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Spiritual: January 17, 2007 Issue [#1487]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Puditat
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
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About This Newsletter

Spiritual: relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical matter; intangible. Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus

This newsletter explores ideas of the spiritual nature that exists in each and every one of us in an open and non-judgemental manner.

Each editor brings to the newsletter their own backgrounds, experiences, beliefs and opinions. Whether you disagree, agree, doubt or applaud the views expressed, let us all show respect to each other. Together we can learn something about the many varied aspects of the spiritual self and enjoy our differences in true meaning of the Spirit of Community.

Enjoy! *Cool*

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Letter from the editor

*Thumbsup**Thumbsdown* Disappointments *Thumbsup**Thumbsdown*

"An anxious heart weighs a man down,
but a kind words cheers him up."
Proverbs 12:25

Life throws many things at us, and one of the most common 'downs' we run across is that of disappointment. Every day we may face issues leaving us with a feeling of regret or sadness. From the coffee pot being empty when we really need a hot drink, to missing out on a promotion at work, they vary in size and importance.

Some, like the coffee pot being empty, is relatively minor for most people. Missing out on a promotion can cause a life-altering decision to be made -- such as quitting, or relocating.

For each of us the severity of our reaction equates to how important the matter was for us in the first place. Someone can validly react with more feeling over a dug up daffodil than they would over missing a game of basketball. The next person along would be the complete opposite.

When we look at the world of writing, we don't have to use our imaginations too much to figure out the disappointments one can face in this area. Whether it's an unexplained bad rating, rejection letter, or lack of sales on your published book, a writer must learn how to handle these without losing focus.

I have faced my own disappointment in the last week. I had a holiday planned with my husband, but the people we were going to stay with are unable to host us now. However, often a disappointment can open up a world of opportunities. *Wink*

Instead, my husband and I are going camping, and I am looking forward to it. It is something we have not done for four years! It will cost us more, require more work, planning, and effort, be more effected by weather, and not so comfortable. On the other hand, we will have our own time and space. We can do whatever, whenever we like, and eat what we like. I think it will end up being a much more romantic holiday. Then, when we get home, we will appreciate the comforts (and convenience of a toilet inside) that much more. *Laugh*

Disappointments are not the end of a road, merely a signal that maybe you should choose a new direction, or at least reassess the current one.

No coffee? Try orange juice or a hot chocolate. Or go out for a coffee - you never know who you might meet on the way.

Missed out on that promotion you wanted? Then it's time to consider what you want to do. If you still want that promotion, don't give up, work harder, or look for ways to achieve the same position (perhaps a different company, or branch). You may find it's not what you really wanted at all.

I am a born optimist, and I love looking for the bright side of everything. So for me, every rejection letter I get tells me I am a writer, because you don't get them unless you're writing something and submitting it to publishers.

Sure, get a lot of them and your confidence wavers. That's where some determination, self-belief, and persistence carries you through until you can re-establish your grasp on life and its perspective.

Disappointment is a fact of life. We cannot escape them, but we can choose to move on afterwards, and we can choose where we move to.

"A heart at peace gives life to the body,
but envy rots the bones."
Proverbs 14:30

Till next time:
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Ask & Answer

A beautiful yet poignant NL Puditat... the best of wishes for you and yours during this most precious of seasons, and well into the new year! *Heart*

         Thank you for such kind words. I pray 2007 holds many blessings for you. *Heart*

As always, your newsletter was excellent. I extend my empathy over the loss of your precious bunny. You must be commended for pointing out that Christmas is about love,and remembering it is the day that Jesus was born. Joining with family and friends is gift alone on this holy day. Have a wonderful holiday season!

         Thank you, Sherri. *Delight* May your year be very blessed.

Very touching editorial. And, the application to the meaning of Christmas was very well done. This touched me. Thanks

         Thank you. I am honoured to have had my small words blessed with receptive hearts. Blessings and peace for 2007. *Smile* *Heart*

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