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Comedy: November 30, 2022 Issue [#11684]

 This week: Hi! What's your name?
  Edited by: Lornda
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

"I named my dog five miles so I can tell people I walk five miles every day."

"When I eventually met Mr. Right I had no idea that his first name was Always."
~ Rita Rudner - American Comedian

"I don't think of my life as a cliché, but I'm a cliché eccentric. Complete with a strange name - I mean, who's named Val? How many Vals do you know? I mean, really?"
~ Val Kilmer - American Actor

"I was born Maurice Joseph Micklewhite. Imagine signing that autograph! You'd get a broken arm. "
~ Michael Caine - English Actor /font}

*Magnify* Searching resources to find a character’s name can have hilarious results.

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Letter from the editor

         On November 11th, 2022, it was reported actor Rainn Wilson, from the T.V. series The Office, changed his name. It was not done legally but as stunt to raise awareness to climate change. On social media, he became known as Rainnfall Heat Wave Rising Sea Levels Wilson. I laughed out loud when I read it and thought it would be a fun name for a character. It shows what you can be inspired to write while reading the news.

         It’s not always easy to think of a name for a character. Where are some areas you can be inspired to find a fun name? The internet is a good resource to start. The first name will be easier to find but the surname can be tricky. You can search under popular or trending baby names and the same for the surnames but try to go beyond the boring names of John or Bob and Smith and Jones.

         You can search for unusual names and the lists it generates will give you plenty of ideas and some laughs. Check out the areas below to inspire a name for your next story.

*Magnify* Search Celebrities Names:

*Bullet* Frank Zappa: I’m not sure what he was thinking when he chose his kids names. Maybe it’s because Frank is so boring. His children’s names are Moon, Dwezzil, Ahmet, and Diva. In an unconfirmed report, Moon, Dwezzil, and Diva were kidnapped by an underground circus in Lithuania while Ahmet spends his fortune … not searching for them.

*Bullet* Nick Cannon: Soon he’ll have his own search engine for names. Steal one of these for your character. Monroe, Moroccan, Golden, Powerful, Zion, Zillion, Legendary, Onyx, Rise, and Beautiful Zeppelin. Stay tuned. Apparently, there are a couple more to be added to this enormous list.

*Magnify* Weird Names:

*Bullet* It’s hilarious to find what people have actually conjured up for their new name. One criminal thought he was so smart with his new name of Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop. He had it legally changed before he went on a crime spree. At least he was creative but if the criminal life is your full-time job, why choose a name no one will forget? Maybe he’ll consider changing it to something unoriginal like John Smith.

*Bullet* Parents from the Philippians thought it was a good idea to include the year of their kid’s birth within their name. Sincerely Yours 98 Pascual and her two siblings, Spaghetti 88 and Macaroni 85 will never forget each other’s birthdays.

*Magnify* Characters from Movies:

         Many classic names are tied to movies, and you know it’s done well if you remember the name. Here’s a few tied to comedy movies.

Dr. Peter Venkman - Ghostbusters

Derek Zoolander – Zoolander

Rupert Pupkin - The King of Comedy

Neapolitan Dynamite and his brother Kip - Neapolitan Dynamite

Lloyd Christmas - Dumb and Dumber

Dr. Evil - Austin Powers

*Magnify* Character’s name from books:

         Searching for different characters from classic books is a good way to inspire a fun and quirky character. The names below from these books are original and memorable.

Ebenezer Scrooge (A Christmas Carol)

Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings)

Phileas Fogg (Around the World in 80 Days)

Huckleberry Finn (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)

Forrest Gump (Forrest Gump)

Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride)

         There are many resources to search for fun names. Try to be original to show off your sense of humor. You can even go through family names or maybe check for a big news flash that a popular celebrity has changed their name. In the case of Mr. Rainn Wilson, I think he should legally change his name to Rainnfall Heat Wave Rising Sea Levels Wilson. Not for the purpose of climate change but because his legal given name is, Rainn Percival Dietrich Wilson.

A sig for the best genre in the world--Comedy!

Editor's Picks

*Magnify* Look what I found under the genre of Comedy and the search word of names *Starstruck*

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by A Guest Visitor

By Any Other Name  [13+]
The story of a lady with an unfortunate name.
by Beholden

 The King  [E]
How The King lost his name.
by Sailor M

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by A Guest Visitor

 A Boy Named Eleven  [E]
"What have you done, Sam" A now, wide-awake Shirley asked her husband.
by Bikerider

Touch of Ingenuity   [ASR]
I can't remember my name.
by Jatog the Green

Tame the Name Game  [E]
For those of all ages who like to play with words: a buffet of dragons for young and old.
by the prodigal son returns 2024.

 Gunther's New Names  [E]
Gunther learns of his name's origin and wants to change it.
by Than Pence

 What's in a Name? (1st Place)  [E]
Jalal "Jack" and his friend Hami are detained. Hami thought he'd be funny.
by BScholl

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by A Guest Visitor

 Bratwurst.  [E]
This name with which I've been cursed...
by Petra Pansky

Juniper Park  [13+]
Nah, a campground with such a nice name could never scar someone for life.
by Davy Kraken

He Said His Name Was Carmen Miranda  [18+]
An epic poem of Kiss and Tell.
by Cappucine

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Word from Writing.Com

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Ask & Answer

*Questiong* What resources have you found to help name your characters? What fun names have you come across? Do you have a favorite?

*Tower* Comments from the Newsfeed answering the question from my last newsletter, "Similes for a Smile: Are similes a part of your writing, and do you have a favorite? (Share one of your own)

Mousewitch : "...as brilliant as a rainbow..."

jdennis : "No. I guess I'm just an idiom."

severed head : "My all-time favourite is from Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy:" The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

elephantsealer : "Yes, I believe I tend to do similes in some of my writing... I believe he is as handsome as James, you know, the one in the movies??"

Bitter : "I found this in a card me gram gave me (bless her heart): At the end of the day, if you like who's looking back at you from the mirror...
You've had a pretty good day."

Bob : "I sometimes have problems discerning the difference between allegories and similes, for they are sometimes so similar. If that makes any sense at all."

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