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Romance/Love: May 12, 2021 Issue [#10760]

 This week: 8 things to Remember
  Edited by: Lonewolf
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Romantic stories are fantasies that the reader wants to escape into. They are worlds where he/she can experience the thrill of falling in love with a man/woman the author creates that captures their attention and appeals to their personal tastes. Romance stories have a way of being able to be intertwined with various genres making it one of the most diverse genres to write. When writing romance all tips and tricks can be helpful, hopefully, some of these will be of some use.

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Letter from the editor

The essence of all fiction is conflict; when your romance characters first meet, they are going to be antagonists. Your job is to develop the relationship slowly so that the reader can believe that these two antagonists are falling in love. If we as writers can tap into the allure and mystery of romance, we have the opportunity to evoke more powerful and compelling emotions through our stories. Story structure is a tool, not a restriction, especially when you are just starting out. It's a good way to keep focused on where you want your story to go. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

1. Draw on your life experience:

If you don't have any then it's time to research. Gather information from the world around you to help build depth into your characters. You want them to be believable, not only to you but to your readers as well. It's important to show your character in their normal setting. They need to get to know your character(s) before and after the change that takes place. This world and this situation define everything.

2. Develop both characters equally:

Readers may only see things unfold from one character’s perspective. But as authors, we need to understand both characters equally. Readers will notice if a character is falling for someone who lacks ambition or goals, who doesn’t change, and who’s defined by cliché gender traits and archetypes. Both our characters and our readers deserve better.

3. Make it character-driven:

Your story is about two people - the hero and the heroine. It is not about the heroine’s best friend or the hero’s brother, sister, pet dog, or cat. Complicated plots are fine in a thriller or crime fiction or family saga, but in romance, they can get in the way of a good story.

4. Conflict:

Give your characters opposing motives or put them on opposite sides of an important situation. If you give your characters a well-motivated conflict, when you throw them together the sparks will fly.

5. Watch your point of view:

Switching too often can make the reader feel like their watching a tennis match. Stay with one character for a chapter or two then switch, but always make it clear when you switch to the other character’s point of view. Nothing throws a reader off more than not knowing whose point of view they are reading.

6. Sex scenes:

They should be written to move the plot forward, increase tension, conflict, and up the stakes. Never just throw a sex scene in because you think one is due.

7. Language:

Use the language you are comfortable with, and you feel fits the character. Always be true to the character when choosing the level of language. If your character comes from a certain background have that be present in their dialogue.

8. Have fun:

No matter what you are writing, you must have fun with it, or it becomes a chore and then stagnant, something you put on the shelf to forget.

Editor's Picks

Home Isn't Home Anymore  (ASR)
A young woman of the ton's father dies, she adjusts to life as a maid at her own house.
#2249985 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

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#2243712 by Not Available.

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#2241941 by Not Available.

 A bride to be  (E)
a bride tells the tale of when she met her true love
#2250192 by astralhowling

 Each Other's Knowing [18+]  (XGC)
Richie is surprised to discover the pastor's son is just like him.
#2244719 by Halley Nash

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