Let's face it - some days writing takes effort. There are times when we may need a bit of help in nudging our muse. So, we turn to tips and suggestions from other writers to see how they overcome obstacles. One thing I have found is that every writer has a set of suggestions to offer that they swear by. The important thing to remember is that we are all wired differently and not every trick will be effective for each of us.
So, here's my suggestion! Try all the tips you can find! Try them all until you find something that works for you and get you writing again! Here are a few that tend to get me motivated. Maybe they'll work for you, too!
Start a Blog
Not sure what to blog about? Doesn't matter! Think of it as a diary of some sort, write about your daily activities, feeling, or events. Do you like to cook or bake? Maybe you like going out to eat? Start a food blog! The point is to just write!
Read books about writing
If you haven't already read Stephen King's "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft", drop everything and read it now! If you've already read it, read it again and again. Every time I pick that book up, I find another nugget of wisdom!
Whatever kind of writing you are into, there's a book about how to do it! There are books about style, grammar, punctuation, etc.
Write every day
Write something! Whether it's a blog entry, a letter, or a poem, it doesn't matter.
Consider keeping a bullet journal! That can really get you thinking.
Setting a specific time of day to write can help develop the habit of daily writing.
When was the last time you found yourself trapped down a research rabbit hole?
I love doing research and once I start in one direction, I find myself somewhere completely different.
Read about different types of writing
No, I'm not talking about non-fiction, science fiction, poetry, etc. There are so many different types of writing to explore and play with.
Consider some of these: copywriting, articles, academic writing, technical writing, web page writing, editorials, etc. These are just a few ideas, there are so many other types of writing!
Read, read, read
The one trait all great writers have is that read A LOT!
Writing a lot is necessary too, but if you don’t expose yourself to all sorts of different voices and writing styles you might find that you don’t have much to write about. Remember, not everything you read needs to be heavy, alternate with some light, fun reading too.
Be a Critical Observer
We all watch and read. When we read our favorite stories or watch movies/documentaries we need to take mental notes.
 Think about how they use dialogue.
 What is the main theme of the story?
 How did they seamlessly carry us through each step of the story?
 Did something not sit right with you about the character development?
 Were all the important plot questions answered satisfactorily?
 Think critically while you enjoy your content!
The bottom line is don't give up! Keep reading and writing!!! |