Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/12462-Trying-Something-New.html
Contests & Activities: March 13, 2024 Issue [#12462]

 This week: Trying Something New
  Edited by: 💀Legerdemaim💀
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The purpose of this newsletter is to highlight some of the current contests and activities on the site, help educate members on how to host contests and activities and provide clues to submit quality entries to contests. Write to me if you'd like something in particular covered.

This week's Contests and Activities Editor

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Trying Something New

I'm trying something new. My entire family is very musical and well...I'm not. My new neighbor has now convinced me to learn how to play the recorder. You know, that kiddie flute thing children learned to play in second grade. I can't read music. I write the note letters above the score and fuddle along. I must say, there's a lot of squeaking and squealing if that's what you call music. I plod along, doing my best. It's not like I have a recital or a concert I need to learn. It's something I wanted to try. I'm old, shhh, but there's no reason I can't try, right?

Ask my cats, they run from the room. They might disagree.

Trying something new isn't always easy. Starting a new contest or trying a new activity can be daunting. Try finding a mentor willing to take a look at your efforts and listen to their suggestions. It gets easier with time. The best advice I can give is to go in with ZERO expectations and have fun with it. If it bombs, well...you gave it a shot. And hopefully learned a few things along the way.

In all, you're writing, participating, and hopefully reviewing. Keeping active on the site and writing will help you improve your skills. You'll have fun, even if you stumble a little along the way.

Write On!

This month's question: Have you tried anything new lately? Send in your answer below! *Down* Editors love feedback!

Editor's Picks

March WDC Contest
What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

Character Prompt for March 2024: Write a story where a sidekick/supporting character
steals the show away from the main protagonist.

Fox's Socks Newbie Short Story Contest  (E)
Contest is Closed. Will return in 2025
#2273966 by Which Witch Is Which?🧹

Short Stories only. 2500 word limit. --- Newbies only. You must have been a member of Writing.Com for less than one year as of the deadline.

Hook of the Book  (18+)
Can you write the most engaging opening sentence for a story?
#2293351 by Scare-emy

March Madness is here! In celebration of all things MAD, this month please write a hook on how you entered Wonderland. It doesn't have to be going down a rabbit hole! Be creative and put your own unique spin on, something that entices your reader to continue the journey through Wonderland!

StAG Firebox - Closed for judging!  (13+)
Steampunk fiction competition
#1781446 by Beck Firing back up!

Write a story based on the photograph

Merit Badge Magic  (E)
A magical way to inspire your Muse! New themes to write about every month. Not a contest.
#2293943 by Which Witch Is Which?🧹

Pick one theme per month from the list below. Themes will change monthly. Submit only ONE project each month. You will receive the corresponding Merit Badge for your completed project. Complete three projects in consecutive months and receive an exclusive Merit Badge in addition!

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Here we are, many years later, fighting for the throne again. Will it be you? Will it be your team who'll win this time? Only the Gods know, the old and the new. Question is, will you join? And how?

Musicology Anthology  (13+)
An annual challenge to write a short story collection based on an album! Runs April-June.
#1377819 by Jeff

Join! This starts soon! "Whatever your musical tastes may be, most of us can agree that music plays an integral part in our lives. Many of us can remember where we were or what we were doing when we heard a particular song, of how it inspired us, brought us to tears, or made us giddy with happiness. This contest hopes to recapture those memories by encouraging you to listen to a favorite album again and allow the songs to inspire your creativity through writing."

Anniversary Reviews  (E)
Celebrate Writing.Com member account anniversaries with reviews.
#1565040 by Annette

Help members celebrate another year of membership by sending them Anniversary Reviews.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

Ask & Answer

This month's question: Have you tried anything new lately? Send in your answer below! *Down* Editors love feedback!
Last month's question: Is it possible to write about romance if you've never had a deep relationship??

Beholden : Certainly it's possible. But would it have any value? It would offend against the dictum of "write what you know," obviously. Yet you could read a few Hallmark novels and conclude (with some accuracy) that you could do a fair imitation.

However, I doubt just anyone could read Pride & Prejudice (for instance) and then write something equally good. It all depends on how talented the writer is in the first place. And that applies to any genre, doesn't it? In the end, it's going to help if you have some experience in what you're writing about, but it's not essential.

Gaby ~ Way behind! : Oh, yes!

Samberine Everose : yes, but it is more unique and deeper if you had.

oldgreywolf scribbles : There's sufficient evidence to demonstrate that, no matter the topic, there'll be someone who totally faked their way through the writing and publishing processes, and many someones who'll take it as gospel.

D. Reed Whittaker : Probably better if you hadn't. Imagination can be more Ipowerful than experience. How many of us have had 'deep' relationships which anyone would want to read about? Well, there was one. And then there was Sue. And. ..

NIGHTMARE BUSTER Boo : What about Jane Austin?

Dad : Fortunately, I have been as deep relationship with Mom, my wife, for 39 years. Can someone who has never been in a deep relationship write romance? Yes. I've never been in outer space, yet I write convincingly (hopefully) about outer space. Maybe not a perfect analogy, but still a valid point. I think.

TheBusmanPoet : You can imagine it but actually feeling it, in my opinion, would be extremely hard. I'll disagree with Love isn't an emotion. It's much more deeper than any emotion out there. But it's just my opinion and been living it since 1982.So what do I know. I'll proclaim that "Love" is an emotion and a very powerful one.

jackson : If you have a command over language and a willingness in your heart, no subject is beyond your reach.

severed head : That's what imagination's for...

Alex Morgan : Of course! Fiction is easy!

Polter-JACE : I never really thought about this in those terms. It seems to be a pretty clinical (or maybe cynical) way to look at love. But it certainly helps explain many of the screwed-up things going on in the world at present.

Some might say love is not an emotion in the way we usually understand them, but a behavior, a necessary physiological drive. I like to believe love is more, and focus on the passion and intimacy, commitment and trust, and just plain attraction.

keyisfake : We write about murder and we never did that so why not.

Bob : Romance is imagination stimulated by hormones.
oldgreywolf scribbles : Bob - I think it was Berkeley BREATHED (cartoonist, Bloom County) who used the term "percolating" hormones.
Bob : oldgreywolf scribbles - forty-roger old gray

deemac : Technically, yes. Convincingly, no.

elephantsealer : Without a "deep relationship", there is really, actually no story....

Thanks to everyone who responded!

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