Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/12672
Contests & Activities: August 07, 2024 Issue [#12672]

 This week: Get The Word Out
  Edited by: Which Witch Is Which?๐Ÿงน
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Get The Word Out

Hi there! I am Which Witch Is Which?๐Ÿงน , and I am one of the regular editors of Contests & Activities Newsletter.

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Get The Word Out

If you are running a contest or activity and you would like to encourage member participation, you have to get the word out. The big question is: how do we do this without driving everyone crazy?

I think we all struggle with this, right? We want to know about activities/products/places/happenings, but hearing about them over and over can be annoying. What's an activity owner to do?

Make sure you place your information in all the appropriate places. Newsfeed it important, and we will get to it in a bit, but don't rely on it completely. There are other resources on WdC that you can use! I will give you links momentarily.

In my last Noticing Newbies Newsletter "You Are Here, I covered places to "chat" with other members and get to know them. I listed a few places I knew about in the newsletter. In the newsfeed posting for this newsletter, I asked for people's favorite places to chat with other members and discovered places I had never heard of before. Why was that?

I would venture to guess that they weren't getting the word out. I am pretty active on this site and although I can't know every nook and cranny (nor would I want to, LOL), sometimes the things I don't know about are probably not being promoted by their owners.

Have I convinced you yet? Let's dig in.

WHERE TO LIST YOUR CONTEST/ACTIVITY First are the official activity and contest pages. List your items there when the items are up and actively running. If your contest closes, go back and delete the entry. You can always re-enter it when open it up again.

**SPECIAL HINT: If your activity is always active, you may want to occasionally delete and re-enter it on the appropriate forum. That way it doesn't get lost at the bottom of the pile. The key is to keep these listings current and relevant.

Activities @ Writing.Com  (E)
The best place to find out what's going on around Writing.Com!
#819558 by Writing.Com Support

Writing Contests @ Writing.Com  (E)
Writing Contests on Writing.Com are posted here.
#171898 by Writing.Com Support

Then there's the unofficial yet wildly popular listing:

Contest Clues  (E)
List of WdC Writing Contests, Challenges, Activities. Clues To What's Open, What's Closed!
#2221492 by Which Witch Is Which?๐Ÿงน

I list writing contests, activities, and challenges. I endeavor to keep it current. Put this in your FAVORITES so you can refer back to it again and again!

CUSTOMIZE YOUR SIGNATURE One place that many people use as advertising for their items is their signature. Everyone has this capability, although Premium members have the option to have multiple different signatures. The signatures can contain a lot of information if you wish and are placed automatically (saving you a lot of time and hassle).

According to the site: "Currently signatures are only used within forums, books and email...Each signature is limited to 500 characters in length and may contain WritingML tags."

How to access this feature: in the left-hand column of the site, click on My Account. then scroll down and click on Manage Signature(s). This is where you can set up how you want your signature to look.

You can use images (if your account allows) and text including writingML. That means you can link to items in your port or sharable items in other people's ports. Again, I encourage you to keep this information fresh and up-to-date. Have open and active forums listed. Do not leave your long-closed contest on your signature.

My signature currently looks like this (I use L-item links to take up less space than a b-item link):
Moon and Feathers sig, made by Gaby (geja8856)Purple Witch
"Fox's Socks Newbie Short Story Contest"   by Which Witch Is Which?๐Ÿงน
"Merit Badge Magic"   by Which Witch Is Which?๐Ÿงน
Sparkling GeminiGem
Logo for Writing.Com Moderators - small.

Clickable Image Links Another creative thing you can do is to create a clickable image for your activity or contest. If you have a logo for your contest, that would work really well for this.

You can include this in your signature, in any posting that you do, etc. Here's how to do this bit of magic: When you are in editing mode of an image scroll down to Link To Item ID.. This is where you will enter the ID number of the contest or activity you want to link to the image. When a person clicks on an image set up this way, it works as a link to that contest or activity.

I use this one to take people to a fundraiser I am doing. Go ahead and click on it. The fundraiser might be currently closed, but you can still see how the link works.
Click Here

Newsfeed Notes Posting on newsfeed is a popular way to notify and remind people of a forum you have open and active. Since most WdC-ers scroll through newsfeed, it is a great way to get the word out and I wouldn't be afraid to use it. If you post strategically, you can get the job done. Once when the the activity opens, once to remind people and then again a few days before the deadline, perhaps?

You will want to make your newsfeed posts interesting and eye-catching. Use large-enough fonts, color, images, interesting contest, etc. Play around with looks good to you.

Good luck letting people know about your contest and activity! Don't be shy and keep at it. People need to be reminded occasionally, too.

Thank you to severed head for the suggestion for this week's newsletter topic!

Would you like to suggest a topic for a newsletter?

Newsletter Topics  (E)
What topics would you find interesting to read about in the WdC newsletters?
#2321417 by Which Witch Is Which?๐Ÿงน

Editor's Picks

This is the Contest & Activities Newsletter, so I feature...contests and activities. I know, I KNOW! Crazy, right?


DWG: Poet, Know It, Show It Contest   (E)
Calling all poets to share their poetry. Calling judges to help with contest & receive...
#2250901 by dogpack howling & prowling

Fox's Socks Newbie Poetry Contest  (E)
Contest CLOSED.
#2273703 by Which Witch Is Which?๐Ÿงน

WDC L'il Helper Contest  (E)
Submit your best How-To essay or narrative that explains a specific aspect of Writing.com.
#2308999 by Polter-JACE: Cruising ...

What if...? (Closed)  (13+)
The contest that asks the big question - what if...? September Round - Judging
#1511228 by Dawn Embers

Poetry-sharing Activity for expression and entertainment!
#2232169 by Solace.Bring

The One-Line Lyric Challenge  (13+)
A musically-inspired challenge with writing prompts posted twice a month. Prizes included!
#2293321 by Edgar Anni Poe

What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

Find ALL the writing contests, activities, and challenges HERE:
Contest Clues  (E)
List of WdC Writing Contests, Challenges, Activities. Clues To What's Open, What's Closed!
#2221492 by Which Witch Is Which?๐Ÿงน

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

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Ask & Answer

Comments from my last Contest & Activities Newsletter "When Manifesting GPs Doesn't Work

From Lilli Munster ๐Ÿงฟ โ˜• ๐ŸŽƒ
Yay!!! Great newsletter! So many members are unaware of all the ways to put gift points in their pockets. Psst...another secret is the "Read and Review" option in the left-hand menu bar (right under Create New Item).

From Mary Ann MCPhedran
Hi and thank you for your ideas on how to renew membership. mine is due next month. I always pay by cash. I'm not sure about premium+ as I don't use it much. Or I should admit I don't know how to use it.

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
Writing.Com Item ID To Highlight (Optional):

Send a comment or question to the editor!
Limited to 2,500 characters.
Word from our sponsor
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Removal Instructions

To stop receiving this newsletter, click here for your newsletter subscription list. Simply uncheck the box next to any newsletter(s) you wish to cancel and then click to "Submit Changes". You can edit your subscriptions at any time.

Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/12672