I have come in contact with here. Out of 222 reviews I have only had one complaint regarding rating or review (she felt bludgeoned). It is not my intent to "bludgeon" anyone, however, as some famous guy said 'you can't make everyone happy'.

So in this rather rambling reply, I would much prefer some honest comments rather than some flowers with a rating of five. Hopefully some tact can be applied with the negative comments.

Submitted By: Ronis brain tumor is gone!
Submitted Comment: I think this is great newsletter that both newbies and older members to learn from with the Community Recognition Number. I just asked this question in technical support about the number going down.

Thanks for letting the newbies and oldies know this....

Submitted By: larryp
Submitted Comment: Reviewing is learned by doing, and there are stages. Some members remain at the first stage of giving a few comments only. Others go on to become extensive reviewers, consistently giving rates to match the review. A bonus of reviewing actively and honestly is that you will become a better writer and reviewer. Giving and receiving feedback and lower rates is difficult and complex. How we do it boils down to a personal decision only you can make.
Great insights esprit A good look at reviews and ratings in this newsletter.

Editor's always appreciate feedback, thanks! Remember to include the name of the Editor, or the topic or date of the letter so we don't end up bickering over whose great feedback it is. *Laugh*



Your host this week is esprit

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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Word from our sponsor
Amazon's Price: $ 12.99

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