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Spiritual: April 26, 2006 Issue [#1004]

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 This week:
  Edited by: Love is a Mommy (no foolin)
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Table of Contents

1. About this Newsletter
2. A Word from our Sponsor
3. Letter from the Editor
4. Editor's Picks
5. A Word from Writing.Com
6. Ask & Answer
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About This Newsletter

I would like to see Christianity move from being a religion to being a way of life and spirituality again. It doesn't have to be religion anymore. The empires are over. What we need is an awakening of the human species, and the Gospels, along with the Christian mythical tradition,...have a lot to offer. We need to become aware of the Cosmic Christ, which means that recognizing that every being has within it the light of Christ. This is a source of both revelation and reverence. If we have the awareness we can no longer take things for granted. If we had gratitude there wouldn't be an ecological crisis and there'd be celebration rather than boredom. People live their whole lives externally and this sets them up for addictions. We have an economic system based upon setting up addictions. We can do much better than this, and as a species, we have to. - Matthew Fox, Anglican priest

Welcome to the Spiritual Newsletter! ~ Love is a Mommy (no foolin)

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Letter from the editor

When I was thinking about this newsletter, I just couldn't come up with anything. I was so spiritually dry that I didn't think I had a single word of encouragement for anyone. So, I did what I always do when I feel this way - I called my mom.

My mom, if you've never had a chance to listen to me talk about her, has been the single biggest factor in my growth spiritually. She consistently learns and discusses the Bible and other topics that she finds interesting. She does searches on the histories and translations of words and she really gets excited about it. When you've lived with someone like that, it's hard to not see the scriptures come alive. You can see it in her face.

So, when I called her, Mom immediately got all excited. "You can tell them about my dream!" She exclaimed. I promptly reminded her that I didn't remember her dream or what it signified. She thought for a moment and said "you know, the one with the stairs."

Now, if you know me at all, you know I hate stairs and let out an internal groan. I hate stairs with a passion. I will walk clear to the other end of the mall just to find an escalator. I don't like stairs! Well, she offered to write out her dream for y'all and offer a few words of encouragement. When I read it and think about how much I hate stairs, it's kind of fitting for my own personal situation. I hope it touches you today!

I dreamed that people were walking across the earth. I was in the group with my husband and we came to a staircase. All of us climbed the staircase and we're on the earth again. We walk across it, come to another staircase, climb it and we're on the earth again. This happens a few more times and my husband says "This is ridiculous!" I told him to keep walking.
(This really happens... Dad says "This is ridiculous!" and Mom sets him straight.)

On the next "earth level" I said "this is so like God!" I'm not sure why I said that.

We kept on walking and climbing and I told the people behind me to tell everyone to keep climbing. Everyone starts to say "Keep climbing, pass it on!" The news only went down a couple of levels though. Now we can see the planets and climb past them and then there is a light and people are starting to run to it. I said "I've got to tell the people at the bottom about this!"

The main message I get from this dream is that we're all on the earth together, but at different levels. We don't know what level the other people are on, but we need to encourage each other to keep on walking. The climbing is growing and learning and is often strenuous, painful, and/or hard, but is followed by a period of just walking. Also, I was never alone. Many times in this life I have felt alone, but there are others who understand. I just have to look for them.

I hope this helps someone and any comments are appreciated!

~ Kim

Thanks Mom. *Bigsmile*

Editor's Picks

Selling Me Short  (E)
Sometimes God teaches us a lesson in an unexpected way.
#1011924 by vivacious

 If Dreams Could Come True  (E)
Why are dreams important? Read on and find out.
#1097827 by super sleuth

 It's A New Morn  (E)
Light after dark, calm after turmoil, hope after despair. It is Spring a time for renewal.
#1097747 by Ann Ticipation

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