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Spiritual: August 16, 2023 Issue [#12131]

 This week: Prayer/Meditation Empower Your Writing
  Edited by: Schnujo's Scared of NaNoWriMo
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

I'm a guest Newsletter editor, so I simply write when the mood and time strike. I chose this one because it was due in less than 24 hours, but no one had chosen to write it. And yes, I did pray before writing this. Though I suspect there's more power in persistent practice. *Wink*

People from virtually every religion and walk of life support the idea of prayer and/or meditation, especially before embarking upon something of importance. Yet, many of us don't pray before writing, let alone before writing something we hope to be inspiring to others. Yet, if we asked ourselves, our hearts and heads will often agree that we should.

Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. ~ Nevi’im/Jeremiah 29:12

O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient. ~ Surah Baqarah 2:153

Depend on the Lord in whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. ~ Proverbs 16:3

Pray always, and I will pour out my Spirit upon you, and great shall be your blessing—” ~ Doctrine and Covenants 19:38

Meditate. Do not delay, lest you later regret it. ~ Buddha

The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear. ~ Rumi

Obeying God is listening to God, having an open heart to follow the path that God points out to us. ~ Pope Francis

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Letter from the editor

Science and most people agree that there are benefits from prayer and/or meditation, especially before we start something of importance. Science has shown prayer to improve concentration, focus, and willpower. Fasting and prayer improves discipline, according to research. And as a side note, prayer also helps reduce stress, anxiety, depression, improves relationships, and people who pray regularly tend to have a longer lifespan, among many other benefits. Meditation has been shown to have similar benefits (though prayer may have a stronger effect on longevity).

With both science and religion agreeing that prayer and meditation are good for us, why don't we do it more often? And why don't most of us apply it just before starting a major writing project, especially one with a spiritual lean?

I don't think I can answer the above questions because for each person, the answers are, undoubtedly, slightly different. But I propose to you that beginning writing with prayer and/or meditation about what we plan to write and being open to God, the universe, your higher power, etc. opening up new ideas and directions, with this, our writing can not only be better, but a very powerful experience for both the writer and reader. Insights and ideas can come to us that we hadn't planned on.

Naturally, I encourage you to pray and/or meditate before editing, adding to, or updating your writing as well.

Whether you choose to believe these are from elsewhere or from the scientific act of improved concentration, focus, and discipline, among other benefits, is up to you. But I don't think it can be denied that there's likely a benefit from taking up this practice on a regular basis. Do remember that both prayer and meditation work better when we're in practice. I encourage you not to give up if you don't see real changes after just a few irregular tries.

For those curious, here's a research abstract about the topic. If you have access to research articles through work or school, I encourage you to read it. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800417734014 It's titled, "God’s Giving Me Words for You/Bless This Research: When Prayer Meets Qualitative Inquiry," a 2017 article by Anne Elrod Whitney in the research journal, Qualitative Inquiry.

Remember that both prayer and meditation take practice to get the best results. Don't give up!

If you are unfamiliar with or looking for additional ways to pray or meditate, check out Dr. Jeffyll, or Mr. Hyde?'s March 22, 2023 "Spiritual Newsletter (March 22, 2023)

Editor's Picks

As you read and review items written in 2023, as well as Newsletters, Activities, Contests, etc., don't forget to make nominations to "The Quills for any items you deem worthy, regardless of where you find them on the site!

Quill Nomination Form 2024  (E)
Nominate someone for a Quill!
#2145930 by Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃

Forums and Activities to encourage and inspire you to begin prayer and/or meditation before writing
Take up Your Cross  (E)
This will be a daily blog forum.
#2225667 by Chris Breva

TLC Prayer Parlor  (13+)
A place where you can request Biblical prayers and/ or pray for others' requests.
#2073942 by 🌻 princess bride pwheeler

The Spiritual Challenge  (E)
A Spiritual Challenge to journal, pray, reflect, and connect with God
#2240021 by Boo

Habit Heroes   (13+)
A challenge to inspire positive daily habits and friendship. You can earn cool prizes too!
#2165720 by 🌻 princess bride pwheeler

Weekly Goals  (13+)
Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
#1949474 by The StoryWitchress

  favorite bible verse  (E)
i can do all things through christ whom strengthens me
#1093658 by jarrett

Spiritual Talk Place Group   (E)
Things for the Spiritual Talk Group
#2084066 by Boo

The Happiness Port Project  (E)
This is a 6-month or 1-year activity... Come and join in. The Happiness Port Project.
#2218371 by Boo

 My Prayer  (E)
A prayer to God.
#1048351 by Chris Haines

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#731717 by Not Available.

 Meditation  (E)
When you can calm your mind, the answer will come
#1340060 by Going Away For Two Months

Amen  (E)
Feel like you have lost your way? You're never alone.
#764829 by 🕸️intuey's Spider Web

 Thank You  (E)
I pray to God and thank him.
#1047772 by Chris Haines

 My Prayer  (E)
A real Prayer
#719384 by Becky Simpson

sitting meditation--not for the faint-hearted--we run in circles
#1139432 by ridinghhood-p.boutilier

The Power of Prayer  (E)
Never doubt the power of prayer. I pray for all of the lost souls out there.
#914478 by Beth Barnett

 Whisper Writings, Whisper Prayers  (E)
Sometimes, I falter, by shouting words that should only be whispered.
#437146 by Kenzie

 Knowledge of Nothing  (13+)
One day I had the enlightening realization that I don't know anything.
#1320055 by John Farley

 A Miracle of My Own  (13+)
Prayer does work
#851180 by Vivian

 Prayer 101  (E)
Why should our talks with God be any different than our talks with friends?
#1064782 by Kenzie

 Dryadic Paganism: meditation exercises  (E)
Meditation exercises
#1241252 by Mandi

 How I Came To Write  (E)
It wasn't until I joined Writing.Com that I....
#780040 by Dottie

The white case above means she's passed away and her family sent WdC a copy of her death certificate and username so she could be memorialized here.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

If you're curious about testing out the idea of praying before writing, but feel uncomfortable with it, consider first testing it out on one of our spiritual/religious/gratitude contests. Though remember that prayer and meditation usually both take time before impressive results occur. But who knows? Maybe you'll experience a miracle on your first try! *Pray*

Share Your Faith  (13+)
Are you spiritual? Religious? Or not at all? Can you incorporate this into your writing?
#2204562 by Scaredy Kitti

Of course there's a Veterans Day - EVERY DAY!
#423698 by Averren

Always an opportunity to thank/honor your nation's veterans

Thankful Poetry Contest  (13+)
An uplifting annual contest welcoming short poems about thanksgiving and gratitude.
#2235153 by 🌻 princess bride pwheeler

Open in November

There are several other contests for spiritual and religious writing, but many are on a hiatus at the moment.

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