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Spiritual: May 03, 2006 Issue [#1011]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Kit Author IconMail Icon
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
7. Removal instructions

About This Newsletter

This month I've decided to go for a rather serious topic. It may not be to everyone's taste, but I find it important. Sometimes you've got to take a chance...


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Letter from the editor

I had several topics in mind for this Newsletter, but after a conversation with a friend yesterday I decided to talk about something many of us experience, every single day. We just have to turn on the news and it's there. We have but to look at the state of the world and it glares us right in the face. It's ugly, it's dangerous, and it's damaging to each and every one of us...

This week, I would like to talk about hatred.

On the 4th of May it's local election day in this country. People are invited to vote for those they think will make a positive difference in their area. We receive leaflets from several parties and their candidates, trying to convince us how they will do better than the other parties.

I like to read those leaflets and I find it important to vote. I know that no party is perfect, but I will not let my vote go to waste and I actually do research on what each party stands for, to make as much of an informed choice as possible.

Yesterday, I asked one of my friends if he will vote and he said he won't, because it doesn't matter. After which he said that he knows a lot of people who will vote for a certain party this year, because they are fed up with immigrants.

The conversation went something like this:

Me - “But do they not know what this party stands for?”
Friend - “It does not matter, does it? People are fed up, things need to change.”
Me- “Do they know this party's views on women? Do they know any of this party's views?”
Friend - “They want to get rid of the immigrants.”
Me - “I am an immigrant...”
Friend - “Yeah, but you're white. This is a matter of white versus coloured.”
Me - “That's no better than what happened in the Second World War then, is it? It's a matter of hatred. People should look into what they are actually voting for, make an informed choice.”
Friend - “They vote because of what they see on the news every day, people believe what's thrown at them all the time.”
Me - “People should learn to think for themselves, to decide what is right. It's not right to vote for hatred.”

This is a filtered down version of that conversation, but I am sure you get the idea. I am sharing it because I found it so typical that people are willing to base an important decision on something as ugly as prejudice. And they are hardly alone. In the country of my birth, difference of skin colour and religious faith makes for violence every single day. My younger sister says she and her friends worry every day if they will make it home safe...

Through all these centuries and all these wars I wonder... have we not learned a single thing?

In a world where we, people of all nations, are faced with serious threaths and issues like the state of the environment, disease and hunger, will we ever be able to put aside our differences and actually face these issues as one? Or will we be ruled by hatred and fear of what we do not know and are not even willing to learn about?

If we want to survive, things need to change. We've got to learn to work together. But will we?

Editor's Picks

A bit of variety again, in my choices:

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Our children are the best example of unconditional love.
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Panentheism: God Is Within Us Open in new Window. (13+)
About my belief that "God" is part of all of us, and we are part of "God."
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Ask & Answer

I welcome any and all feedback, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions *Smile*.


Pen Name Author Icon - Comment on 4/06 Relationships editorial:


Your essay is terrific. You touched on some valid points. Nowadays, it seems like people move on as soon as things require some work. These points also apply to regular friendships as well as romantic relationships. Losing a friend in may ways hurts more than losing a lover. Investing your time in what seems to be a solid relationship with someone you can laugh with and do things with, only to find that they let a little misunderstanding derail the friendship is devastating. We should cultivate friendships with the same respect and care as we show our mates.


Thanks so much for your feedback. I fully agree!


diana Author Icon - In response to Kittiara's newsletter on relationships; animals mate for life because they live to please each other. Humans, as social creatures by nature, spend their time trying to out do each other.

Indeed, I have seen that happen all too often. Thanks for your feedback!


werden Author Icon - I have the same questions you have. Everytime I have any interest for somebody, the relationship falls apart. I have seen some people who are still very much in love. But, I have also seen many people who were in love fall apart. I have decided that I would rather be single than be in a bad or unhealthy relationship.

I do not blame you. And I agree, nobody should remain in an unhealthy relationship. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Prosperous Snow celebrating Author Icon - I thought the topic on relationships was good and timely. It got me to thinking about all my relationship, including my relationship with God.

Thank you, I am glad that you enjoyed my Newsletter *Smile*.


Alimohkon Author Icon - I heard one of our priest here advise one of his parishioners to not to be much concern about this relationships. This parishioner complained that her husband just left her and that she was so depressed. And the priest advised that she should not be because "it's just a husband, you were born without a husband and you were able to grow and live wihout a huband at first." I kept on thinking about this advise from a priest. He could be right, he could be wrong. Why are we really concerned so much about relationships? Maybe because we are really human, and God created us that way, a social person, to be related to the opposite sex.

I do not think that I would have found that advice helpful - we were created with feelings and powerful emotions... and we were created to love. Losing a partner hurts, no matter the circumstances. So I agree with your conclusion.

Thanks for your feedback!


Izzie, cc_s princess Author Icon - Great issue. I, too, believe in soul mates, more so since I met and 'recognized' my beloved husband Charles. We've been together since 1988, and I'm still 'madly' in love with him. I know he loves me greatly. In fact, I often pray that I will love him as much as he loves me. We complete one another, and I thank God every day for the gift of Charles. Thank you for your sage thoughts.
With much love,

It is wonderful that you have found your soulmate! *Smile* I hope that you will have many, many more wonderful years together. Thanks so much for sharing this message of hope!


daydreamer Author Icon - I am glad that you wrote about this topic, as it has been on my mind a lot. I believe that love is a choice and not a matter of the knight-in-shining-armor-shoe-fits magic. I agree that unfortunately people give up on too many good opportunities. They can't see the forest for the trees! People have become very lazy and don't want to work for love. I think many people have lost hope in Love.

I think so, too. And it is such a sad thing, isn't it? I do believe that deep down everyone longs for love, for that special someone to share their lives with. Sometimes it's just so easy to give up hope. But I will keep hoping anyway *Smile*.


Tammy~Catchin Up~ Author Icon - I agree, I think we all are (or were) looking for that "one" who completes us.
As I've gotten older and possible a litttle bitter, I think we set our expectations too high and need to stop looking for the 'fairy-tale' love.
I think one needs to realize love takes time, that it is hard work and requires a lot of communication.
So instead of looking for the one who completes us we need to find the one we can talk to!
Great newsletter!

I fully agree! Thanks so much for sharing your words of wisdom *Smile*.


Uniqueey Author Icon - I think you found the root of the problem at the end of your commentary. "we yearn for someone who will make our lives complete, who will be with us to the very end." Instead of putting God first in our lives, we look to another to complete us and then invite God. That's the wrong way...it's God first, then He will give us all the guidance we need.


Perhaps you are right... however, I fear that many people do not believe in God or do not know Him. Many people around me don't believe, or just believe that there is "something out there" but they do not know what and are too disillusioned with life to look into it.

What they do long for is someone to hold, someone to come home to, chat to about their hopes and dreams or even just their day at work. Sometimes they find that, but wander off when things get difficult.

And when I speak to them of God, they just give me that glazed over look. That seems to be the general mentality, and it saddens me. But things might change, I will keep hoping for that.


writing4him - You're right. We want to find that perfect someone. We want to find someone who compliments us perfectly, our soulmate, someone who fulfills all our expectations and will never let us down. Unfortunately, no one's like that. Nobody but God is going to fulfill your every expectation.
You are right. There will always be the little irritating things, the mess-ups, the mistakes, and the fights. No one is perfect.
But I do pity those who have never found love. Because true love isn't about finding the perfect person; it's loving them in spite of their mistakes.

I agree with you! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


And as I promised in my last Newsletter, I'm including the feedback I received for my March issue:

Robert Pugh Author Icon - Hi Kitty,
I chose this newsletter because I was interested in finding out other peoples beliefs when it comes to spirituality. I myself am pagan/wiccan. I have been criticized for my faith by many. My beliefs towards religion is that we're the creations of one higher power and regardless of religious labels, we all seek to to know the divine. It's my belief there is more than one path that leads to any destination, we have to choose the one that fits us best. I've been saved/baptised, then I found my current faith and felt that I'd finaly found what was right for me. I found it more than just a coincidence that while pagans thousands of years ago belived in Mother Earth, so did the Native Americans. How could people seperated by great oceans believe in the same thing, unless it was divine intervetion. I believe the same thing as christians do, there is but one god. However, all the peoples of the world have their own name and identity for our creator/creators.

Blessed be.

I'm currently reading a book called Mists of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley, and a big part of the book is about the differences and similarities between Christianity and the Pagan faith. It is very interesting to me, and it also mentions what you do, that there is but one God, and that it doesn't matter what path one chooses or how one calls Him - that all Gods are One.

Food for thought indeed. Thanks for sharing!


hviolette - I'm a new member here, and this is the first newsletter I signed up for! It's interesting to see different viewpoints and interpretations of "spirituality". It's also interesting that you have some background with The Salvation Army - I'm a soldier in our local corps, and am actively fighting the Pharisees in uniform! Truly, I think if most who call themselves "Christian" today actually met Jesus in flesh-and-blood person, they'd be the first to crucify Him. That's actually the idea for a story my hubby and I are working on.

Welcome to Writing.Com! And thanks so much for your feedback *Smile*. I would be interested in reading that story when it's written.


windac - I thoroughly enjoyed this edition Kittiara. Fear holds the power to staunch, stymie, and steal the countless joys there are to experience in life. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks so much! I am glad you enjoyed the Newsletter.


katybears - Dear Kitty,
I enjoyed your newsletter. I also appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us. One thing that we must all remember is that, God tells us in the Bible,
"Phil 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."

It is up to us to make our own choices about our faith. No one should tell you what to believe.
By faith, God himself will guide you in the way you should believe by the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 21:22 tells us,
"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."

Your responses to everyone's questions is positive and shows that you are not a stranger to the love and spirit of the Lord. I am so pleased to have read this newsletter.
Thank you for all of your hard work in preparing it.
God bless you.

Thank you for your wonderful feedback, Ronnie!


Lady D Author Icon - I just wanted to comment on some of the comments in response to Kitti's newsletter.

I want to say that whenever someone ministers to me in a way that makes me feel like I am not doing something right, I tend to feel frustrated and defensive, so I try to remember that they are only human, just like me, and that the reason they are sometimes so adament is because they believe it is their duty to witness to others, or help you to "get it right".

I appreciate that because I know they do it out of love. They want everyone to have what they have, that personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the knowledge that this life is temporary and that the only thing that matters is what comes after.

If you can keep that perspective, it makes it so much easier to keep love in your heart even in the midst of what can seem like judgement coming from others. Thanks so much for sharing your views with us.

Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom *Smile*.


essence of thought Author Icon - So effective, true, and meaningful newsletter as are all yours. The best way to overcome fear is to face the cause of it. We enjoy your thoughtful newsletters as well as your wise replies; real faith is practicing and not just empty appearances. Not giving up is one of God's teachings, thanks for this emboldening newsletter.

Thank you so much for your kind words, it's really appreciated *Smile*.


Prosperous Snow celebrating Author Icon - Who is to say that the world will end in 2012, maybe a new phase in the evolution of humanity, society or the earth itself will become obvious to the world. When one phase of life ends another phase begins, 2012 may be the death of one phase and the birth of another.

I have heard about that, but not been able to do much research on it... I admit that what I found puzzled me *Blush*. I would be interested in reading some theories. Thanks for your feedback!


Patience of a Saint Author Icon - Happy Kitti:
Wonderful writing. There are times I believe in everyone's life where they feel afraid, sad and lonely. But if each person would take the time as you did to stop and pray, they would feel at peace and know that God is always there for them. I agree where you say each of our actions make a difference, not only in our own lives but also in the lives of the people you meet every day. Keep up the good writings. It is very enjoyable to read.

Thank you so much for your kind feedback *Smile*.



God is still working on me, I admit it, takes a big woman to admit i am not perfect, I also know that ;
it is a never ending work ,
even after 64 years,
I still have flaws

did you ever see how silver is cleaned of all of the dross,(impurities) through heats of trial and do you know when it is ready for use as pure silver,

when God looks down in the cubicle he has been blazing fire into to rid of dross and when it turns clear as liquid and God sees a reflection of himself shine back at himself he smiles it is finally done,.

but , just when I feel done,

here comes another heating and (they do hurt)

when God looks into the cubicle and he frowns, you know you are not done yet, but you are clearer than you were at the start.

Thank you so much for your wise and beautiful words! I hope they will give hope to many.


Hope you have a beautiful week,

The Spiritual Newsletter Team:

kittiara, Love is a Mommy (no foolin) Author Icon, Puditat Author Icon, windac

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