Do you remember being a kid and hating being alone in your room at night? All the monsters were hiding either under the bed or in the closet! Your imagination ran wild with strange things unseen. Then you grew up and realized that the biggest and worst monsters are in reality people. The truth is so far from your imagination, it’s almost impossible to believe it.
Now, looking back, those imaginary things are rather welcome.
While the truly gruesome stories are always appreciated, the ones from our childhood are like a comfortable, soft blanket. The familiars. Our imagination is a vital part of any story, yet never more so than in horror. When All Hallows Eve arrives, the veil between this world and other world is thinner and you never know what can cross over.
The mind is a finicky thing and every one of us has different ideas of what scary is. No one likes to be scared more than kids. They get to test their limit as to how much they can take, what they end up finding funny, what sticks with them for years to come, but most of all, it builds their character - even if it does come with a little bit of trauma.
So! In the spirit of Halloween coming up, why don't you share your best story, new or old, with the rest of us. I'll read through them all and share some goodies for the top 3 (MBs and GPs). Let your mind roam free! Think back to your childhood years! For some, those memories might be right behind a corner, for others, well a few decades might have gone by but that doesn't mean that the child in you is gone. Find that child, talk to it, spend some time reminiscing and show us what you've got!
Submit your stories through the comment below and I'll announce the winners in my next newsletter!
Be spooky, my friends!
~ Gaby
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