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Spiritual: July 19, 2006 Issue [#1159]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Love is a Mommy (no foolin)
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
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About This Newsletter

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
Roger Caras

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
Carl Jung (1875 - 1961)

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Letter from the editor

All Dogs Go To Heaven?

When I was in the 6th grade, my parakeet, Jane passed away. She was seven years old, and I was twelve. She would sit on my finger and she'd whistle "pretty bird" back to me when I'd say it. She would fly around the house and crawl under doors, once even getting herself stuck behind the clothes drier. When I found her laying in the bottom of her cage, I asked one of the questions every mom dreads:

Mom? Is Jane in heaven?

My parents always raised me with the belief that the hard truth was always best - that knowledge was never wasted. By the time I asked this question, I had been versed in politics, money, and relationships. I was at the time balancing my mom's checkbook. She looked at me for a moment and said "No, honey, animals don't have souls so when they stop living, they simply stop being."

I didn't agree with her then and I still don't agree with her. Last night, I was laying on the couch with Ernie, my younger cat. Ernie is the kind of cat that thinks he's a nurse. When I had my wisdom teeth out, the medicines I was on were giving me migraines. Ernie took it as his responsibility to lay on my chest and sleep. When I would wake up terrified and screaming, he would press the top of his head to the bottom of my jaw, put his paws over my heart and push until I realized he was there. When I calmed down he would relax and purr before curling himself back on my chest.

My sister told me on Sunday that Ernie had worked for her when she was knocked over by the dogs. She had come over to my house to let my two girls out (German Shephards) and brought over her girl (Doberman) while I was in the hospital. The girls get very excited when they see each other, and Amber, being very pregnant and not quite sturdy on her feet got run over while filling their water bowl. She was bruised up pretty good and crying, so she called my parents and went to lay on the couch. Ernie came to her and curled up around the baby and proceeded to clean my sister. Apparently, her eyes were leaking and he couldn't stand that. she said he cared for her until my parents arrived and by that time she was giggling at the cat.

All of my animals, my two dogs and two cats, have such distinct personalities. They are all extremely intelligent and extremely different. They aren't just dumb creatures that wag tails and let you pet them. Any animal owner will likely say the same thing. Animals have souls.

There is also scripture that backs this up. In the Garden of Eden, before woman was created, Adam was given control over all the animals of the earth and was allowed to name them. The animals had been created to give Adam a companion. He didn't find one that fulfilled every need, so God created woman.

Also, in the New Testament, it is said that God cares about clothing the wildflowers in finery and cares for every sparrow. It then goes on to say that how much more He must care about us, if he gives such care and love to nature.

God created everything - how could He give us such a gift as to create these furry companions that enrich our lives and take care of us only to take them away? I don't think anything really dies - energy never goes away, it simply changes and moves on. I will see Jane and Ernie and the turtles and Abbie and Cali and Spooky in heaven when I get there. If nothing else, sheer love will pull them to me, the same way it did in life. Each and every one of my animals chose me (or was given to me by the Divine) and I would have it no other way.

My animals are just as human as I am. They are just as spiritual of being as I am. They have it easy though - they know without a doubt who created them and who cares for them. I want that kind of assurance.

Editor's Picks

 Visions from God  (ASR)
Are we free to share whatever He lays on our hearts, even if we don't understand?
#325083 by Kenzie

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#1127749 by Not Available.

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#1115107 by Not Available.

 The Best Pets Pick Their Owners  (E)
Pets accomplish unexpected things that never cease to make us laugh. Tiny was such a cat.
#1111896 by Neal J.

 Melissa and Taffy  (E)
What happens when our pets understand us!
#1104965 by Pony Tale

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#1093319 by Not Available.

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Ask & Answer

As always, thanks for the comments!

Brians Next Novel Almost Done!
It is good to know what you believe so that you can, as you said, stretch and bounce back when someone or something tries to counter that. And yes, getting beaten with a brick would certainly hurt. I think the trampoline analogy is not entirely appropriate though because in truth the trampoline absorbs nothing, but merely spits it back out. It still looks the same and no imprints are left, so has anything really happened? Just my two cents.

On the surface, it may look the same and without imprints, but on a molecular level, it is entirely rearranged. I think humans are much the same way. However, I believe that you should question everything, so thanks for writing in. *Bigsmile*

Come Fly with Me--Kiter
I enjoyed the newsletter. I haven't read all the highlighted articles yet. I do support the focus of your editorial. I think, in Christianity, there were several years when we failed to seek the Bible's instruction and substituted a psychological or social gospel. It seems we are living to regret that decision.

Maybe as we reclaim our heritage and foundation in Biblical principles, we can also reclaim our spritual direction.

What a great reminder. The Bible does say,
"Quietly trust yourself to Christ your Lord, and if anybody asks why you believe as you do, be ready to tell him, and do it in a gentle and respectful way." 1 Peter 3:15 TLB

We can't very well explain our beliefs if we don't continue studying.

I once heard a pastor who said that most Christians in church today have a child's understanding of God and faith, because they haven't studyed the Bible since elementary Sunday school classes. Sadly, that's true. Many have not.

I'll have to check out that book you keep promoting.


Thank you for the comments. I totally agree and I'm also saddened that society has forgotten this. Read the book! *Delight*

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