Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/11722-After-The-Season.html
Contests & Activities: December 21, 2022 Issue [#11722]

 This week: After The Season
  Edited by: Legerdemain
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

The purpose of this newsletter is to highlight some of the current contests and activities on the site, help educate members on how to host contests and activities, and provide clues to submit quality entries to contests. Write to me if you'd like something in particular covered.

This week's Contests and Activities Editor

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

After The Season

The holiday season can put a lot of demand on our time. While it's lovely to spend time with friends and family, all the travel and partying can be exhausting. Once we move into the new year, what do you do now?

Well, you'll probably be around a lot of people. People watching can produce a lot of fodder for character sketches. Anecdotes from situations that happened in these gatherings can be quite amusing or tragic. While you don't want to anger a relative by using their personality directly, try using them as inspiration. The funny thing about the burned turkey can be written into your story and amuse.

After the season, take some time to sketch out some of the scenarios you observed or imagined. Saving these snippets can be a good resource for future writing. This can be a great source of comedic relief, for a side character, or the strength of a hero. All of this is a great inspiration for a contest entry.

Don't be afraid to save these bits and pieces, they can be expanded and used as flash fiction or even a chapter in a novel. I've personally looked back on these kinds of snippets and found inspiration for short stories later on. It's a bit like digging through old clothes and finding concert t-shirt that brings back great memories.

So start a folder for these valuable baubles and Write On!

This month's question: Do you save incomplete work to use later? Send in your answer below! *Down* Editors love feedback!

Editor's Picks

What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

Excerpt: Character Prompt for December 2022: Take a "David and Goliath" matchup (where the two sides of the central conflict are significantly mismatched) and write a story from the perspective of one side or the other as they prepare for the confrontation. The central conflict doesn't necessarily have to be a physical fight. Get creative with it!

Good Deeds Get CASH!  (E)
Write reviews to win cash prizes!
#1908150 by Writing.Com Support

Excerpt: Authors on Writing.Com are looking for good, useful feedback... and of course, exposure within Writing.Com. You can do a good deed by reviewing any qualifying item* on Writing.Com and you might win! Enter as many times as you want to increase your odds of being selected as a prize winner!

14 Days, 7 Prompts, 1 Story Contest  (E)
Can you turn 7 prompts, given every 48 hours, into one story?
#1527320 by Annette in France

Excerpt: Fourteen Days + Seven Prompts = One Story

Magic Words Contest   (13+)
A fantasy short story contest. Fantastic Prizes. Closed
#1871010 by A E Willcox

Excerpt: The Fantasy genre contains elements which are not realistic, such as magical powers, talking animals, etc. Fantasy is often characterised by a departure from the accepted rules by which individuals perceive the world around them; it represents that which is impossible (unexplained) and outside the parameters of our known; reality. Make-believe is what this genre is all about.

The Weekly Quickie Contest  (18+)
Can you excite in 969 words? Romance+ Contest. - September Theme: Birthday Bash
#1355442 by Dawn Embers

Excerpt: Each week the deadline is Saturday by 11:59 pm WDC time. Some months, due to the when Sunday falls may then include a few days from other months. So, it's based on the calendar month but in loose form.

Chapter One   (18+)
Write the first chapter of a book, inspired by the prompt.
#2251577 by Cubby

Excerpt: Write the first chapter of a book, inspired by the prompt.

The Great Novel Review Exchange  (13+)
A meeting place for novelists and novel reviewers, with a little added incentive.
#2285924 by Brandiwyn🎶

Excerpt: For now, I'm just gauging interest and gathering ideas. Please comment in the forum below:

Winter Fun Raffle and Auction  (E)
A fundraiser for the WdC Superpowers Review Group. CLOSED
#2203298 by A E Willcox

Takes Secret Santa requests.

Fill in the Blank  (18+)
Put your spin on these quotes!
#1349558 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

Excerpt: Hands up if you loathe cliche!
I thought so. Well, if you like to mock it, you've come to the right place! Every couple weeks or so, I'll post a cliche, overused or just plain amusing quote. With each one, I'll leave a spot blank. This is where you put in your own word or phrase to breathe some new life into these sayings. Really, anything goes, but there are a couple rules for this activity.

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

Don't forget to support our sponsor!

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Ask & Answer

This month's question: Do you save incomplete work to use later? Send in your answer below! *Down* Editors love feedback!

Last month's "Contests & Activities Newsletter (November 23, 2022) question: What kind of things do you do for your community?

Lilli 🧿 ☕ : I volunteer.

~Lifelessons~ : My community is within my home at this moment. I moved in with mom.. care for my son who is very ill, care for mom's need when needed. Look after myself with my own illness. That's enough for me.

TheBusmanPoet : We feed those who are in need for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners. We donate clothing for those who need it for winter. We make sure kids will have a present to open on Christmas which I pick out personally from my store inventory. We donate to local animal shelters so they can feed and treat the ones in their care. We rescue animals of all kinds when needed or when we find one in distress.
We will help out in anyway we can regardless of the situation. If we can do it, we will.
God I feel good inside. *Smile*

dragonwoman : Buy food to donate to animal shelters and rescues.

Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness : We give food and drink to any homeless person who asks in our shop. This is widely known amongst the homeless and we usually have several a day visit, many of whom are regulars.

Humble_P PNG : Our local library has a Give or Take box outside. We like to put things into it as oft as we can --- cans of soup, bags of noodles, bags of snacks, and "luxury items" like cookies, snack cakes, and such. Naturally, we put in staples that a family can't reasonably do without --- like soda pop. Occasionally, we take out an item or two when our own pantry is "less well-stocked" than it could be. Far and away though, I prefer to give. I think most folk do, but it's no shame to accept things when in need either.

Jimminycritic : Several important things: I pray, make eye contact when I can and say thank you and mean it. Other things, too, but this is a good start...

tj ~ HiLo Silver - Away! : I put forth extra effort at being nice, polite, and performing random acts of kindness.

Apondia : Our rural electric Co. Has a round it up program which I give to monthly. The proceeds are used when winter bills go up and some people have trouble meeting the new bills. Walmart does this sometimes as well to give to the local food programs.

elephantsealer : I obey rules re: turn on water once a week only; clean my front/back years/ use garbage cans properly (one for garbage; one for grass/leaves; one for recycling}, etc.; stop wasting water.

oldgreywolf scribbles : 1. Nothing within wheelchair distance.
2. I contribute monthly to two educational entities available on-line.
3. With (supposed) increase in social security in Jan 2023, will resume contributions to Indigenous colleges.

Annette in France : The things I do for my community here in the "real" world is stopping at red lights. Recently, this seems to be one of the best ways to show others that I care because so many others do not.

Penelope Moonbeam : I help by donating clothes and food at holidays.

Thanks for your replies!

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/11722-After-The-Season.html