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Spiritual: October 10, 2007 Issue [#1997]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Puditat
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Spiritual: relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical matter; intangible. Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus

This newsletter explores ideas of the spiritual nature that exists in each and every one of us in an open and non-judgemental manner.

Each editor brings to the newsletter their own backgrounds, experiences, beliefs and opinions. Whether you disagree, agree, doubt or applaud the views expressed, let us all show respect to each other. Together we can learn something about the many varied aspects of the spiritual self and enjoy our differences in true meaning of the Spirit of Community.

Enjoy! *Cool*

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Letter from the editor

*Leaf2**Leaf2**Leaf2* Confession *Leaf2**Leaf2**Leaf2*

Have you heard the saying, "Confession is good for the soul"? It is quite common, and often said glibly. However, it is very, very true!

I had a recent experience (today in fact), that required a confession to my husband. I made an accidental charge to our credit card. For me, that is a big deal. I am particularly conscious that I currently bring no income into the house. So to make a charge we had not agreed on, and for something that was not important..can you understand how I felt? The fact that I was under the impression that there was no charge, and there was, actually made it worse, not better.

Until I made that confession, I felt miserable and quite sick. I felt I had let him down and knew that I would not find peace of mind or heart until I'd sought his forgiveness. So, with a heavy heart, I made the phone call to him at work. The longer I put it off the worse I would feel and potentially the worse or more worried he would be.

Well, I can only tell you my husband is a saint. *Heart* He saw the charge before I did, and was so unworried that he kept forgetting to mention it. Furthermore he said it was absolutely fine, and to stop beating myself up about it. I cried. Not because I was relieved that I was 'safe', but because he was so willing to forgive me. Is it any wonder I love him so much? I still do not feel happy, as I know I was wrong, and it cost us financially. However, I have a peace that I am loved, regardless of my mistake. What my husband did for me is a little, earthly example of what God is like. Despite the many sins we find ourselves engaged in, He loves us unconditionally, and forgives us when we confess it to Him.

Now, let's consider that I put it off or decided not to confess at all. How long would I have suffered under the guilt and fear needlessly? Could I have endured the festering sore of a secret knowledge that I knew would be found out? What if it was something I could keep secret - would that make my inside condition worse or better? I don't believe there'd be any difference.

In the vast scheme of things, what I did was not major. It was an honest mistake, not a deliberate act. Many of our day to day sins are like that. That little conversation we had during break at work that we realise was gossip, but at the time we were so caught up in the comraderie of sharing similar feelings with workmates...the pen we forgot to give back to the sales lady after we wrote out a cheque...etc.

The challenge is to confess these things, and where possible, to rectify them.

Here are a couple of Biblical quotes I will leave you with:

He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
Proverbs 28:13


If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9

Peace and grace in Christ Jesus,

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Editor's Picks

Memoirs 1: Timmy  [ASR]
A memoir of the death of a playmate when I was a a child, and reflections.
by revdbob

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by A Guest Visitor

 The Bible and a Bag of Golf Clubs  [E]
A light-hearted look at beginning a Bible study
by DocP

 Life's Short.  [E]
A Christian Dialogue.
by Jeshu

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by A Guest Visitor

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by A Guest Visitor

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Ask & Answer

*Note4* *Star* Hi Puditat,
Keep up the good work, you are a gift to us.
Be blessed,

         Thank you so very much for your kindness. Such support is very appreciated!

*Note4* Enjoyed your "Letter from the Editor" Puditat.
*Heart* hdelphyne

         Thank you! *Heart*

*Note4* Dear Puditat,

Thanks so much for this sincere article. I respect how bravely you open up your frustrations and wounds for all to see. I have been very frustrated lately, with my job, with my personal attempts at wirting. Reading this made me feel like I had just spent time with someone that could use a helping hand. I feel better. And I hope you do as well.

         Isn't it wonderful how our own trials can bring hope and peace in others? I'm so glad that the editorial on weariness was timely for you. I still await some positive outcome, but for the moment my heart is steadied on the journey. May yours also be!

*Note4* I understand where you're coming from. I'm weary of waiting for my writing to take off too, but I faithfully keep at it. I do have some encouragement - in a week, my husband and I will be moving in a house we've dreamed of building for 9 years. It took longer than we liked, but it happened. The Lord moves in His own timing!

         Wow, congratulations! How exciting to see the realisation of your house. I hope you're still enjoying the newness and joy of being in your new home. You may be interested in reading revdbob's item featured above, as it makes some references to God's time. May the fruit of your writing be realised in shorter time than your house.

*Note4* Inspiring issue Puditat, and one with thoughtful suggestions. I hope your mood takes a swing to the positive soon! *Heart*

         Thank you, dear Winda. I am never down-trodden for long as I've been blessed with an optimistic outlook on life...but progress helps keep the life buoy afloat. *Wink*

*Note4* Dear, Puditat there are many things we forget,we sometimes forget to thank God for this day He has given us.I always say every day is a good day above ground...I know I have my up day's as well as my down,this is when I ask the Holy Spirit to lead me in the right direction.

         A very healthy attitude! I would hate to think what my life would be like without the calming influence of the Holy Spirit.

*Note4* Thank you for this encouraging and timely newsletter, sister in Christ. I've only been with WDC for 2 weeks. I enjoy it, but already I am going through a "can't write" mood. That's partly due to my health and finances. I'll keep you in prayer for your finances, also. I think God is teaching us to rely on Him, draw closer to Him. *Smile* Thanks again!

         A very warm welcome to Writing.com! I pray that your writing finds an increase in productivity as well as in the other areas you mention.

*Note4* Nice job, Puditat. But it also sounds as though you're in on of the troughs of Christian life. I can well understand getting tired with doing anything, including good works. Everyone is entitled, in any event, to a vacation. Maybe you would like to consider a retreat for meditation and prayer, maybe with some spiritual direction. it's great if you can go to a retreat center (the Catholic church operates quite a few open to anyone); but if that isn't in the cards, you can set aside a little time each day for a mini-retreat. Can't hurt.

         Your suggestions are great ones, and ones well worth considering. However, with regards to my Christian walk, I find the opposite is true at the moment. My Spiritual life is heating up. My husband and I are at last enjoying the long-awaited fruit since we married and then completed our Certificate in Applied Theology. We are being called more and more into His service and are finding His strength and love uplifting in those times when we wish we weren't so utilised. It is indeed an exciting Spiritual time for us.

*Note4* You know you have a gift and you are a blessing thanks for using your gift to be a blessing a emmanuel this is my frist new letter i readly enjoyed your editor i was readly blessed by all the writers

         Thank you! I hope you continue to enjoy the newsletters. *Delight*

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