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Writing.Com Newsletter Archives: October 23, 2024
Writing.Com Newsletters for October 23, 2024 | Previous Week
What if?
Note: 10-25-24 @ 9:03pm
*Right*   "Note: View this Note"
I'm In Love With My Fridge!
Note: 10-23-24 @ 5:55pm
*Right*   "Note: View this Note"
#12808:Contests & Activities  
Making Deadlines
Note: 10-26-24 @ 8:47pm
*Right*   "Note: View this Note"
by Annette
Product Placement
Note: 10-24-24 @ 8:38pm
*Right*   "Note: View this Note"
#12801:For Authors  
Note: 10-23-24 @ 9:07pm
*Right*   "Note: View this Note"
I Want Your Body
Note: 10-29-24 @ 9:53pm
*Right*   "Note: View this Note"
by Annette
The Alignments of Carnac
Note: 10-26-24 @ 8:57am
*Right*   "Note: View this Note"
#12806:Noticing Newbies  
Making The Most of It
Note: 10-24-24 @ 11:58am
*Right*   "Note: View this Note"
Joy-- Not Pumpkins, Ghosts or Treats!
Note: 10-25-24 @ 12:12pm
*Right*   "Note: View this Note"
Spooky Romance
Note: 10-28-24 @ 8:10pm
*Right*   "Note: View this Note"
What Makes a Person Good?
Note: 10-27-24 @ 8:40am
*Right*   "Note: View this Note"
Total 11 newsletters found.

For newsletters before June 2005, please see: "Writing.Com Newsletter Archives

Printed from https://writing.com/main/newsletters/action/archives/date/1729659600