Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/12629-Check-your-Links.html
Contests & Activities: July 03, 2024 Issue [#12629]

 This week: Check your Links!
  Edited by: ❀Leger❀
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The purpose of this newsletter is to highlight some of the current contests and activities on the site, help educate members on how to host contests and activities and provide clues to submit quality entries to contests. Write to me if you'd like something in particular covered.

This week's Contests and Activities Editor

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Check your Links!

I guess this is more of a public service announcement. Check your links. Some members, including myself have been here at WDC a lonnnnnnng time. So things we created some time back, have lost links in the item.

For instance, I have a Christmas forum called "Secret Santa - Closed, that honestly, I pretty much abandon after the event. One, it's right during the holidays, and I need to focus on my family and such. But eventually, the season rolls around again and I have to tune up the forum for the next season.

That includes making sure that all the links guiding members to activities and cNotes are still good links and if they require the participation of the item owner, make sure they're hosting that item again this year.

So when you're looking for something to do...like when you're on hold, listening to that fun elevator music, open an item or two and clean house so you're ready for the next round.

*Santahat* [Refresh to load countdown.] *Santahat* until Christmas! *Santahat*


This month's question: Are you punctual with your portfolio housekeeping? Send in your answer below! *Down* Editors love feedback!

Editor's Picks

What if...?   (13+)
The contest that asks the big question - what if...? September Round - Judging
#1511228 by Dawn Embers

What if we are nothing but shadows? - song by Kittie (We Are Shadows)
What if this is a day to remember? - the band, A Day to Remember
What if someone struggles to see that they are worth it? - song by Pop Evil (Worth It)
What if there is a sign of life? - song by Motionless in White (Sign of Life)
What if collaboration is the key? - groups that collaborate like Babymetal and Electric Callboy
18+ prompt: What if I almost told you that I loved you? - song by Papa Roach, has adult content (I Almost Told You That I Love You)

The Prompt Me Contest  (13+)
Weekly winners will have a chance to win the monthly MB give-away!
#2000519 by Cubboo!

Week 1: June 30 - July 6: *Planet* planet (two sentence limit)
Week 2: July 7 - 13: *Barrel* barrel (one sentence limit)
Week 3: July 14 - 20: *Duck* rubber duck (two sentence limit)
Week 4: July 21 - 27: *Golf* golf ball (one sentence limit)
Week 5: July 28 - Aug. 3: *Laptop* laptop (two sentence limit)

Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the twisted raccoon

A new prompt will be posted every day in the forum at the bottom of this page at approximately 11:00 pm WDC time. (Eastern US time). The prompt will have the date of the next day, the day it is due. After the prompt is posted,you'll have about 24 hours to post your entry.

The Writer's Cramp  (13+)
Write the best poem or story in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPS!
#333655 by Sophyween

Each day around 12pm NOON WDC time, one of our dedicated volunteer judges will judge the previous day's entries and post a new writing prompt. Entries for each new prompt must be posted by 11:59am WDC time the next day.

Words, Wonderful Words  (E)
An activity forum for sharing quotes, phrases, lyrics, and lines of poetry.
#2317373 by tracker

The purpose of this activity forum is to share our favorite famous quotes, phrases, and lines of poetry. There are terrific combinations of words weaved by WdC writers. I listed some in my first post. Any Ideas or tweaks to this forum are welcome.

Join the Short Fiction Roundtable  (E)
Join the Short Fiction Roundtable
#2321423 by Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈

The primary purpose of this forum is to provide a roundtable for authors of short fiction to exchange peer-to-peer reviews of their stories.

Tour de Ports  (13+)
Come join this month-long review raid across all port colors! Exclusive MBs & gift points!
#2298873 by Scare-emy

Tour de Ports is an annual reviewing challenge organized in the spirit of the Tour de France cycling race. During the month of July, all members of the Writing.Com community are welcomed and encouraged to participate in this reviewing marathon! Tour de Ports will take challenge participants (our review cyclists) through the entire Writing.Com community—visiting the ports of all case colors!

CommuniBees  (E)
A community-driven charitable collective. Help make some honey and earn merit badges!
#2319078 by Scare-emy

CommuniBees aims to support community groups around Writing.Com by contributing funding for their endeavors. We will accomplish this goal through a unique donation system that's beneficial for both donor and cause. Below you will find Merit Badges. These Merit Badges are exclusive to donors of our colony.

Christmas in July Madlib  (E)
A little fun on a hot July day!
#2299323 by SpookyBee

A little fun on a hot July day!

Three Word Mayhem!  (13+)
Mayhem is afoot!
#555590 by Jay's debut novel is out now!

Post one three-word block at a time. You are welcome to add consecutive, separate three-word posts as long as they conform to the rest of the story.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

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Amazon's Price: Price N/A
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Ask & Answer

This month's question: Are you punctual with your portfolio housekeeping? Send in your answer below! *Down* Editors love feedback!

May's "Contests & Activities Newsletter (May 8, 2024) question: What rules do you find difficult to follow?

Nixie🦊 13th WdC anniversary : I have trouble with the prompts, especially the longer ones.

HollisFrances : Well, my dad called me, good ol' rebellious Hollis! Need I say more?

Bilal Latif : I've seen some contests with overly-detailed prompts that essentially outline the entire story, beat by beat. In cases like that I just end up wondering what the contest host needs me for.

oldgreywolf scribbles : We're only allowed 2,500 characters, so this won't be all-encompassing.
Have always had issues with the rules of grammar. I can imitate them, but don't expect me to state them.
If it doesn't go bang, boom, pow, or cut, it probably has too many rules.
Many rules, esp when a multitude are involved, test adaptability more than creativity. Which tells you something about the rulemakers, as well.
I'll admit that some competitions need some rules.

H❀pe : I find it hard to follow a required 'theme' for a prompt, and prefer to just discover whatever direction the prompt leads to.

Mousewitch : small word counts, short deadlines.

Bonnie8910 : Word counts in general are awful. I hate being restricted with my writing. It makes the story feel rushed or that it has too many unnecessary things in order to meet the word count.

jackson : I employ the free-will method of writing, so it's difficult to include a prompt in my work.

deemac : Any contest rules that seem to have been included just for their own sake which too often lead to perfectly good entries being disqualified on silly technicalities. Like "Sorry, but you included your word count in the wrong place". Contest rules should be welcoming, not prohibitive.

TheBusmanPoet : Anything to do with prompts, I won't bother with.

~SilverMoon~ : I like prompts. I don't always respond to all of them. But writers are like artists, they paint a picture with words. And so anytime they write, it is expressive, and without realising they share a part of themselves too. A perspective. Everyone's got one.

What I've found as far as myself is that it helps me make my story more concise and that's a good thing.

bobconstable: Having to wait 60 seconds before reposting a grammatically corrected comment.

keyisfake : commas are such a pain but I really try.

Kile Johnson : I'm not supposed to comma splice but I always do.

severed head : In writing?
Well, the rule I struggle with is more a guideline as opposed to a real rule - I like adverbs and adjectives.
People who say "don't use adverbs" only refer to "-ly" words as adverbs, which is stupid and shows a lack of understanding, because there are very many adverbial forms. But I still don't care. I even use "-ly" adverbs as well as the rest.
But the actual rules of writing? As in the way things are punctuated and syntaxed? I am fine with all of them.

Cubboo! : severed head - I like using adverbs, too.

Beholden : What rules do I find difficult to follow? None. The trick is to know the rules but take no notice of them unless they happen to be appropriate.

Thanks to everyone for your replies! - L~

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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Word from our sponsor
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