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For Authors: December 06, 2006 Issue [#1418]

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For Authors

 This week:
  Edited by: darkin
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

"The secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or to say a new thing in an old way." -Richard Harding Davis

My name is Darkin and I'll be your guest host for this issue of For Authors.

Word from our sponsor

Letter from the editor

Dealing with Criticism

You've written a story, spending numerous hours editing and polishing your prose until it is perfect. Before you submit it to an editor, positive they'll accept it after the first paragraph, you let a fellow writing read your masterpiece and wait for the glowing review.

Instead of a glowing review, your writer friend returns your masterpiece with marks and comments throughout it. Page after page you find more errors and questions. What should you do?

Writing is a little like giving birth. You spend many days, months and sometimes years developing your story. You nurture your tale, giving it the words it needs to be ready to go out into the publishing world. How do you deal with the pain of getting a critique that you feel is harsh?

There are several things you can do to learn to accept a helpful critique without losing your cool. And deal with a harsh or rude one with grace and style.

1. Remember that not matter what, the final decision to make any changes is yours and yours alone. You are the writer. Don't make any changes you don't feel is right.

2. Take any suggestions into consideration, even if you don't like the person. Weight each suggestion, if it makes sense, use it. If it doesn't, dump it.

3. Even if someone is right about some of their suggestions, they might not be right about them all. Weigh each comment against where you want your plot to go.

4. No matter what kind of review you receive, it is nothing personal against you. The only thing that is being criticized is your work, not you personally.

5. Just because someone says they are positive they are right about the way your piece should go, or the changes you should make, it doesn't mean they are. Never allow someone to push you into changing something you don't want to change.

6. When you are asking for a critique, try to get one from two or more different people. If possible, get people you trust and who read the kind of writing you do to do the critiques.

7. Sometimes you'll get a review that is just plain odd. The reviewer won't make sense, or will sound like they were reading someone else's work. When you get these kinds of critiques, just ignore them.

8. If you've sent your work to a magazine and they've rejected it, do not contact them to argue with their decision, or to complain about a comment made about your writing. It's considered bad form and childish. And it's more than likely going to mean you'll never get published by that magazine, and any other that editor talks to, as well.

9. No matter what kind of review you get, don't get angry about it. Being upset about a review that's wrong, or right, isn't going to do you, or your writing, any good.

10. Not everyone will react to your writing the same way. On the same note, not everyone will like, or hate, your work. Even if your piece is written wonderfully, has great characters, and a brilliant plot, there are going to be people who can't stand it. It's human nature.

11. Respond to every review or critique you receive with a polite and respectful thank you. Even if you disagree with the comments, or think the reviewer is crazy. Being respectful is the sign of a professional writer, and a human being.

Receiving harsh criticism of your work is something all writers face in their writing career. Learning to accept and deal with critics without losing your cool.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Happy Writing!


Editor's Picks

Here are some items I've found while traveling the highways and byways of Writing.Com!

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#1185409 by Not Available.

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#1180532 by Not Available.

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#1085946 by Not Available.

The Golden Door  (13+)
“Nothing can be excluded from life. It is all one thing.”
#838971 by W.D.Wilcox

 The North American Cheese Race  (ASR)
The North American Cheese Race is on with 4 contestants from around the globe competing.
#1186313 by Emyrn

Check out these writing contests!

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#1120644 by Not Available.

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#1168547 by Not Available.

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#962569 by Not Available.

The Writer's Cramp  (13+)
Write the best poem or story in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPS!
#333655 by Sophy

And would you like to send some holiday spirit to someone, but don't have the funds? Check out this forum!

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#1181553 by Not Available.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

Thank you for taking the time to read and for allowing me into your world.


When I am dead, I hope it is said,
'His sins were scarlet, but his books were read'.
-Hilaire Belloc

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