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Drama: June 20, 2007 Issue [#1775]

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 This week:
  Edited by: MandiK~ : p Author IconMail Icon
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter


Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Continuing on with the next chapter in Writing The Wave by Elizabeth Ayres

Chapter 7 Land Ahoy

Shape a Beginning, Middle, and End for Your Work

Coin Toss

A. Prepare a piece of paper with 9 quadrants- 3 across, 3 down
In each quadrant write one of the following:
joy, patience, imagination, light, becoming, peace, silence, bliss, eternal now

B. Now prepare 3 separate sheets with one of the following at the top of each sheet:
Beginning ( _____ )
Middle ( ______ )
End ( _______ )

1.Select a coin from your pocket. Toss the coin onto the worksheet from step A. It will land on one of the 9 words written there. Write that word in the parenthesis on the page marked Beginning.

2. Repeat the coin toss 2 more times. Write the second word on the page marked Middle, and the third word with End

Set your timer for no more than 10 minutes for each of these next steps.

3. Using the Beginning worksheet, write down any ideas, images, or scenes that come to mind when you think of the word you wrote in the parenthesis

4. Using the Middle worksheet, write down any ideas, images, or scenes that come to mind when you think of the word you wrote in the parenthesis

5. Using the End worksheet, write down any ideas, images, or scenes that come to mind when you think of the word you wrote in the parenthesis

Do not continue until you finish Step 5!

You are going to need a dictionary for the next couple of steps

Set your timer for no more than 10 minutes for each of the next sections

6. Find your “Beginning” word in your dictionary. As you read the definition of the word, jot down notes on your worksheet. Just pick out words or phrases which appeal to you.

7. Repeat this process for your next two words.

8. Return to your Beginning worksheet. Set you timer for 1minute. Now brainstorm a list of nouns, which may or may not be connected to the “Beginning” word. The list can contain adjectives: “brown dog” for example. What you are doing with this step is giving yourself an opportunity to add layers that are more concrete than the musings and reflections that you have so far.
When you finish one minutes worth for “beginning”, continue on for the “Middle” and “End” word.

Do not continue until you finish Step 8!

9. Write a story, poem or essay that has the beginning, middle and end you just created in steps 1 through 8

You have just finished Chapter 7!

We’re finished with the concept of sections now. In the next chapter, we’re going to explore artistic structure from a different angle.

Editor's Picks

 A Deadly Passion Open in new Window. (13+)
From a sweet love to a deadly passion.
#1278500 by silent thinker Author IconMail Icon

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#1240855 by Not Available.

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#1220598 by Not Available.

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#1255821 by Not Available.

Even poetry can be considered drama...

 Blue Angel Open in new Window. (E)
An abandoned innocent's plight.
#1200790 by AntiBarbie Author IconMail Icon

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#1207010 by Not Available.

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

Well I seems that I definately got your attention with this last question!

Here are the responses to my asking
I'm the mother of an 18 year old daughter and a 15 1/2 year old son; both who have portfolios on Writing. Up until just recently, I been very careful with the genre that I've been writing in. Then I entered a contest that I ventured very slighty into the erotic. A reader voiced his/her displeasure at this writing style for a mother.

What is YOUR opinion on this?
Should I have instead written this piece under another name so that my children didn't know it was me (if they read it)?
Or should I have not ventured into this genre at all?

Who do you think should or shouldn't write this "stuff"?

let me know...

SkyHawk - Into The Music Author IconMail Icon
Dear Mandik,

First off, never let someone else define what is the right thing for YOU to write about. After all, it's your expression, not theirs. If they don't want to read it,then they don't have to.

As to writing the piece under a name your children don't know, that would be something to consider. I feel that truly depends on what you feel your children are ready for, and what youwnat (or don't want) to share with them.

As for who should or should not write erotica, I think any adult should be allowed to write erotica / erotic literature. And "erotica" is an ill-defined term; everyone has different limits, different turn-ons, etc. While it is important to remember your audience, you also need to make sure what you write and submit is something that is part of YOU.

outlander Author IconMail Icon
I think you should write in any genre that strikes your fancy. You're a person before you are a parent, with the right to personal expression. And your children should know this. Whether or not they should read erotic material is up to you as a parent of a minor child. Whether or not they should read erotic material and know it was written by you depends upon your comfort with that knowledge. Minor children should not write about experiences they are too young to have. Beyond that the field is wide open.

J. A. Buxton Author IconMail Icon
((A reader voiced his/her displeasure at this writing style for a mother.))

I'd personally tell that person to...never mind, Mum brought me up to be a lady!

You want my opinion? You as a writer should never have to hide what you write. You have the right and obligation to be honest to your skills. At the ages your children are, I doubt if anything slightly erotic you write would warp their minds. Does being a mother mean you have to write only stories that viewers of Walt Disney movies would like?

If a person writes with an aim to entertaining their readers, anyone should be able to whatever they feel comfortable writing. Of course, the above is only my opinion, but, as Mrs. Slocum would say, I am unanimous in it!

Seisa-sleepingcatbooks.com Author IconMail Icon
Mandik, it is entirely up to you in what genre you choose to write. Whether your children are 18 and 15, or 5 and 2, it's YOUR decision. Pen names are fine, if you choose to go that route, but if you are proud of your work, then no one else has any right to tell you that you shouldn't write it! There are other people's 18 and 15 year olds on here, too, so what's different about yours reading it over theirs? They may be embarrassed to learn that Mom has this side to her, but that's between you and them. Write on, and write whatever you MUST write!

Ginfla Author IconMail Icon
why shouldn't a mother be allowed to write erotica? I'm sure your daughter is old enough to understand that sometimes we write about things outside our normal range. Your son can wait a few years to learn that! granted it may be a shock, it's hard for any child no matter their age to think of their mother's in that light, but that's how we got here! I say write what you feel comfortable with, there will always be those that disagree with the genre in general and that women, in particular mothers, write it. That is there loss it shouldn't be ours.

Curious Author IconMail Icon
Hi there,

As a mother myself, I have no problem with your venturing into the slightly erotic. I haven't read your piece, so I'm speaking conceptually here.

Here's a few thoughts...your kids know about sex. Also, you know your children best, you know what they can and will tolerate/accept more than anyone else.

My children are in elementary school, so I would use pseudonym. When my daughter is 18, I’d probably use my regular name.

It's unfair to foist an opinion onto others, such as Mothers shouldn't talk about/write about sex. Mothers are people too! It’s possible that your writing might actually HELP your relationship with your child(ren). Let's say your daughter reads your work, she might realize that: 1) Mom is a multi-dimensional person 2) Mom might be a good person of whom to ask questions about sex 3) motherhood should not keep a woman from living a full life (within some boundaries of course).

Write on!

In response to the question above, I think it is perfectly okay for a mother to write a piece in the erotica genre, because a mother is still a woman. Your kids might be a little freaked if they stumbled upon it by accident, so it might be a good idea to either restrict who can view it (maybe using a passkey and posting said key in the contest forum?) or by using another name.

VikramAdith Author IconMail Icon
I think for most kids, their parents are completely asexual creatures, so while they might be mildly embarrassed, I don't think they'll in any way be adversely affected to read erotic writing by the Mom (I bet you they wouldn't read it once they know that you were the author).

I don't think you should be limited to what you write just because of your role in life. Moms, dads, teens, doctors, janitors...if they like writing, they should be able to write whatever they want. No one should be confined to their roles in life. That's not fair at all.

True, your slightly erotic story might embarrass your kids, but they should talk to you about it, or you to them. Warn them that you have such a thing in your port, so they can avoid the story if it does embarrass them. Just because you're a mom doesn't mean you should always write something tame. That's not fair to you.

I say keep the story, if you so wish. Don't let a stereotyping member of the site make you erase it. We're all human, and should be allowed our rights and wants. You have the right to tell any story you want. So I say keep it and move on. A real writer wouldn't let one person stop her, would she?

Well, that's my two cents. Spend them how you like.


Julieann Author IconMail Icon
I think you should write what your heart tells you to write. I'm curious to see the list of acceptable writing topics your reader considers appropriate for a mother? I was not aware of such a list. Being a mother does not mean a woman can't have erotic thoughts or ideas. It certainly doesn't mean she shouldn't write about them. You be the judge of your OWN kids. If they can handle your stuff, write it. If not, write under another name if that makes you more comfortable. But please DON'T ever let anyone tell you something is not appropriate just because you are a mother, or a woman, or.... whatever.

Keep writing!

Lornda Author IconMail Icon
Hello Mandik. Enjoyed reading your newsletter. To answer your question, (you do know this is a tough one to call)... But, having an 18 year old daughter too, I probably would have gone under another name, then if you have a knack for this type of writing, then when the kids were old and grey,(ha ha) you could go under your present name.....

Just because you're a mom doesn't mean you can't write in the erotica genre. And if you have a close enough relationship with your kids who are writers too, they can separate "mom" from the "writer"... At least I think so. Kids who tend to write early, are more mature than the average person, but maybe for you (not someone who voiced displeasure), if you were somewhat uncomfortable with your kids knowing, it might make sense to use a different name, but I say - just because you're a mom, doesn't mean you're dead! Write til your heart's content! Good for you!

Paige Turner Author IconMail Icon
What? Erotica authors can’t have children? Is that the message? No, I don’t think we should be censoring your writing, or anyone else’s. The rating system is used on this site. That should be sufficient. After all, Moms are people, too. Write on, Mom!

Ta Author IconMail Icon
I think that you have the right to decide and no one can or should take that away from you. Should only the clergy write about religion? Should only criminals write about crime? Who says mothers can't or shouldn't be erotic? Writing is very personal and individual.

Mom writes that too and I'm 13..I don't think it matters much about what you write when your a mother or a child or anything else. It matters more that you felt it and that your heart wanted to write it. I don't think any writing is wrong. I think you should write the story you feel, true or fiction. Just write what your heart wants and you'll be fine. Mom does and it hasn't ever hurt me. I think it's really neat that she does it and I think that you're kids might think so too.

Mark Author IconMail Icon
Assuming this is not a joke...write whatever, and however your muse, ambition and/or desire dictates. No matter what you do, there will always be a detractor, so be honest to yourself, and write unapologetically.

Just read your newsletter and came across your question related to writing erotica. Not
having read the note of displeasure sent to you, I am wondering if the person expressed a
concern about a mother writing erotica or whether the concern related to your children
reading the erotica. They appear to be separate issues.

Starting with the last question - "should" or "shouldn't" doesn't even enter the
equation, considering that writing reflects personal expression. Write what works for
you, whether a mom or not a mom.

In regards to the ages of your children and the reality that they too have portfolios on
site and can read what you write, I suggest you use your discretion. You would best know
the maturity level of your children and what would be comfortable for you and for them
related to the subject matter you choose to write about. If you are uncertain, you may
want to open up the dialogue with them. Mom's are human with human emotions and if your
children are mature enough to understand and respect that, you are on your way to writing
whatever feels right for you and gives them the freedom to do the same.


My comments didn't fit in the comment box, so I'm e-mailing you with my opinion.

First off interesting newsletter. The technique for writing sounds very interesting and
can be useful, when I have a writer's block. About your question concerning erotica. I
don't think that you did a big mistake or that this was inappropriate. You are a woman
and a human being beforea mother and you have the freedom to do whatever you want. If you
raised your children well and they are a fine example of good mothering, then why would be
this be so outrageous. I don't think that you should hide yourself from your children and
show the perfect mother image. Truth and sharing and natural behaviour are way better
options to communicate with your children. You did the best thing in that situation and
trying a new genre is never a bad thing. it's called branching in my book and the more
genres you are good at the better. It depends on what is written. I think that Erotica is
a great genre, when all of the taboos and rough abnormal fantasies are kept out of the
story. Everyone can write it and there are noone, who can tell you, you are unedr 21 or
you are a mother, so you are forbidden. That's my opinion. Hope this helps.

Thank you to all who responded! I was being to wonder who was listening to me... and now with my beautiful daughter graduating and going off to the French Culinary in NYC... oh well, life goes on!


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