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Drama: September 07, 2022 Issue [#11536]

 This week: Turning *Yawns* into *Wows*
  Edited by: Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
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About This Newsletter

“Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.”
~ Bill Moyers

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Letter from the editor

Just like us, readers and writers alike, characters are sometimes engaged in mundane, everyday tasks. It's those everyday things characters do that make them relatable and believable to readers.

So, that begs to question, how do we as writers turn mundane tasks into interesting, engaging reading?

Let's say the character has a doctor's appointment. We need to think of ways to add tension to this otherwise mundane task.

*CarG* Let's consider the actions the character takes in preparation for the appointment.
         *BulletG* How will he/she get there? Bus, taxi, Uber, drives themself?
         *BulletG* What about timing? Some cause him/her to run late, perhaps.
         *BulletG* Are there any uncontrollable factors to consider; weather, headache, accident?

*Carg* Introducing new conflicts related to the original task
         *BulletG* Think about things the character may face while waiting.
                   *BulletG* Maybe they end up in a conversation with another bored patient.
                   *BulletG* Headache gets worse and nausea sets in.
                   *BulletG* Maybe they start getting hungry and forgot a snack.

*Carg* Let's keep it real.
         *BulletG* The long wait is nearly always inevitable.
                   *BulletG* At some point the character thinks about questioning the staff about the wait.
                   *BulletG* Does a conflict arise from that?
         *BulletG* What about the cute stranger sitting alone across the room?
                   *BulletG* Do they make eye contact? Talk?
                   *BulletG* Will they run into each other again somewhere else?

These are just a few ideas to consider for a single task as simple as a doctor's visit. Think about some of the things you do - grocery shopping, at the library, in a restaurant, etc. Even cleaning the house - maybe the character listens to loud music and dances around while mopping/sweeping - when there's a knock at the door.

Many readers get wrapped up in a story when characters feel real and relatable and as writers, we need to make those everyday things interesting. Have fun and keep writing!!

Editor's Picks

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