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Noticing Newbies: January 27, 2021 Issue [#10580]

 This week: A Little About Contests
  Edited by: Polter-JACE: Cruising ...
                             More Newsletters By This Editor  

Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

Hi, I'm Polter-JACE: Cruising ... .

Welcome to this issue of the Noticing Newbies newsletter. Join me as I take you into some nooks and crannies of Writing.Com that you may not have found time to check out yet. This newsletter is about and for you. And for you seasoned members, I hope you'll find something you can take from my ramblings. *Smile*

Word from our sponsor

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Letter from the editor

Most people start by learning to read, and then to write. Sometimes writing develops into a passion, possibly even a vocation. And if you're reading these words, that passion has led you here.

Writing.Com offers a host of services and opportunities to improve one's writing skills. Some do that by reading others' works, some by reviewing those offerings, and some improve by taking writing classes offered by members and groups. How do you measure your improvement?

Receiving reviews is a great way to gain insight as to how others see your work. Having another set of eyes (and experiences) read your work and offer constructive advice on areas of character development, grammar, spelling and syntax can provide immeasurable help to you. But you're at the whim of the fates as to whether or not anyone chooses to read AND review your work. They must decide to come to you. Requesting a review also doesn't necessarily mean you'll receive a review.

There is one way you can consciously decide to exercise some control over your writing destiny. You can enter your humble offering into a contest.

Site contests are broken down into two categories--Official Writing.Com contests and member-run contests. Check out "Writing Contests @ Writing.Com for both categories.

"Writing Contests @ Writing.Com is an In and Out listing that allows members to publicize their own contests. It is a First in, Last Out type item limited to 50 listings, meaning when a member enters their contest listing in the appropriate dialog box at the bottom of the item, that 50th listing drops off the list. Thus members must check their listing occasionally to be sure it's still being advertised as they wish.

Member-run contests are as varied as the members themselves. Some are weekly, monthly or longer. They may be genre specific, or theme-sponsored by specific groups. Members set the rules and guidelines for their specific contest. Failure to follow the rules subjects your entry to disqualification.

That said, there are some specific rules for listing contests in the In and Out item as well. Please check them out carefully to avoid being deleted or banned.

At the top of the In and Out, you'll see the current Official WDC Contest listed, along with a list of the other official contests and when they are open. Official contests are open for a calendar month period. Again, failure to read and follow the rules means disqualification, no matter how good your entry may be.

Please note that only paid members may enter official WDC contests. Member-run contest qualifications are set by the contest owner or host, and are usually open to paid AND free members

There's so much more content regarding contests than I can touch on here. Consider adding the Contest Newsletter to your weekly reading list if you want more information on contests.

Write on!

Editor's Picks

Check out this forum designed to assist Newbies.
Noticing Newbies  (13+)
A warm welcome to our newbies; come meet new and not-so-new members of Writing.Com!
#126963 by The StoryWitchress

Check out these Newbies. Take a moment to review this offering ... or something else in their Port. Welcome them to WDC though a scribble in their Notebook.

Gale of Sailing ships  (13+)
Make what you will of it.
#2242407 by Lore

 Not got one yet  (13+)
first attempt at starting a novel, any help appreciated
#2242617 by L P Allen

 I don't get it!   (E)
Daily Flash Fiction Entry 21 Jan 21
#2242294 by J. Legacy

The Little Thief  (E)
A lesson always remembered
#2242587 by Dragonfly

 It's All I Wanted  (E)
A 3.5 hour drive for the simplest of simple desires
#2242118 by KeepYourSparkle

 [Two Haiku Regarding Obesity]  (ASR)
What it says on the tin
#2237906 by Anusol

Submit an item for consideration in this newsletter!

Word from Writing.Com

Have an opinion on what you've read here today? Then send the Editor feedback! Find an item that you think would be perfect for showcasing here? Submit it for consideration in the newsletter!

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Ask & Answer

Thanks for spending time with me today. At the bottom of every newsletter is a section entitled

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

followed by a text box. If you liked what you read (or if you didn't), please take time and drop me a line. I'd love to hear your ideas.

From the mailbag:

From hbk16: Settling some goals for the new year seems an interesting method to continue to write but someone always needs to be motivated. It is good to remind all authors of this.

         Agreed. If you're one who needs more motivation, consider making friends with another member who shares your writing style and genres. Set some writing goals and hold each other accountable for meeting those goals.

From dreamwithme: I liked this newsletter, thank you. I was sitting on the sofa, patting my dog and wondering what I had to do to start writing this year. After reading this I realized all I have to do is just write! Maybe get an upgraded membership and just write. Have a wonderful new year, health and happiness.

         I hope whatever you decide works for you this year.

From the Newsfeed:

From Fathertymme, "Cold Durry Days" : What are my writing goals for 2021? I will continue as I have started with WDC. I will write my Blog, Do some reviews and write some comments. I will read blogs. What I need to be is careful of the fact this site is not my life. It is a add on to my very busy and active life. I do not want to over extend my ability to do what do here well.

What is important to me is when I write my blog I do not just scratch the surface of life. I do not want to just make a statement of WHAT has happened. I want to dig deep within and try to explain WHY it has happened. HOW my live and family has been effected. There is always more to life under the surface, I want to Understand what is there, so I can write of it.

From TheBusmanPoet : Writing has come in last. Protecting my family is more important. Can't do any writing if you're ill or dead.

From jdennis : To write, forget the goals I always set for myself and just do it. No pressure, no pain, and simply enjoy the process.

From Dr. Alex Dolittle : To publish a novel (finally) Whether it's in a newspaper, or something else I want it out there. An entire novel.

From Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love : Just DO IT. Just write MORE. Good, bad or otherwise, just write, write, and write!

God is able he can do anything but fail.

From lonard.tilford: To learn more about writing and write. To read more from countless authors from various genres and write. To make mistakes in my writing and learn from them and write. In the end, I will write, write, write.

From woolwaulker: Find, and focus on more of the markets that will pay for my writings. I'm ready to increase my cash flow

From Little Lily : I hope to keep my projects going and get into practice with my music writing again. My DIY musicians books won't be very legit unless I actually write something musically. I hope to get all four of my first novels written as drafts. I am also hopeful that I will have my website active again and I will be adding tutorials to it. That is my art aspect to my writing. I have big goals and I am determined to get them all taken care of. You either go big or go home!

From severed head : Got ideas for two novels, so write them them. Otherwise my goals, as always, pretty nebulous. A word count of 250k words of completed writing. Last year I clocked in at 350k, so it is a step down, but it is also the last year of my current university degree, and that has to come first. SO, yeah - 250k worth f completed written work. That'll do.

From bryanmchunter: Sooner or later, like when I have a ton of days off on my hands, I want to work on more novelized versions of Toddlerhood episodes, like "Potty Crashers" and "Yours, Mike, and Ours". For now, I'm going to keep contributing to interactive stories on this website, notably "Toddlerhood Interactive", which I created.

         Thanks for your comments. I love the diversity we find across Writing.Com. Best of luck to all of you in your writing endeavors.

*Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet* Don't Be Shy! Write Into This Newsletter! *Bullet* *Bullet* *Bullet*

This form allows you to submit an item on Writing.Com and feedback, comments or questions to the Writing.Com Newsletter Editors. In some cases, due to the volume of submissions we receive, please understand that all feedback and submissions may not be responded to or listed in a newsletter. Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you can provide!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/id/10580-A-Little-About-Contests.html